Monday, January 14, 2019

U16 Girls Youth Soccer

U16 young women players are not playing for fun, they are playing to win.

Best to step aside, because they are about to barrel through...


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Anonymous said...

Might want to rethink that post.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a Trump guy

Anonymous said...

This forum sucks, it use to be the best...

Anonymous said...

True. This was once a very entertaining board...from the gakster to number 2 to soccer guy. It has come to a screeching halt of the DA is the best and only choice to Facebook bragging to trying to diminish a national championship and casino SPAM...crickets crickets snooze fest

Anonymous said...

Just curious, how is WCFC going to get out of the ECNL basement? Being second to last overall can’t be great for recruiting.

Anonymous said...

4:50 if they were in your backyard and your kid wants to play HS you telling me you wouldn't be there? Or you would drive an hour to play for another ECNL team in the same league?

Second to last means they have their eye on the Showcase event or the North American event. Both of those are still at the same location as the Champions event with the same colleges.

Great for recruiting? if winning % is your cup of tea okay I get it. But having an audience with the colleges might be a little more important for recruiting. The ECNL events get a good turnout as good as the following events WAGS/Bethesda/CASL/Disney/Vegas/Jefferson/PDA/Surf plus the girls play for a little something. Three titles
Teams 1-32 play for the A flight title Champions League
Teams 33-48 play for the B flight title North American
Teams 49-64 play for the C flight title Showcase
65-80 stay home and blog

So what are the main derby games these days after the birth year change?

is MatchFit vs PDA still a huge must win.
is PAC vs PennFusion a huge must win
is CFC vs FSA a huge must win
is Stars vs Scorpions a huge must win
will SUSA vs EM be huge

Gone are the Wildcats vs PDA derby - who do the Wildcats get up for?
NYSC vs NYCFC or Albertson is that a derby?

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays for PF, and I honestly still don’t understand why some girls want to play High school soccer. Please tell me how playing against weak and brutish rec, players improves a collegiate aspiring player??

Anonymous said...

I will try - my daughter plays because it's better then sitting at home.
GDA is not an option. I'm sure if it was she would want to play for their 1st team. She is in the local papers, on local news highlights and has had a few interviews. For a young lady in HS - I'm sure that helps build the legend and socially.

I think playing on a team that is not as strong actually helps her. She needs to work harder, she gets balls played at her head, chest, stomach, back and feet, so it helps her try control those types of balls. She loves trying to get stats for the girls that don't play that much on her HS team. She is at every junior varsity game cheering her school. besides it floats her boat - i don't know what else to say to your question.

Anonymous said...

5:10, you are full of shit, she plays HS because you and your wife both peaked there, and you cannot imagine anything higher in life, king and queen of the prom

Anonymous said...

5:10 is a typical rec player attitude. Scored 2 goals in quarterfinals, got a picture in the paper.

Anonymous said...

6:27 & 10:28 = same person. 5:10 simply said what works for their daughter. Doesn't make it right and doesn't make it wrong. It's what works for her. Who are you to say any different. Your agenda is obvious in support of DA, which has a lot of warts also and you are one of them.

Anonymous said...

This is a (highly) competitive girls soccer forum, any talk of HS soccer here is unwanted, and insulting. Here we discuss the top level of soccer, not the bottom.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Well, I guess when you live in the sticks, its important that everyone knows who you are, especially when you are hitch-hiking home drunk as a skunk, but tractors only have 1 seat, what to do??

Anonymous said...

12:50, you mention the others that play high-level soccer?? Who are you talking about??

Anonymous said...

1:31 is a troll and sounds like a loser. I know it is beyond your comprehension but there are some high school teams and players that are quite competitive. We had two current U18 GNT players playing high school in our area this season. Neither of their teams won the state title because there were better teams in the state. High school soccer may not be great in every area but could you relax with the broad generalizations.

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays HS soccer because it is a lot of fun and she really enjoys it. There is something special about playing for your school that is completely missing from club soccer.

In our metro area last year 21 senior girls signed D1 offers. Every single one of them played HS soccer.

The idea that playing HS soccer a few months in the year somehow hurts development and shouldn't be done is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

My daughter does not play HS soccer, and she is just as happy as your kid. Besides, her future college coach has discouraged her from playing HS soccer, he thinks it retards development.

Anonymous said...

Some mentally weak girls who are tactically inferior may be harmed by playing HS soccer. The vast majority will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure you guys are getting trolled by the GDA guy, he/she is is doing a good job making you justify your choices, which is ridiculous. Just enjoy your time with your child, no one cares either way.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you brought up UNC. What's the last time they had a decent showing at the NCAA tournament? 7 years ago? Crystal Dunn era.

Old formula, old style, old ideas. The coach may be hating the GDA in public - but still showed up for 4 days of the Spring showcase and signed a couple of "power" players.

Anonymous said...

I truly, and honestly, don’t understand some ECNL parents. They continue to cling to this (WE ARE THE TOP LEAGUE) mantra, hopelessly trying to justify their choices. You should listen to some of them, amazing stuff....

Anonymous said...

Congrats to SJEB Rush 02 ACademy Blue (NJ) on winning the USYS U16 National Championship! Now that is the type of club and team, that belongs in the GDA.

Welcome to the show SJEB Rush 02 Academy Blue, now bring-it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if the post objective was to congratulate SJEB or praise the DA, but the 02s won't be doing DA next year. Not interested. sorry

Anonymous said...

I watched a little of the final against La Roca, and the NJ team was pretty horrific, just shows the weakness of USYS.

Anonymous said...

I watched some of the final and both teams had trouble connecting more than 2 passes in a row, I thought the level of play would be higher.

Anonymous said...

No one is or should be claiming they are the best 2 teams on the country...just the best in their league. With 5 "national" leagues the product is watered down. All the leagues have good players but weak ones also, yes that includes you DA. Let them have their moment. Not many can say they won a national championship in anything. Can you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1998-2001, beer-pong champ!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea. Try again. Beer Pong championships started in 2006.

Anonymous said...

For comparison:

ECNL Final:

National Championship


Anonymous said...

Aww have to lie about championships. Cold

Anonymous said...

So I watched a little bit from each game, and I think the DA game was the best soccer, by far. So Cal Blues is a fast and aggressive team, and that gets you championships, SJEB was the weakest of the 3, not as fast or technical as the other 2. Don”t want to debate, but if you disagree you are a moron.


Anonymous said...

I watch all 3. I have to give So Cal Blues game the nod. Thought it had superior players on both teams compared to rest

Anonymous said...

Both ECNL and National Championship had the same characteristics:
- punt the ball from the goal
- the ball is played a lot in the air and not on the ground
- passes being broken up frequently - BUT - decent defensive pressure
- lots of 50-50 balls and block tackles
- weak off the ball movement of players

Anonymous said...

Do you want your daughter to be an all-around extremely strong player, a player that can contribute and possibly even be a starter, as soon as she gets on campus?


Do you want your daughter to be on a great team, national champ, but very lacking in the multiple upper-level skills required, as soon as she gets on campus??

Anonymous said...

I don't care if my daughter plays or sits as long as the school is good.
She might think a little different. but you are asking the parent right 8:21.
She is a strong player in my opinion (a euro who's been around the game his entire life) and if a school wants her to be part of that 8% of all soccer players playing college soccer (even less for D1) I guess they feel she is a strong player as well and will play her they way they determine, full time, part time or just practice.

For me I want her to play D1 at a good school. The top of the NCAA pyramid, one level before NWSL when it comes to soccer and of course a great job once she's done with school. This is the same poster from Franklin K Lane that said his kid is living the dream playing HS soccer (paper and local tv interviews)

Anonymous said...

2:16 = Euro Fag.

Anonymous said...

4:02 so you are one of those?

Anonymous said...

Come on people, please stop with all the hate/venom... We should be celebrating these girls, we have one of the best talent pools for girls soccer up here in the Northeast! I for one am excited to see what the kids from the 2002 birth year do at the college level, and really believe it is one of the strongest age groups for soccer in a long time.... Very athletic and technical girls. As we begin our quest to find the right college it is encouraging to see girls from the Northeast showing better than girls from other regions. It means we are doing something right... Let's support each other, there is a home for EVERY kid who wants to play soccer in college or at the next level..

Anonymous said...

Watched the games, DA teams clearly best.

Anonymous said...

So sad that PDA and MF don’t see that GDA is head and shoulders above the rest of the competition. The video does not lie.

The club coaches that laugh at GDA - as previously suggested - are ensuring that their well rounded players will have to accept positions on the bench or non-starter.

Anonymous said...

It is not about the players,it is about lining the the pockets.
Mo money, mo money. $$

Anonymous said...

All youth sports are for profit, otherwise why would people get involved? Obviously there are some that are more noble, but it’s a business, blah blah. The entire purpose of this forum is to exchange ideas, provoke a competitor, or crow about your child’s successes. I really loved this board when we had smart, comments, but also rubbed some the wrong way, it’s just an extension of your own personally experience as a youth player. Just enjoy these last few years, hope for good health, and be a supportive parent. Best of all luck to all...

Anonymous said...

Changes in GDA for next season
- substitution in younger age groups
- player rostering and developmental players
- affiliate clubs (e.g. could WCFC player be on the NYCFC team)

Anonymous said...

Sorry - the change is from "DP" to "PT" (part-time) players who can be in an affiliate club.

The important part, though, is that even as a PT player you are not allowed to play HS according to those rules. It seems in Cali - they have a DPL league for those who would want to play HS.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Quality not quantity. We get the top coaches from the top schools at DA events. I saw many top 10
Head coaches at the DA events. Better coaches than ecnl last year and cmon with the jeff cup comparisons you make yourself look silly.

Anonymous said...

My daughter asked a Penn. D1 woman's college coach at a showcase tournament this pass summer who was running a strikers/keepers showcase about his opinion on DA vs the non-DA leagues. He laughed and told her to target the schools she might be interested in based on academic desires first. Attend ID camps for colleges that you are MOST interested in and email all that offer the degree you want to attend college for. Because when our finished with college, soccer will be a 'just for fun' activity you might continue with. He told her the DA will not be a deciding factor moving forward and the best players are not only playing DA and coaches know this.

Anonymous said...

Our highest coach count at each one of the showcases was 84 and 81 at another. Many coaches were not on the ‘official registered coach list’.

There was a great mix of top schools - academic, ivy and top soccer schools. We’ve gotten interest from schools we haven’t even considered before and attended ID camps afterwards.

Because the schools already saw the kids at the showcase they were placed in training groups with current college players and not just with other attendees.

The experience was somewhat different from other showcases as everything was in a central spot. Even ECNL tends to use multiple locations and typical east coast tournaments are spread across multiple sites. I’m sure that contributed to having more coaches.

Regardless of the showcase setting, the lesson is always send out intro letters - including coaches from local colleges. And keep the communication with your club coach open. Having a good relationship with your daughters coach will be the deciding factor if the coach will get the feedback from the college coach.

Anonymous said...

The ECNL is the B league in this country, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move-on with your miserable life....

Anonymous said...

@ 10:20 you should stop posting as Anonymous and let everyone know you are, either some DA exec, DA club exec, DA coach, the parent of a DA player who thinks she is going to light up and be the MVP of the Woman's World Cup in 3 years, some fat D-bag loser who berates and thinks every kids on the field sucks besides his own kid. Or a combination of the latter and one of the others!!

Anonymous said...

I’m not 10:20 - and my kid is not playing GDA - but I also happen to think GDA is the highest quality at this point. Just reality.

Anonymous said...

I think its a regional thing. In some parts like west and texas DA clearly the best. Midwest split but east is probably stronger on ecnl. West and texas are still the top so by that fact alone DA will be highly attended by scouts.

Anonymous said...

Does E in ECNL stand for "East Coast"? Why force kids to travel 15,000 miles each year to play against meaningless competition.

Anonymous said...

Thats because they can charge more for a big regional league because of the exclusivity. US Soccer should have solved this with a local feeder league and one regional DA.

Anonymous said...

Define meaningless competition?

Was it meaningless when teams traveled to Bethesda, CASL, Disney, Players Showcase, Jefferson Cup, Surf Cup?

As long as the college show up it will never be meaningless

Anonymous said...

This May the certain clubs that left GDA described the games against Cedar Stars or PA Classics or LISC as “meaningless” - probably because of the one sided competition. I would expect that same type of competition will still remain, but not just at a local level but also at showcases.

Meaningless is just a term used by the clubs to justify the switch.

Anonymous said...

DA definitely not best league. Sorry Bro. Proven this past year when top clubs left the weak league.

YOu are going to say its about the money- blah blah

I will say it's about the poor league, players.

Anonymous said...

We are still talking best league? Come one man. Saying Cedar Stars, PAC and LISC were meaningless is wrong? were these teams strong? If not it's okay to call it like it is. It was year 1 for those clubs. Give them as many years as the ECNL clubs had to build their brand then have this conversation. Most on here won't care because their kids will either be playing in college or no longer playing soccer.

DA is not the best league but it is at the top of the pyramid and had a great year 1, like I said give them 5 to 6 years to build the brand and this will no longer be a conversation.

At this age all league games are meaningless unless college coaches show up.

just my "2" cents

Anonymous said...

827, it’s not blah blah, it’s bah bah, as you are a little sheep by following your club back to ECNL....

Anonymous said...

In the end if your kid is a great soccer player and networks properly she will most likely get some type of scholarship by this age grouping. We always played at lesser known clubs, not pda, csa, mf etc. local clubs, academies. invite the coaches to matches, network with them, then be sure she plays well when those coaches are there. and I can guarantee you offers. You do not have to play DA, ecnl. That helps, but just be sure to be in top brackets, and again play well when those coaches are present. It is crazy to think you have to be DA or ecnl to get scholarships. stop it.

Anonymous said...

11:35 no what's crazy is you say be sure to be in the top brackets - like the player has any control over that. Is the team good? Does the event see the team as a top bracket team? How can any player control that.

I do agree play on a team that can get into the main events, as long as you are playing at the main complex the coaches will come. Not at the main complex? it gets a little tricky after that.

Anonymous said...

8:47. Too teams went back to ecnl because that is where they control the league. They had no power in da only in ecnl where they are on board of directors. Zero to do with the kids. Everything to do with having control. Soccer development is nnot any consideration.

Anonymous said...

2:32 that depends on how you look at it.

FC Stars & PDA had 1 USSDA team each.

Now in the ECNL they have 2 teams each.

So for PDA instead of 11+3 players per game having an audience they now provide 36 players with an audience. So 22 players more get an audience with the colleges. That's about the players 100%.
The side effect is they make more money for the staff as they should for the extra teams.

Do they have control - I don't know I guess they do if you say they do. So that's another plus. I'm sure the 22 extra players don't care about the extra money or control issues. They are paying their fee to play in front of an audience. Why do we care so much about the club and what they are making? If it's not a good situation don't go or leave. Why hate? Let others live their life.

Anonymous said...

1231, you sound like a pda apologists, which I accept, they punked-out, such is life. I don’t hate pda, actually really respect them as a club, and their girls are always tough, tough, tough, but so are we, too bad they won’t battle again, was a great game last time.

Anonymous said...

Based on the audience from the last 3 ECNL showcases - the audience is significantly smaller and less quality than GDA audience.

Given an age group of 44 players - its an upgrade for players 13-44 and a downgrade for players 1-12.

Also worth adding that PDA was probably not qualified for GDA - I assume their college coaches were mostly AWOL during the fall taking care of college teams and recruiting.

Anonymous said...

1:40 if that's what you want me to be so you can feel better, okay.

2:32 said two teams (clubs) went back to the ECNL - that would be FC Stars and PDA. If I used FC Stars most on here wouldn't know what I was talking about so I went with PDA. if that makes me an apologist then like I said you got me. 2:32 also said ZERO about the kids. if you read my post I said 22 extra players have an audience. I think the zero comment doesn't hold water.

3:59 why does it matter which one is bigger? I guess for a pissing contest maybe it does. But if we are really talking about the kids It doesn't matter. So for your group of 44 players, the 12 players playing GDA have it great F the rest, right? Not sure about the coaching - you know better than me if they are qualified or not. So what is the goal for those 1- 12 players? play in college or a YNT? Becasue we all know the first team is filled with NWSL players and a college player or 2. If you want to play WNT - play D1 where stats are tracked and you can get drafted by a NWSL team with WNT the next step. Look at McCall Zerboni in 2003 she played YNT @ U17 it took her 15 years to get invited to the WNT first team.

GDA kids need to play D1 then they need to be drafted by the NWSL or play in Europe to ever sniff first team. Since ECNL players and non ECNL players all can make D1 rosters all this league talk is nothing but some fun back and forth posts.

Anonymous said...

4:37 not just bigger but also better. out of the top 50 NCAA ranked colleges maybe 20 made it to the ECNL events. Not even going to mention Ivy schools.

Cut out the lies about YNT and start paying attention to where kids want to attend. If you're interested in playing a top college, and not sitting out on the bench, the coaches know where the players are.

Anonymous said...

12:28 okay bigger and better. what good are those schools to players 13-44 at the club if they are not dressing? Yeas okay great for players 1-12 as you said or another poster that shares your views said. Enjoy the second season as you should, becasue those lesser league teams will also enjoy their season.

PS. What lies? all of the first team but one is from a NWSL team. The 1 is from a D1 school. How many of these players didn't play D1? I know 1 didn't because she went to play pro in France. So what is the benefit of playing GDA again if other leagues ECNL/NL/EDP/NPL have players playing in D1 also. The training? Yes I agree if soccer is going to be part of their life beyond college?

Pay attention - okay kids go to school where you want to go and if you get some money to play or sit on the bench to a school that is a fit - grab it and make life a little easier for your parents, those same parents that shelled out over 20k for you to play soccer.

Morgan Brian Chicago Red Stars
Abby Dahlkemper NC Courage
** Tierna Davidson Stanford
Crystal Dunn NC Courage
Adrianna Franch Portland Thorns FC
Ashlyn Harris Orlando Pride
Tobin Heath Portland Thorns FC
Lindsey Horan Portland Thorns FC
Julie Ertz Chicago Red Stars
Rose Lavelle Washington Spirit
Carli Lloyd Sky Blue FC
Allie Long Seattle Reign
Merritt Mathias NC Courage
Samantha Mewis NC Courage
Alex Morgan Orlando Pride
Alyssa Naeher Chicago Red Stars
Christen Press Utah Royals FC
Megan Rapinoe Seattle Reign FC
Amy Rodriguez Utah Royals FC
Becky Sauerbrunn Utah Royals FC
Casey Short Chicago Red Stars
Emily Sonnett Portland Thorns FC
McCall Zerboni NC Courage

Anonymous said...

Unless your kid is a mindless zombie, not actually playing in college will make her life miserable. After all these games as a starter in ECNL, only to lose her spot to a GDA girl, so sad....really fucking sad.

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand this argument about GDA only being a platform for NT as Prospects. It’s not, it’s an environment that pushes the individual player to be more than just a good player, it forces them to be a complete player, more than ECNL or USYS NL, I know because my child has been involved with both. My kid would love to play for the USWNT, but her ultimate goal was to be offered a substantial scholarship to a good D1 school, mission accomplished. Did GDA facilititate that, maybe, but her training has made her a great player, and I am cool with that!

Anonymous said...

Thank you ECNL for creating such great U20 NT players, yeah it’s on them, no creative play whatsoever, bunch of fucking ECNL robots, hope you are all happy, what a disgrace....

Anonymous said...

Really 9:56? Okay I'll provide the stats. I agree some horrible soccer.
Are we in trouble or the people selecting the players are clueless?



8 - CA
2 - CO
1 - VA
1 - NY
2 - WA
2 - FL
3 - MI
1 - NC
1 - TX

By Club/School

4 - Virginia
2 - USC
2 - Stanford
2 - UCLA
1 - UNC
1 - Tennessee
1 - California
1 - Virginia Tech
1 - Ohio State

USSDA - Girls Academy
2 - Real Colorado
1 - California Thorns FC
1 - So Cal Blues
1 - NTH Tophat

1 - Mustang SC

Anonymous said...

Poor centerback play on 2 occasions or its an easy US victory this morning. No sense knocking selection or coaching.

Anonymous said...

August 10 2:32

How is PDA going to control the league (ECNL) this year?

Why were they limited last year? - they had teams at the ECNL level.

Maybe you just get upset when PDA has the better talent and thus excels - and you then spout off about how they "control" things.

How do you see the U16, U17 and U18/19 ECNL PDA teams stacking up against the division for 2018-19?

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Our best U-20s should not be playing college soccer if the US expects to maintain our status as the best women's program worldwide. This is not the 80s and 90s where few countries around the world fielded legitimate teams. College soccer programs are not designed to develop world class talent and that will never change.

Anonymous said...

4:17 Better question is "how are PDA players stacking against their GDA counterparts when they join college ranks in 2 years?"

I'm not August 10 2:32, but the control questions are easy:
- PDA coaches don't have to get the A or B National certification
- PDA coaches can keep their day jobs (aka college coaching and recruiting) which previously conflicted with training and games
- PDA can stick to the "2 days of practice a week" for 4 months and not "4 days" for 8 months at same price (they will probably offer an extra session with the coach for extra $$$)
- PDA can choose which events to attend (ECNL events are non mandatory)
- PDA can keep 24 girls per team in ECNL (as opposed to just 14 FT players now recommended by the GDA + 10 PT players)
- there is no training and personnel oversight from any organization, it will be driven by reputation and results
- there are no need to create an individual development plan for each player (written and executed IDPs are required for next year by the GDA)

So - some good and some bad things. Also being on the board of directors there are other probable benefits - who is in the league/division, etc.

Anonymous said...

7:22 I don't think PDA or most people care how they stack up vs a league (GDA). They now have two ECNL teams for Fresh/Soph HS students and four ECNL teams for Juniors and Seniors at HS plus NPL and USYS teams.

It's the GDA teams or maybe some trolls that are pushing the league on here.
PdA will keep not 24 but close to 50 players per age and I'm sure most if not all will play College soccer.

Yes they will make money and from the looks of it their customers don't care. In NJ their teams are still among the best in the state.

Anonymous said...

20 of the 21 girls that are on the U20 are a product of the ECNL complacency

Anonymous said...

Other nations' top talent is playing at our universities, 5:43

Anonymous said...

For those who have no idea about the ecnl board of directors, pls know pda and stars and hawks doc -directors of coaching - on it. That is the problem. They make the rules. Didnt like us soccer making the rules that did not bend for them. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Saw a girl rostered twice pda and matchfit same showcase.
Stars has a kid rec'd special training through ecnl recently. She played in gda. Check the rosters. This is what happens when club directors are in charge. They bend their rules. Baaaa baaa

Anonymous said...

12:57 based on this write-up from ussocces (see Spain roster) your information may be outdated. None of the Spanish players are listed as US university players - all seem to come from Spanish clubs.

Anonymous said...

It's more like waaaa waaaa. Assuming true, how did any of it affect you or your child?

Anonymous said...

8:43 some 2018 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup NCAA player counts for you.

15 USA
8 Mexico plus
7 England
1 Brazil
1 China
1 Germany
1 Holland

10:12 There were 19 players from another country playing in the NCAA that's 4 more than US born players.

In other words less of the players playing in the NCAA that are on a U20 WC Roster more than 50% that received scholarships played for another country. That is alarming. While you guys are fighting about ECNL and GDA and EDP and USYS the foreign nationals are taking up scholarships and I'm sure that number is going to increase

Anonymous said...

Look at most rosters in college DI - many internationals. So when you give away your playbook, well the rest of the world gets better on us $$ and coaching.

Anonymous said...

1:17 It seems like the top 2 teams with the NCAA players - US and Mexico are out of the world cup (as are Brazil and China). What is alarming is that there is a negative correlation between the number of the NCAA players and the ability to win at world stage.

9 of 34 the NCAA players advance out of the group stage? That's how the world gets better.

It also may seem that England (7 NCAA players) is an anomaly - decent coaching and decent club(s)?

Anonymous said...

ECNL caused this, stop deflecting, we need a new direction as a country....

Anonymous said...

8:22 We do it's called GDA - Be happy.

The problem is the NCAA is starting to recruit more and more international kids to come play soccer. Reality check the internationals will always have better coaching than we do in the states 8:22. It's in their culture while we just like to blame, from TV to this board - it's the ECNL, it's Obama, it's Trump it's always someone else.

Anonymous said...

9:09 why are the NCAA coaches bringing in more international kids? are they eligible to get scholarships, are they better than american players?

Anonymous said...

@12:19. sorry, I am busy. You and your kid can control the club and team you play for. right? you have to try out for that top level team and make it. whether it is nj rush blue, pda, mf, csa. sure you can control what brackets you play in. Stay at your local club and most likely you are never playing at any major event. but tryout for wildcats and make it, or rush, or simply look at the top brackets at tournaments. those are the teams you should try out for and if good enough you make it. simple.

Anonymous said...

international players are respectful, well groomed, nice, smart, hard working. they speak a few languages, sometimes, and very good soccer players. It is recruiting like anyone else they recruit. In the end they need to win matches so they can go to AD with wins to keep job. And if they get kids from over seas who send videos and express interest, why not

Anonymous said...

I'm not August 10 2:32, but the control questions are easy:
- PDA coaches don't have to get the A or B National certification
- PDA coaches can keep their day jobs (aka college coaching and recruiting) which previously conflicted with training and games
- PDA can stick to the "2 days of practice a week" for 4 months and not "4 days" for 8 months at same price (they will probably offer an extra session with the coach for extra $$$)
- PDA can choose which events to attend (ECNL events are non mandatory)
- PDA can keep 24 girls per team in ECNL (as opposed to just 14 FT players now recommended by the GDA + 10 PT players)
- there is no training and personnel oversight from any organization, it will be driven by reputation and results
- there are no need to create an individual development plan for each player (written and executed IDPs are required for next year by the GDA)

So - some good and some bad things. Also being on the board of directors there are other probable benefits - who is in the league/division, etc.

August 13, 2018 at 7:22 PM

Anonymous said...

10:15 international players are eligible for international scholarships so not even touching the sport budget. Costs them nothing.

Anonymous said...

11:26 they would control who would go to PDP trainings; get elevated (note not as many from PDA and/or Stars and/or Hawks last year). Also, as someone pointed out, able to bend the rules. MA from Stars was noted as getting special training through ECNL. She played in GDA games in the 2017-2018 season but at the end of the season was picked for ECNL top players and received the special training through ECNL. That can only happen if you have control of the system/rules like Stars does (their DOC is on the Board of Directors of ECNL). This is the stuff that would not fly with US Soccer. This only one example.
Now are you seeing the picture more clearly? And who is holding them accountable? Not the sheep.

Anonymous said...

You should spend more time focused on your own kid. You sound a bit obsessed.

Anonymous said...

He/she is not obsessed they are correct, you have no argument, therefore you deflect.

Anonymous said...

I am not arguing if you are right or wrong. It makes no difference to me. Don't care either way. I only care about my kid. "Deflect" :) did you have to look that one up?

Anonymous said...

These guys at ECNL have balls - from @clavers1 on Twitter

Pay to play is not THE problem in youth soccer & national performance. Leadership, culture, division & politics are far greater issues. Improving coaching education, cost, frequency and access are larger problems. Sound bites based on thin analysis don’t help solve anything

What a douche. He is the leadership that invented the politics of pay to play.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, what did you expect him to say, yeah we are the problem?????

Anonymous said...

It seems that Women's soccer has an unusually low number of scholarships for intl students:

Anonymous said...

Well, that’s good, no?? I don’t want some Euro girl taking my daughters money away, even though my kid is just as good as her, and more beautiful....just saying

Anonymous said...

which is why they get money from other scholarships only available for international students. So a soccer team freebie essentially. And get to learn American soccer; thereby closing the gap internationally. get it?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha the ECNLer's don't want to hear about the bending of the rules by those that run the show. Agreed; sheep.

Anonymous said...

I think you are just agreeing with yourself but I surmise that may not always be the case.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

8:09 we were doing fine until you broke the chain.

Anonymous said...

1:39 - oh well. start another 4000 comments yourself. we'll patiently wait to chime in next year. enjoy your discussions or not.

Anonymous said...

Fleetwood Mac broke the chain years ago .

Anonymous said...

looking forward to our scrimmage against Nycfc, lots of good players on both sides/

Anonymous said...

Looks like the SD Surf is ‘all out of ECNL’. Are the polo fields belonging to surf or to so cal? Could be awkward.

Anonymous said...

Looks like U23 WNT is opting out of the college ball players and selecting prod for the next series of games:

Only if US soccer would pay living wages to these players.

Anonymous said...

That’s an interesting idea, let’s see how they do, if they have moderate success, could be the future. Let’s be honest, it’s hard enough go to maintain a scholarship without this kind of huge distraction, of course knowing my own child, she would love to wear to patch.

Anonymous said...

9:02 The fields belong to the Surf club. So, it seems like the ECNL playoffs will be taking place at a GDA facility. That is THE definition of irony.

Anonymous said...

Although I really like Oceanside, thos fields are right next to a composting facility, and it smells pretty bad, we look forward to a better venue, perhaps somewhere in NY??

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

6:27: The fact that no one has jumped on your stupid non-referenced comment says a lot about this forum, and it’s fall from grace...

Anonymous said...

Every kid in PA makes Varsity

Anonymous said...

8:54 because everything that the posters on this forum believed to be true was found to be true or just noise.

1. Results never mattered to the kids.
2. Coach and Parents only care about results.
3. The kids play every game to win sometimes they are not on the better team and that's okay.
4. The college coaches value their ID clinics most and don't care what flight your kid's team is in. They just care if they are at the event and at the main complex. Sometimes the main complex doesn't even matter.
5. High School soccer is cool for those that play regardless of the level of play.
6. Academy Soccer is cool for those that play that want to follow their ODP dreams of playing NT soccer.
7. ECNL is cool for those that like good soccer and travel
8. EDP, NPL and any other league is cool for the kids playing in them.
9. State/Regional/National events are cool from a fan perspective and for the kids to play for something as a team instead of self and the colleges.
10. This forum is dead at this age or older. Just how it is. For the kids still playing they are focusing on the next level or finishing their soccer careers
11. This forum was always about the posters not the kids.

Anonymous said...

12. Posters that number or bulletize their assessments and arguments are cool

Anonymous said...

Yeah I forgot that one.

Anonymous said...

WCFC NT player is practicing with our 02/03 NYCFC team, wonder what that’s about?? Perhaps USSF has mandated extra training with the GDA teams, hmmmmm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Attending 1 Practice a week with GDA team would qualify her as a PT player for sure. No downside, can attend showcases, unless ECNL directors starts complaining.

Since GDA season started - couple of odd things that passed under the radar:
- the Atlantic division has the first U13 GDA group!
- apparently SJEB Rush did not fully join GDA in older age groups as they only are fielding a team at the U13 group
- somehow LISC or whatever it was made it into the Atlantic division (used to be in the NorthEast

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like there is still place for Modric. Even Coutinho.

Seriously it’s a team sport, ppl have specific roles.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That team only has two 2002 players on roster?

Anonymous said...

We had 5, but 1 is injured indefinitely, one quit because she realized her playing time would be minimal, and the other moved away yes only 2 right now....its a really good team.

Anonymous said...

Oops almost forgot, (2) 02’s are playing-up with the oldest team, who can be called back at anytime.

Anonymous said...

The team may be great, but I hope they find a way to play some competitive games outside of their league.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think the showcases and playoffs will be those times, such is life.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick tip for all you proud NYCFC parents:

make your nominations for your kids in topdrawersoccer before the tough showcase games pop up and everyone decides to be a self showcasing ball hog.

Anonymous said...

Good advice, Hahahaha...

Anonymous said...


Kevin Olali said...

I think this is a faulty approach. This Playing to win and not to develop professional players. fortunately it works for the USA Women`s National Team either because resources on women`s football worldwide does not allow them to compete with USA or the USA national team is really good at spotting top players. obviously we see the resut at the men`s level. where players, parents, and coaches will sacifice what`s best for the players in order to get short term success

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