Monday, January 14, 2019

U16 Girls Youth Soccer

U16 young women players are not playing for fun, they are playing to win.

Best to step aside, because they are about to barrel through...


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Anonymous said...

and thanks 5:19 - count our blessings. no matter what, they will always be our little girls.

Anonymous said...

the ones who are not physically gifted, who don't have the D! body or the size or speed and quickness go to D2 or D3, just as in the other sports.
It's a combination of the genetics along with the hard work and training you put in over the years. Every college coach at a big time program wants great athletes because that is what you need to win at that level. don't be a fool. Did you see the athletic freaks on the field in the College Cup final between USC and West Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Its not all physical Dr. D1. All great college programs need a field general or two to lead their team, to find the openings, to think ahead for their team, there is always a place for a player who is skilled, and smart, as opposed to the other amazons on a particular team. Every suceessful program has a mix of players that compliment each other, and can compete with other girls with similar skills.

Anonymous said...

Chew on this. Below is the list of WSNT roster height.

Anonymous said...

According to that chart my daughter would be the 2nd tallest player, and she is just as technical/tactical as any ECNL player I have seen the last 6 months, except for one ; )

Anonymous said...

You every think about giving up soccer to pursue lacrosse, field hockey, track and field? My daughters love the game, adore it. Sometimes i just wonder if they might enjoy another team sport, or maybe come to love individual sports like T&F, swimming, cycling, rowing.

Anonymous said...

Soccer is in her blood, its her heritage, all of her cousins play, besides she laughs at Lacrosse girls, she wonders why they always pull-up when they get to an attacking player, hahaha, good question.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:24 in lacrosse there is a shooting space rule. that may be why.
yrs ago my female soccer player friends in college also played lacrosse in the off season if the school had it (before spring soccer came about as a must in most college programs).
now field hockey, that is one i scratch my head. you are stopped for whistles more than you are playing, it seems. and, they play an entire game in a soccer half.
Now, ice hockey is great girls.

Anonymous said...

*ice hockey is great for girls.

Anonymous said...

agreed. there is always a place for kids who understand the game. but a field general will use her players to compliment her not try to fight the battle herself. i see too many girls that this age that once they get the ball, they try to do it alone. smart players create opportunities not think they are the only opportunity. that is an asset all coaches want to see.

Anonymous said...

I once heard a coach say that the further the feet are from the head the harder it is to control the ball. I have a tall daughter and she plays the appropriate position for her height and skills, keeper. She transitioned to the position later and was an admirable field player (leading scorer on her team through U15). Below is the breakdown of height for current PSU Squad:

Height # of players
5.3 2
5.3 4
5.4 1
5.5 9
5.6 6
5.7 4
6.0 1
6.1 1

Anonymous said...

And how real are those heights? Prob shave an inch off and its still a touch high.

Anonymous said...

1:12 PM

They are rounded up. When I cut and pasted it actually provided the height in inches, I converted to feet via Excel. Slow day at work. I noticed watching the NCAA tournament games last year that a good number of the players were shorter with may 3 taller players in the middle. It even looked like some of the keepers were around 5'7" - 5'9". The difference is speed. I believe the move is to somewhat of a basketball model of quick feet, good handling and feeding the taller players in the middle. It goes back to the old mantra, beat one player ok, beat two players your good, beat 3 players your lucky. More direct play to the wings or over the top with speed to collect the ball and serve it back inside the box.

Anonymous said...

Thought only basketball team rosters lied about player height?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the local ECNL teams that made the top flight playoffs in Chicago. Big shout-out to FC Stars for making the quarter finals. Will be interesting to see how next year goes, since most teams have lost their best players to DA.

Anonymous said...

Which teams lost their players?

Anonymous said...

I tried to ask parents as much as I could, most said that some of their best had chosen DA, don't know the specifics, but our team lost 2 players, so we should be in good shape.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I feel for those departing players as well. Grass is not greener. Hopefully they enjoy it. its an 11 month season, big expense, in a newly formed league with average competition. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

For those attending the NPL Finals this weekend! Good Luck

Anonymous said...

11:52 has brought up 6 interesting points in order to make themselves feel better about not going to the DA. Lets take one at a time.

1. "Grass is not greener" - It is because the DA fields are a new color turf with more green die. This color is only available through USA soccer to their DA clubs. Also, your grass can't be any greener with all the PISSING and moaning you are doing. Get it, piss kills grass.

2. "enjoy it" - Thanks, we will all enjoy it because you are not there.

3. "its an 11 month season" - Your daughter's season is 11 months long when you add HS + Club. However, DA will actually play less games and has systems in place to prevent overuse injuries. The training is also much better than your English teacher run program of laps and line drills.

4. "big expense" - We have already dispelled the cost rumor. It is much less than ECNL for dues but a wash because the travel is a bit more. Travel is almost the same as the Region-1 league too. With the price of just one cup of coffee per day you can help a child get a scholarship. #spend$$2make$$

5. "newly formed league" - Change happens. Embrace it and adapt or live in the past and keep using that flip phone you have. Also, the DA is not all new either. The successful boys program has been around for a few years now and the U-20 boys team is proof of the success.

6. "average competition" - I like this one the best. If rosters are not set and not a single game has been played how could you know? Can you help me pick my fantasy football team? You seem to know how teams will do before draft day or the free trade deadline. If you take away most (not all) of the best ECNL players to make a new team, you just watered down ECNL and made DA the best. Please don't "Feel" sorry for us.

My daughter is very happy and excited for this new experience. Your dead grass is making me sneeze. You know its an eleventeen month long season, big expense, once mighty league with newly lowered competition. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

eye roll @3:06 and @11:52

Does it really matter? Seriously?

blah blah blah. My league is better. My team is better. My child is better. I am all wise and knowing. blah blah blah.

And the world turns.

Best wishes and much success to all your daughters, regardless of the league, club, or team.

Anonymous said...

Don't have a GDA club within 2 hours of us so not worth trying out.
Sounds neat though.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% 4:12 - but why are we on this board if not to be a fan of our kid's team? I am a fan and yes they are the best team around and she is the best player in the world in my eyes. blah blah blah.


1. I agree
2. not nice
3. What do you really think matters to 99% of the players and yours - training or playing games? For my kid it's playing games.
4. Who cares about cost - we all will pay any price if we think it's worth it regardless.
5. Most of the top clubs are ECNL - so not so much new - just a new league for those A teams and some room at the table for some new clubs.
6. I agree nobody can know - but the GDA is built for the younger ages - the HS age kids got the shaft to late in the game for them the benefit.
7. I agree ECNL will rebrand and be the same as the Boys ECNL - NPL Champions and ECNL division champs playing for a title. Not weak though. My girl isn't ECNL or GDA or NPL but she has 3 offers made already - so their is plenty of opportunity for all - Just do what's right for your kid and your family if your kid can ball it will work out.

11:59 - let's not forget stay safe with that crazy weather

Anonymous said...

Your 02 daughter has 3 commit-offers, and she doesn't play for any US Club based team?


Anonymous said...

The better training and training methods in general being a USDA is going to benefit. I disagree strongly that they want to play more games. At this point most of our daughters have played several hundred matches, year round. They can now use proper training, proper techniques, qualified licensed coaches who follow USDA training rules. Which includes injury prevention, stretching, fitness, proper goal keeping training, proper defensive formations and offensive formations. Don't be stuck with a club that cannot provide this if you are really serious. They will explain we follow USDA training regulations, read about it online and join if you want. Now, to be clear, this is certainly not for everyone. Great example probably never for my son. Lucky if he can play EDP at U14.

Anonymous said...

Its really hard to turn chicken shit into chicken salad, just saying....

Anonymous said...

I guess you don't watch Top Chief or Chopped. I have seen it as a basket ingredient at some point. the judges loved it.

Anonymous said...

sorry we watch the bootlegged version, not top chef, top chief. lol anyway, you get my point. enjoy the food.

Anonymous said...

6:51 am
love the punctuation usage. :)

maybe his kid plays for a USYS team. So, congrats. Hope your 3 offers are from schools/programs that fit your needs. great to get committed (if it's what you/she want) and move forward.

Anonymous said...

PDA South (AJAX) lose to Albany Alleycats 2-1, ouch.

Anonymous said...

At the NPL nationals it looks like 3 out of 4 teams from the northeast representing in the semis: Alleycats, PDA, FC Stars. Not too bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why its called "NPL Nationals" considering that the west coast teams have generally skipped this event. Out of 22 NPL Leagues maybe 12 participate per each group.

Anonymous said...

2:11 that speaks volumes to how the leagues are viewed on the other side.

US Club top event is their National Cup the equivalent to the USYS top event the NCS.

USYS top league the National League advances it's division winners to the NCS.

for US Club you have the National Cup for all teams not ECNL -NPL is viewed as a 3rd tier title by the west coast why else not play in it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you didnt qualify 2:11

Must be killing you jusssst a bit

By the way, did you know NPL rules state that NPL management can invite non champions to fill its national bracket?

Wondering this year why they didnt at U16, opting to go with unbalanced divisions (2 div of 4, 1 of 6 teams)

Anonymous said...

Not sure what your agenda is but yes 12-15 is usually the number to participate. Not all elect to go I would assume mostly cost and maybe thin rosters with injuries by seasons end. In the 02 age group the northern (FC Elk) and southern (SoCal blues) California teams participated. Who else did you want there to make it official for you?

Anonymous said...

If some teams opt out, it still has the same ending result (i.e., a national championship). Good luck to those participating.

Anonymous said...

Again why would teams want to travel to a event when they know scouts are not in capacity to come watch, that is the reason why teams opt out. Not about winning anymore folks.

Anonymous said...

You are correct some bitterness on here. The bottom line is great teams participated at this age group for sure.

Anonymous said...

Great teams? Relax soccer-daddy, great is reserved for the So Cal Blues of the world, 29-0 ECNL National Champs, that is great.

Anonymous said...

there number of coaches participating at the npl finals was 1/3rd of what you can see at fort dix. great facility tho.

so cal blues (baker) will be plating at the surf cup in 1 1/2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

There weren't a ton of coaches but anytime you can have Notre Dame watching your game is a trip well spent.

Anonymous said...

1/3 of coaches and 1/32 less games. Ratio is better at NPL!

And yes the facility was great too. The experience was worth the cost in our minds. My most favorite family vacations as a kid and Mom have been at far off soccer fields. My kids agree!!!

Anonymous said...

NPL Finals: 10+ college coaches
ECNL Playoffs: 80+ college coaches

Take out a calculator if you must.

Anonymous said...

This year's NPL finals = next year's ECNL playoffs!!!

Anonymous said...

there were over 200 coaches registered for the ECNL playoffs and not all register. We had over 80 at one game alone.

Anonymous said...

including ND.

Anonymous said...

Scout breakdown argument.

This is the age where you need to realize your daughters potential and opportunities and set her expectations (and yours). As the father of an older daughter who came late to the ECNL party I have been able to read the tea leaves. Top women's college soccer programs will recruit top u15 players, if your daughter is on the radar for the top 25 you will know it, if not and you keep receiving camp/ID offers because the ECNL sells your info try this. Attend one of the camps or clinics, email the coach after and invite them to a game, if they show up talk to your coach to see if he had a conversation, if so pursue, if not move on. Please don't think because "80" college coaches showed up to a game your daughter played in that all 80 have her on their recruiting sheet. maybe 60 of those coaches were there for one girl, on the other team :)

Anonymous said...

9:15. I agree with you if your kid is 2020 but also know that some coaches are having success with late recruiting. As far as 2021 if you are in the mix I think you are just starting to get specialized contact from coaches. Agree not all 80 care about my kid but some coaches will notice other kids than the special one they are coming to see.

So its great exposure for 2021s to have 80 coaches and get on the early look list for next year.

For the poster who thinks ecnl will be npl next year I think this has injected a lot of uncertainty into the process and they will cover both at least for next fall. If the ecnl product remains strong they will continue longer. Which stinks because here ecnl plays hs in fall. So we are a bit reliant of the spring hs teams performance.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I would love for my daughter to win a state cup, go to nationals, or npl finals at the least. I recently sat next to a mother who told me I cannot afford to play any type of travel soccer. So her daughter just plays high school because free. And she is a great player who I am sure with training and coaching would do very well in travel. So going ecnl, or npl, or anything beyond any town team is expensive. Many single parents cannot afford even $1,000 extra per year. So they may be on a town team btw and very, very good. it is what it is. And again if they contact coaches, send emails with videos I am sure they can get into something, somewhere. You just have to be a great player. Step to ball, finish if striker, give 100% all the time and have heart.

Anonymous said...

12:11 Yes you are spot on to every 1 GDA/ECNL/NPL type of player there are probably 5 other girls/boys similar with the right training and atmosphere would be a great player. This is what's broken in youth soccer system in the U.S., asking parents to pay $'s at 8 years old and above is just wrong for the sport.

Anonymous said...

My point of reference for this is skewed. Is AAU free? what about the Flag football and leagues leading up to middle school? I do not believe the pay to play is unique to Soccer. And I have seen recognition in our area for inner city kids getting into the preps (2 girls specifically to a 25K a year school). From there they were offered spots on ECNL teams which I am thinking are subsidized. The parents are very grateful for these opportunities which are also leading to college opportunities. I don't think pay to play is the issue per se, I see a bigger issue with nepotism and favoritism. For some kids no matter how much you pay you may never see a lot of field time. Although I know some parents with disposable income are happy to have their girls where certain teams uniforms for the cache.

Anonymous said...

Is it the parents or the kids who want that cache? just crazy. there are plenty of other sports out there where they may excel. shame.

Anonymous said...

AAU is in fact FREE for many inner city (underpriveleged) youth.

Would an NPL or ECNL club give a full scholarship to a gifted player whose parents cold not pay a dime?

I bet they would - in many instances.

Anonymous said...

1:20 PM

to me it's an interesting situation. If a club is willing to underwrite the cost of fees, travel all or part it is up to them and in certain cases is warranted (most clubs have a financial aid policy). But here is also the situation where a player/parent signs up based on the quoted cost and due to added fees, mandatory club programs and other incidentals the cost starts to increase, they can stretch to afford it but it is not easy. I have been on teams where parents were individually "fund-raising" which was against club rules ad was brought to the attention of the club when the parent was soliciting other parents on the team. Basically her daughter was selling something that was contributing to her soccer fees.

Another thing that is popping up is the "Help send my daughter to Nationals" where people blatantly set up a go fund me site to solicit funds. Maybe in some cases after the loss of a parent or true hard times it is applicable but often it is just asking for an unnecessary handout.

Anonymous said...

1:20 correct the inner city kids that play for free are ballers and are given the free ride based on what they can do on the court.

Soccer will do the same thing for the gifted - the issue with soccer is that there is not a lot of separation between the kids that play high level. Some just have a longer leash and appear to be better because they play more minutes and can get into a groove

Anonymous said...

There is a ton of competition for charitable dollars asking for travel soccer $$ must be a tough ask. It is not like a kid is fundamentally deprived if they don't play club soccer. It seems like every week at school there is a fund raiser for a different serious medical condition. Travel sports do pale in comparison.

Anonymous said...

spot on.
good reminder - if you are not visiting your kid constantly in a hospital, you are already ahead of the game. anything else can be worked out.

Anonymous said...

We just got back from a mid-major residential camp, and I have to say, the quality of most of the girls was poor. Maybe I am jaded by ECNL, but honestly was shocked. My daughter stood-out like a sore thumb, but not in a good way. She did her best to hide her contempt, but at 15 that isn't so easy, ugh. We both feel like it was a huge waste of time and money!

Anonymous said...

12:30 why was it a waste of time or money your kid got to cross off one school from her list very early in the process.

Anonymous said...

PS. So the campus sucked also? Why would she care about the quality of the game if the campus is great and the school is the top of the list? I'm guessing you wouldn't spend money on a school not at the top of the list.

Anonymous said...

NJ Wildcats Averbuch beat Massapequa 2-1 today to reach semifinals at National Cup in Indy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry meant Wildcats beat Missouri State Champ from St. Louis to advance to semi at National Cup.

Anonymous said...

Kitty Cat parent no one cares you still suck and will lose.

Anonymous said...

4:27 dude it was better to not even acknowledge their cry for recognition...crickets, crickets.

Anonymous said...


You'd do better to stop judging, scrutinizing so closely the players your daughter plays with and against.

Anonymous said...

Do you not understand my comment? The quality was crap, my kid was a lion among sheep, and that's putting it nicely.

Anonymous said...

Like I said - dont judge the others. It'll just leave you vain or bitter.

Be happy for what you have.

And we get it - camps can be trial and error. Dont judge all "mid major" events off one go round. Maybe you just ran into a down week.

My advice would be to not do every camp that comes your way. Like the other dude said - was it even a school she wanted to attend - or did it just fit your schedule and seem to be the LEVEL you wanted her at?

Cheers - best of luck down the pike. Ears open now....

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2017 at 12:30 PM

"My daughter stood-out like a sore thumb, but not in a good way."

Not sure I understand the comment. Did your daughter not show well against what you are considering lesser players? Are you indicating that due to the lower level of competition she did not play well? If she stood out like a sore thumb I am thinking you are trashing the camp and not taking into consideration that your daughter was not on par with the competition??

ECNL reference not withstanding, recently have seen many commits to D1 programs that are not on current ECNL rosters. Be careful what kool aid you are drinking.

Anonymous said...

What I am saying is my daughter is a hyper-competitive kid, she was constantly frustrated by the lack of skill of her teammates in the scrimmage games they played. My kid would make a great through-pass, but the other girl would just stop running, or she could not handle the pass, or she could not understand what a give and go was. I guess what I am saying is my daughter wants to play with girls of her level, or higher. Problem is there not that many, especially at this camp. I say all this as a parent of a very skilled player, so pretend your daughter was in the same situation.

Anonymous said...

I think what you also have to understand is that while with her club team her teammates might LOOK FOR HER, understand her motives and motions since there is a familiarity - that this might not happen automatically with players she is unfamiliar with and are unfamiliar with her.

At these events she might do best to hold the ball more - use more of her options both forward and back - and also KNOW that if she makes the proper read/play and her teammate "messes it up", the coach likely saw the benefit of what your daughter had just done.

If you dont think they did then you might not place much value on THEIR ability to evaluate/teach/coach - and that can be a good thing to take out of a camp as well (as the other poster stated - to eliminate that school as an option)

We had a situation - attending a school's camp, being recruited by one of the assistants but my daughter just couldnt get a good positive feel for the head coach. A bit of a tough call at that point....good school, good team, etc.... but.....

Like I said - many stories out there to learn from. And so many do not get it just right the first go round - thankfully the transfer rules are liberal enough where the "career" can continue if the player wishes.

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM

"Pretend Your Daughter..." Sounds like Penn State and UNC are missing out on your daughter. If she is on and ECNL team and is as good as you think/say and has not had a cadre of D1 coaches knocking down your door maybe it is something they see regarding her attitude?? Or her skills don't POP for the coaches. I have an older daughter and have seen a bit of what you are talking about, if your daughter is there without any of her teammates that familiarity can hurt, but coaches are looking for players that can integrate as when she gets to college she will need to play with a new set of team mates. Is the school one that has a good reputation and winning record in their conference. Was this a true ID session or a summer camp? Was she on the field with only U15s or was it rising sophomores through Senior's?

Anonymous said...

Dude. It sounds like you fell for the old "we saw your daughter play in phoenix" email that was sent to every ecnl player. These camps in general are the money makers for these staffs. You will know when a team wants her to be at a camp. Obviously wasnt the case here.

Anonymous said...

10:30 sounds like you and your daughter are very judgmental. It also sounds like she needs a whole lot of things around her to go right on the field for her to show well. If she is as good as you say, I am sure that she did fine at the ID camp. Coaches are looking for players that can handle adversity.

Anonymous said...

Yes, overall I think it is was a great experience, it was her first residential camp, so know she knows. Kudos and respect to all the players, it was really hot, and anyone that can go through that, gets a tip of my hat!!!

Anonymous said...

How do you know if an ID camp email is a genuine invite or bulk mail?

Anonymous said...

9:05, that is the magic question, with multiple answers. Anyone want to share their knowledge?

Anonymous said...

The easiest giveaway is if daughter gets this email after a showcase. If she reached out to the school first, then it could still be bulk, generic answer to email. Best case is if she didn't email coach first but gets this email after showcase. Of course, this should also include college coach communication with club coach at tournament.

Anonymous said...


I'd think you would have gotten feedback OTHER THAN a camp invite - prior to the invite - otherwise you can assume it is just a mailing sent to many club players off a list.

Have been to THREE. One was a school WE were interested in (went for 2 summers and got positive feedback)- and the other 2 showed interest first and our interest became mutual.

Top 3 schools on our list right now at D1 level - though not being a junior yet it will be interesting to see what happens come Sept 1 when coach contact rules open up.

Anonymous said...

10;30 hopefully you don't talk like that around others and you're doing so just because its an anonymous site. read the article that was up yesterday about how coaches are scouting parents as well and you my dear sir are exactly what they don't want. i know you're just sharing the facts that you in your infinite soccer wisdom feel absolutely necessary to share with everyone in such an obnoxious way. UNC, USA, and every other top team can get just about any player they desire. they want size, they get size. want skill they get skill. What they are really looking for is the kid that makes everyone better. you only see your daughter through that canon camera.

here's an idea. Take up marathon running or track and field maybe swimming where she is on her own. that's the right fit.

Anonymous said...

my older kid who is committed went to an id camp recently, too. coaches didn't put her with her other committed classmates. they put her with maybe some lesser talent to see how she would do and make them better. it was interesting for her younger sister U15 to watch the process. As someone noted, coaches test to see if you are a good teammate. They don't want kids that can't get along even with those not as skilled. And, they also want to see if your kid will raise the level, encourage and teach.

Skill is only one item they look at. And, they probably already know skill level watching in other games. They want to see the person, how are they at breakfast; how are they in meetings; how are they at getting tips or giving them; do they yell; are they late to things; do they forget equipment; etc.

Coaches want successful programs not just one successful kid. We were able to show our younger daughter just that. Good luck out there.

Anonymous said...

1:33 spot on.

Anonymous said...

@2:55 continuing
oh and don't be shocked that you, the parents, are being evaluated too. Do you get along with other parents? Do you cheer or jeer? Do you encourage your kid to be a team player or fill her head with info that prevents it? They are the coaches. They don't want parents to be them too. It's their team, their job to make it successful and they make that quite clear.

Anonymous said...

many mailing lists come from the various leagues and their electronic sites so we have been told. To weed out, pick the schools that interest your kid that may have reached out; ask your coach to reach out to several to find out if genuine interest or mass mailing. that's how we found the gems for our daughter.

Then you may be able to whittle down the options even further and spend your money where you will get the most for it (actual interest from kid and coach; good coach and coaching style; good experience like learning nutrition; and expectations as a college student-athlete; dorm life; etc.).

Anonymous said...

So no updates from the Kitty Cat parents mean they lost I assume. Any info?

Anonymous said...

Why are people so caught up in D1? Is it to brag? Unless it is ivy D1, wouldn't you rather have your daughter go to a good academic school? Many D2 and D3 schools are much better academically than many D1. For example John Hopkins, NYU, MIT,etc, all D3. Just a question, what's the D1 hipe? (unless you're full ride or ivy).

Anonymous said...

How much of the freedom team is left from last year? One of the dads said it was like 5 girls.

Gclub จีคลับ

Anonymous said...

there are plenty of very good non-ivy DI schools. not to diss the ivy's at all, but there are other VERY good ones out there as well that are not in ivy league.

Anonymous said...

Also, not to diss, but I don't put DII in the same category, overall academically as many DI and DIII schools.

Anonymous said...

IDK, maybe schools like Stanford University, Duke University, University of Chicago, University of Notre Dame, Vanderbilt University, Georgetown University, University of Southern California, University of California-Los Angeles, University of Virginia, University of Michigan--Ann Arbor & Northwestern University to name a few. There are so many great schools in this country. It takes special kids to be able to juggle the workload both on the field and in the classroom in addition to enjoying college. Shame on you for trying to make going to a D1 school dirty if it's not a full ride or an IVY.

No one said John Hopkins and other D3 schools are not good. For the record outside of hanging in the village NYU a little overrated my friend. No need to pump up D2 and D3. Personally, I want my kid going to a D1 school and playing for the school her reward for busting her tail all these years and going for hers. But I will support any decision she makes even if it's NYU.

Anonymous said...

University of Chicago is d3

Anonymous said...

Okay - so cross them off. I think you get my point.

Anonymous said...

Regarding camps

1. I use different emails for the ecnl site and the one that is given out on the recruiting sheet at games. That way I know if it was sent to the one only available from the game sheet and that school was there it means more.

2. Was it personalized with her name. If not its a dead giveaway.

3. Look at the contact info is it the general or more personalized

4. Is it a pre-invitation to an upcoming camp asking for an rsvp?

Anonymous said...

also like the Ivy's, all Patriot League schools (which include the Naval Academy; West Point, etc.) have high academic standards and are DI. Years ago, they were like the ivy's as far as no athletic scholarship, just grants. But, that changed in the past several years.
And agree with you fully. No need to diminish DI accomplishments by trying to hit them in the academic belly. Simply not true.

Anonymous said...

Wow, no comments in 5 days, is everyone on vacation? Is your Susie still juggling the ball in the backyard?

Anonymous said...

9:22 Everyone moved up in age group to the U16 forum. It will be official on Tuesday. Make space for the boring 2003 here.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, they are boring, the parents anyway! No, this forum with its signature photo, will simply change numbers, and all the wonderful 02 parents will still be here!

Anonymous said...!

Anonymous said...

Wait I found it!!!! The Little Rowdies and Seacoast pummeled the Kitty Cats that's why we didn't hear from the Meow Meow parents!!!'

Anonymous said...

Btw: Little Rowdies is a really stupid nick-name for a girls team, but the name describes their parents perfectly. They are all like school in summer, no class...

Anonymous said...

Why come on and post when you backed into a semi final losing by 2 goals?...and then in the semi lose by 2 more...crickets, crickets.

Looked at the entries. Quite a weak field tournament also. That is definitely the second tier of the 2 "national" championships they hold back to back.

Anonymous said...

Why are forums, GS, YSR still following August 1st switch. I thought Aug 1st was based on a old carding system right? Technically they are not U16 until Jan. 1 2018 according to U.S. Soccer guidelines correct?

Am I missing something or are clubs, carding systems truly not following the birth change year correctly because they are stuck with the old system for everything else. LOL

Anonymous said...

12:54 the season goes from Aug to July not Jan to July

Anonymous said...

Remember to bookmark the U16 forum and go there tomorrow morning:

Anonymous said...

3:46 you are obviously a rookie. No one needs to change anything. The board rolls up.

Anonymous said...

Amateurs, and peasants.

Anonymous said...

"peasants"? i mean we are soccer broke, but come on.

Anonymous said...

The Players Development Academy is proud to announce that TWO of our PDA Shore girls teams have been accepted into the prestigious US Youth Soccer National league for the 2017-18 season. We are delighted that the PDA Shore Wave (2002G) and the PDA Shore Freedom (2003G) will both represent the PDA at a National level and be given the opportunity to compete against some of the country's best teams.

Read the Full Announcement from US Youth Soccer

PDA Shore Girls Director of Coaching, Lee Pollard said "This is not only a fantastic accomplishment for the Wave and the Freedom, but for all of our PDA Shore teams. This past year we had our Breakers girls (1999) play in the National League, and now the Wave and Freedom will compete in this prestigious league. The Wave and the Freedom will not only be challenged on the national stage but will also gain exposure to national team scouts and college coaches as they enter the college recruiting years."

As part of US Youth Soccer National League the PDA Shore Wave and Freedom will compete in their first event November 30th -December 3rd in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Wave are one of only 32 U16 teams nationwide and one of 8 teams from Region 1 to be accepted into the league while the Freedom are one of just 16 teams nationwide and one of 4 teams from Region 1 that will play in the U15 age group.

Full List of Teams

PDA Girls Director of Coaching, Mike O'Neill added "Our goal at the PDA is to push our players to the highest levels of competition and we are proud to have these teams included in the National League, it is further evidence of the development happening at PDA Shore."

For more information about the PDA Shore program contact, Lee Pollard:

Lee Pollard
PDA Shore Girls Director of Coaching
(C) 732 331 9772

Anonymous said...

National League is a PITA to play in from a travel perspective. Last year was a disaster.

Sounds good on paper but jamming all the games into a few weekends is a recipe for disaster.

With the DA the National League=NPL now.

Anonymous said...

National League is still well above NPL, don't kid yourself

Anonymous said...

Then PDA Shore must be at the lowest level of NL. They arent a better team than most of the local NPLs.

Maybe they got in just because they applied.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lee,

PDA sucks, okay thanks, goodnight!

Anonymous said...

As much as we have always beaten pda and not huge fans. I applaud them for going into this league. Look at the teams in the 32 team league. They are very good teams, state champions, regional champions. At the very least it will be great competition at pda shore for these age groups.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that US Soccer and US Youth Soccer are making a move against US Club soccer.
NL > NPL and probably ECNL soon too.

Anonymous said...

When companies start to market more than before because they didn't need to but do now, it usually a sign of things falling part. Soccer is no different.
good luck out there.

Anonymous said...

So is PDA Wave is in this pr stigious league are they ahead of Ajax and Dragons...and even Storm if ECNL gets too watered down?

Anonymous said...

No, they still fourth fiddle at PDA, maybe fifth?

Anonymous said...

@3:26. How do you know NL travel was a disaster? Were you there? Did your daughter's team participate? Probably not.
NL looks like great competition, high level showcase opportunity, and an experience the participating teams can remember forever. Nothing bad to say about that. Not at all watered down-just looking at the qualifying teams across the country, NL might be the best tournament there is.

Anonymous said...

What is your background on offering an opinion?

I think with so many soccer balls in the air right now regarding the various leagues nothing is what it was. So hard to judge anything regarding competition. Even names of teams doesn't mean that team has high level competition any longer due to various other opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Probably has the same back ground as you, who cares it's an anonymous post.

I agree with the post. NL plays 7 games at 2 events one in NC and 1 in either FL or NV. That's not a lot of travel.

They will also play in another league. ERL also has 2 events one in DE and the other in VA.

NCS games are local and tournaments are optional just like any team.
Sorry but that is a lot less travel than the ECNL.

Anyway GDA games around the corner and WAGS right after that (great early showcase jump while others staying local HS ball and chain)followedby the November events

WAGS local Girls U16 teams
Chester Springs United F.C. '02 Integrity
FC Bucks Rampage
Hamilton Elite FC Havoc '02
LDC United '02
Millstone United TS Shock Wave
Mount Laurel United Pride
PA Rush PA Rush 02
Twin County SA Storm 2002
Western Lehigh United Steel

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05-

Yes my daughter played and the travel was just that travel.

I'll pass hanging out in N. Carolina from Wed to Sun and have been to Disney enough times-there is plenty of great competition within an hours drive of where we live.

Anonymous said...

Not knowing where you live?
What league are you talking about that has great competition with in an hour away? I don't know of any.

ECNL doesn't.
NPLs don't

Anonymous said...

We live right in the middle of NJ so can't get anywhere quickly but unless you are undefeated against every team in NY/PA/Delaware/MD yes there is good competition to be had within an hours drive.

Why do you think the ECNL teams don't play teams outside the ECNL more? The results wouldn't be to their marketing teams liking.

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays for an Ecnl team, and I am confident we would smash any USYS, EDP or NPL team. The way the girls played in the Chicago was impressive, let’s set-up a scrimmage...

Anonymous said...

8/6 - 8:35 pm

the prior poster said NL might be the best tournament there is; not that it didn't involve a lot of travel. if that is what the poster implied, then that is different than what is actually posted.

i'm not supporting any league currently as my daughter is playing GDA and even that hasn't started so no idea how they will fare and the competition out there.

my experience with NL though with older players is that while the league is localish you still have to play many other tournaments and showcases that aren't. so the travel is just as bad.

i don't think any teams any more escape the expense of travel to get in front of many college coaches.

Anonymous said...

agreed at least re last year. a lot of puffing from some non-ecnl teams. but, 10:55 may believe in unicorns and elves, too. let 'em dream.

Anonymous said...

The ECNL has mandated that their teams do not play non-ECNL teams. Tournament brackets are set that way as are al other competitions. Early on some ECNL teams played Friendlies prior to the start of the December games) My daughter played for and ECNL team that was beat by a PA classics team (no this is not fake news). Apparently ECNL officials go wind of it and the next years College Showcase was against PF.

Anonymous said...

As late as pda tournament ecnl was playing non-ecnl. Same with Jeff Cup and Bethesda this past season. My daughters team has beaten a few ecnl teams and came close in 1 or 2 GD games. And it is true how local the team is to players is important. Many dont want to travel over 1 hour to get to ecnl teams. Or DA teams at this point. In NJ you have pda ecnl and da now. Cedar Stars DA and Match Fit ecnl. Nothing south of Tinton falls. Otherwise have to go west to FC Bucks, or Penn Fusion out of state. Or Albertson ecnl in NY, or World Class. But again, south of 195 and closer to shore is hard to find any of this. So they go to pda shore, Wildcats and similar, PDA south or NJ Rush is great club at this time. or close to it at the least.

Anonymous said...

Same for MFA, some of their ECNL teams played in the CT tourney in June as well as the Manhattan KO. I like the way the Boys ECNL is structured with the winners playing the NPL winners. My guess is they go that route on the girl's side as well in the future. Both the PDA and MFA U16s from last year were very good and would be very tough to beat by anyone.

Anonymous said...

But did some or many of those ECNL kids move to GDA? That's the crap shoot.
And, did some move from NPL and USYS to ECNL or GDA? No one knows how these leagues are going to play out as of this point until we start seeing rosters.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know how many ECNL players have left both PDA and MFA for GDA??

Anonymous said...

8:14 Respective GDA coaches and Team Managers should know.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hahaha - you may want to alert 8/7 at 5:52 before any bets are placed.

Anonymous said...

Most of the ECNL girls left for DA and NL teams.

Anonymous said...

Stop being a clown, no one left for NL.

Anonymous said...

2 PDA Shore teams at U15 and U16 in NL next year. These are too far to draw ex ECNL players - but perhaps good enough to provide an alternative of joining CSA?

Anonymous said...

PDA Shore is rec soccer! Why are no Shore teams ECNL? We don't care about NL!!! Go chase some more gotsoccer points you losers!

Anonymous said...

wasnt the original holmdel team turned into MF ECNL until everyone decided to split? never seen them play - but they sure created controversy on this forum 2 years ago or so.


Anonymous said...

Hey 2:01 - Chrispie Kreme Christy wants his slogan back.

Anonymous said...

NL is answer to DA. short and sweet. So if you cannot get to a DA or cannot get to an ECNL team or make it. Then you go to NL. So I would agree DA, ecnl, NL, then npl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sure kid sure it is.

Anonymous said...

"Rec soccer, clowns, and losers" the parents on this blog are really classy today. Let's be honest people, GDA will have more of the top teams/players than elsewhere because of the hard push US Soccer is making, ECNL and NL will have some very strong teams and players and will still get plenty of looks from good D1 soccer coaches. NPL and non-NL USYS teams and players are going to have to work a little harder than before to get in front of the coaches/schools they are interested in. Deserving players will be identified.

Anonymous said... that tune:
clowns to the left of me; jokers to the right; here I am; stuck in the middle with you.
maybe that is what they were doing; not being nasty. They were singing. :)

Anonymous said...

GDA will be whatever US Soccer wants it to be in print. Just like ECNL the clubs are still local with local DOC and coaches. I do not see the GDA centrally recruiting coaches and assigning them out. Yes there are guidelines and a long set of power points on how to coach the DA way but when you get down to it the local teams will continue to select the same way they always have for the top teams at their clubs. Some girls who were superstars at 14 but don't improve will get through, some who have reputations will be poached from other clubs, you will have the roster fillers that will see the writing on the wall and B!+c until they leave the program at u16. Whoever the regional people are will advance their buddies players and the National team will still pull a large number of kids from the west coast, SouthEast, and wherever they have connections. If your daughter falls into one of the favored categories good luck, if not start looking a bit further down the list for college options.

Anonymous said...

Best summary yet, 8:01.

Anonymous said...

Dude, this is a fantasy board, not a reality board, cease with the real world already : (

Anonymous said...

Agree with most of last few statements. Keep in mind people work, traffic is a nightmare in NJ and proximity will be in play for much of this. How far is a worn out parent willing to drive, a few times per week. Is the parent or kid willing to sacrifice hours in the car. You just have to weigh it all out in the end for the best fit.

Anonymous said...

Here we go, High School preseason begins in ernest this week, as does the GDA. The players have made their decisions, may good fortune, success, and health be shared by ALL...

Anonymous said...

Horrible job by US Soccer. Kids shouldn't have to choose. No reason the DA couldn't start in November.

Anonymous said...

80% of High School soccer is a waste of time, and talent. Are we suppose to gear our lives for the magical 20%???

Anonymous said...

2:24 you realize not everyone plays hs soccer in the fall, right?

too many hs markets around the country with various start and end dates to even attempt to appease.

Anonymous said...

3:09 most posters don't see the big picture.

THE GDA is just doing what our kids did for all of their soccer lives play all year minus some time off in the summer/holidays.

The GDA is a re-brand of ODP and it's now played year round instead of the states running the show the clubs are (nothing changed we are just not pretending anymore and now combined ODP and id2). This program is for players looking to play internationally. The Colleges love it because it will create better soccer players. The parents hate it because it's more commitment instead of driving twice a week for maybe an hour now they do it 4 times a week for the same result for 99%.

Anonymous said...

ODP always run whole year round, but there was only 1 session a week.

Anonymous said...

Dont think colleges love divided birth year. Girls hs soccer should align season across country and try to get that. Kids should not have to give up hs sports. Its good for them socially.

Anonymous said...

5:33 GDA is 4 x per week and teams play more than 30 games, I think this is better than the 1 session a week to identify top talent, no?

6:58 GDA Is not for the Colleges - it's for making world class soccer players and that Colleges love because all these kids will play college ball. No child has to give up HS soccer, the can choose to play HS and ECNL or for a USYS team. I thought the ECNL was great at getting kids to college, am I wrong?

Full-time Academy players are only permitted to participate on their Academy team, and NATIONAL TEAM duty. If anyone wants to play HS they are Free to play HS because they don't have this dream and that's okay but don't wreck it for the kids that do,more training and more games being scouted

Anonymous said...

HS soccer is ONLY good for the social and school pride aspect. It will not make a top player better. It will most likely make them worse. We will continue to get unqualified HS coaches until they are held to the same level of education and certification as any club level coach. Their old ways of doing things are detrimental to the health, safety, and development of our girls (with some exceptions). If you have a great HS coach, I am happy for you.

Unfortunately, in most cases the HS coach is only there to make extra money. They NEVER played the game themselves and are NOT required to have any soccer specific education.

Our daughter is playing HS because she wants to be with her friends. DA is not an option for us because of location. I wish we could play ECNL all year and skip HS too. But for now, I will sit there and cringe at the kick and run horror.

Anonymous said...

GDA is the for the Range Rover crowd. It's another bauble to hang around their neck with the façade of parents telling their less soccer knowledgeable friends at their fundraisers their daughter is playing for the National Team farm system. I would gather more hype an press for the regional and state HS games that are played in the end of November then you will ever see for the ECNL and GDA playoffs. Yep some HS soccer is downright horrible, and coaches are not the best. But I have also seen this with ECNL, the coach is head or assistant for 2 or 3 teams, is also in charge of summer camps, or some other esoteric job to prove his/her worth to the club. Some ECNL and I am sure now GDA coaches are assistants or head coaches at High schools and collages. Out of PF and PAC GDA it will be interesting to see if any players wind up playing for the WNT in the next 2 cycles. If that happens then mea culpa.

Anonymous said...

Hi 7:58, thanks for your feedback, but since you are from Pennsylvania, your opinion is irrelevant.

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

And to 7:58 point about GDA coaches coaching at HS, how is this not hypocritical to the players playing GDA, who cannot go play for their public HS team, yet their coach runs to HS training and games? I get these coaches need to make a living, but it doesn't seem like it sends the right message, especially when inevitably, the coach will have to be at the HS games at some point during the weekdays and miss GDA training sessions.

Anonymous said...

here is why my daughter wants to play for the DA. Look at the symbol they use. It is USDA with red, white and blue. They certainly market it correctly. And my daughter would be proud to play for the USDA. You can call it GDA or whatever. In the end it is the United States Development Academy for girls. It is a sure path to top DI colleges. end of story. The work ethic of 4 day a week training, plus games, plus giving up High School is what the colleges look for.

Anonymous said...

I better warn my daughter...she was looking for a career in dept of agriculture...oops! Wrong acronym

Anonymous said...

10:25, sorry you need to explain, I not from PA, but I still understand your comment.

Anonymous said...

946 yeah and USDA has really been working out for the boys side so far. Sorry DA = FAIL!
There are plenty of D1 players that did not do DA, ECNL and still are elite players in college. Why do you think schools are recruiting at a higher number than normal because there is so many options to get to D1 level. The schools will weed out the players after freshman campaign.

Anonymous said...

I not from PA ether but USDA= US Dept of Agriculture??

Anonymous said...

Of course there will be some DI players that don't play DA. The GDA only has a limited amount of spots an average of 11 per team per age group. How many teams are there? 69 total.

So out of the hundreds of thousands of girls in one age group that play, only 759 (using 11 x 69) are wearing a DA emblem. And generally a recruiting class is looking at saw on another blog about 8-11 per class and about 310 +/- DI schools (all tiers). That's 3410 spots to fill.

Where it will pay off is many (not all) of the 759 though will in all likelihood get more money offered because of the emblem they wear. And, with have priority access to top tier schools.

Keep in mind there are many, many more girls that play soccer than boys in the US.

Anonymous said...

hahaha - however no likelihood of confusion. trademark okay.
But if your kid wants to be a food safety inspector later on, well a leg up as well. :) Double bonus!!

Anonymous said...

United States Soccer Development Academy = USSDA

Anonymous said...

12:15 hit the nail on the head United States. If you are proud of the US it is where girls may want to play just to have that logo on their uniform. I am a Vet so very proud to be a US supporter always. it just trickles down in different formats.

Anonymous said...

12:18 - Thanks for your service.

The USSDA is more like a franchise. It is individual clubs buying a part of the crest. Hopefully they will treat it with the respect that it deserves.

Anonymous said...

Will ODP go away? I find it interesting that EPYSA and NJSA are touting the upcoming tryouts once again for this program. When my kids were younger it was an honor to play ODP or to get selected but it also caused issues with team mates and parents. I think the USSDA being the now definitive replacement for ODP should make ODP obsolete. Or does this negatively impact too many administrators and coaches. It will be interesting to see if there are any DA coaches listed on the ODP teams.

Anonymous said...

ODP has been watered down for years. We never even bothered with it at all. ECNL, NPL and top flight action would get you the looks and great soccer. Why bother with cost of ODP. Now, one coach did say, "ODP is way onto national teams" And he is right past tense. The local girl got on national team that way via ODP. And many others. My opinion and many others is that it is just not as good as it used to be

Anonymous said...

Listing ODP on your resume past the 2016-2017 season is not worth the ink in your printer.

ODP was a once a truly great program, now a waste of time and money.

The people at USYS are keeping it on life support to help justify their jobs.

ECNL and even NPL have much better training and competition now.

Anonymous said...

3:02 why do you say that? What if a club is not in the ECNL or NPL? They should join problem solved right? To funny.

ODP is what it was always a supplement to club soccer. For the kids who don't have a ride to a GDA club or ECNL club or NPL club this is an okay fit. The USYS people are giving an option to the smaller clubs that may have only one or two strong teams to compete in meaningful games and an opportunity for their players to have a supplement to their club. No need to hate.

2:49 The ODP Regional/National tournament will still get NT scouts it's crazy to assume everybody is in the same boat.

12:18 yes thank you for your service.

12:28 I agree instead of State associations we now have clubs.

11:35 69 in year ONE. The boys are over 100 and so will be the girls. Right now you have ECNL clubs not wanting to give up their piece of the pie. NPL Clubs like SJEB/Princeton/NJ Stallions/FC Copa/NJ Wildcats might become members since they are not tied to US Club soccer and have a history of strong teams not all but a few.

So much better for NJ to have 4 or 5 Academy teams instead of 2. Not a big state but a ton of people per acre.

5 Academy teams will give 50 kids per age group a shot instead of 20 assuming the split is 50/50 with a roster of 20. Less players falling to the cracks.

Anonymous said...

They already cannot get full rosters at one of the clubs.

But I do foresee a couple/few in NJ added to ECNL if they desire

Anonymous said...

i disagree. There are plenty of other clubs that have produced NT players that may get it first. USSF is about producing YNT and equivalent players. They don't want the ECNL problem with too many clubs feeding from the same player pool.

Anonymous said...

You will continue to have problems when clubs like PDA have their girls DOC in charge of the DA program also on the board of directors at ECNL. How can you serve two kings?

Anonymous said...

@11:50. statement of the year. "How can you serve two kings?" He certainly is the king btw. ECNL, DA, professional team plays on same field. Rutgers draws big audience. Its like if you can't beat them join them.

Anonymous said...

11:50am-so true. PDA monopolizes girls soccer in NJ by having a form of control at the governing level. Clubs can't get into ECNL in NJ because they don't want the competition. If 2-3 other clubs got ECNL within the State then i guarantee in 2-3 years time PDA would be found out as those Clubs would be developing their players better and begin overtaking PDA in the Conference table. Why do you think PDA don't promote players from within from NPL to ECNL? Because a vast majority of the the coaches suck at their jobs and get by on the PDA name. Shame as the other alternative is MF, and their organization is a joke from top to bottom.

Anonymous said...

11:20 - You are telling me that kids don't move up the ranks at PDA. That is sad. I thought the "D" in PDA was for Development. Sounds like they only take already developed players.

What will stop him from just blocking any NJ club from joining ECNL to keep the kingdom together.

Not any better here in PA...

Anonymous said...

I don't think the PDA/DA games are on the Yurcak Field. Are they? Looked like a different location.

Anonymous said...

Why not PA? PF isn't an ECNL option anymore. So, any girls that want to play ECNL will go to Bucks or Continental, right? Won't that make those teams stronger?

Anonymous said...

All PDA USSDA Games will be at Zarephath or Morningside Farm in Somerset NJ. The same place all the PDA North teams play. Don't let the Sky Blue name fool you. Sky Blue has nothing to do with them except branding. The Yurcak field is being used by Rutgers now and they don't want PDA to destroy the grass. Maybe in the Spring but for now just more Fake News...

Anonymous said...

And people's pay 5000 for that.

Anonymous said...

Lets say you pay $5,000.00 a year for only 6 years in the program (U14-U19). You were "developed" somewhere else. That includes hotels, gas, cleats, etcetera. then you get a generous $4,000.00 a year scholarship to play in college. That is a $16,000.00 return on a $30,000.00 investment.

It cost you $14,000 to say "My daughter is playing on a scholarship at humpty hump University."

Funny thing is that no one else cares at your crappy job and they have grown sick of hearing about soccer from you for the past however many years. They don't want to see her picture from signing day that you have on your desk and they don't care about gotsoccer points.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs a stiff drink and needs to chill out!

Anonymous said...

Make fun of the money and hectic schedule. But don't touch gotsoccer points - they are sacred!

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys still talk gotsoccer? Since YouthSocceRankings gotsoccer is so yesterday and everybody knows this.

Your Region 1 top 20

2 PDA ECNL (NJ) [21] 37.25
7 WORLD CLASS FC ECNL (NYE) [31] 36.79
13 OAKWOOD SC (CT) [62] 36.10
14 EAST MEADOW SC ECNL (NYE) [67] 36.04
17 ALBERTSON SC ECNL (NYE) [81] 35.81

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment above, yes chill out. In the end the days I have spent with my daughter, and now son, doing soccer has been nothing but great fun. Staying at nice hotels, going out, road trips, then kicking some arse in high level soccer matches. I got news for the bitter poster above. You must be in different nightmare that my family is not aware of. For me and my family it is a dream come true. We all love soccer and no place we would rather be than on a soccer field. Probably going to watch Rutgers play Monmouth this weekend at Yurcak. And I feel sorry for where you work. You should get along with your colleagues and enjoy working, or find another job.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the gotsoccer comment was a joke. The reason I said it was because other people still brag about their national ranking on facebook, sidelines, and at work without knowing the "truth" most of us on this blog are very well aware of. I also don't understand why people are dishonest with themselves when they brag about college opportunities won by paying out more then they got back.

Like you, I also have a great time with my family and make every trip a mini vacation. We make fun #1 and don't critique play. Only encouragement on sidelines. We are lucky in that she plays all 90min on a high level ECNL team so her skills do the talking, not my mouth.

You are allowed to be proud of you kids achievements. You are allowed to share those achievements as well. Just don't pretend that they are something that they are not. A scholarship is not the measurement of success and we don't need a breaking news update for every assist, goal, or win. I think it shows insecurity and a sad need to be validated.

I love the competition between kids ON the field, I hate the competition between parents OFF the field.

Anonymous said...

9:34 we are in agreement. Let me buy you a Heineken or something. Many fantasies out there. And the time with my daughter has been priceless, just priceless, glad you agree.

Anonymous said...

Get a room you two.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you have some parents on your own sideline you can do without

It happens.

Best of luck to you down the road. And yes, you may NEED to publicize your daughter a little, ECNL 90 minte girl or not.

Anonymous said...

3:01 you are spot on many of us - don't practice what we preach.

Calling all dads/moms of the kids with the verbals? Did your kid need to register with the NCAA so they can be cleared as an amateur before the verbal was offered?

Anonymous said...

6:30. NO

Anonymous said...

The merger is complete. Wildcats and PSA

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll bite...what merger?^

Anonymous said...

PSA is now 3rd largest club after CSA and PDA.

If you have more than 3 letters - please don't apply (come on STA)

Anonymous said...

Quantity is not necessarily quality!

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