Wildcats are playing the best with many college coaches in attendance. Not 15, but at least 10 with Oakwood and FC Virginia and even Albertson had many DI coaches in attendance. Team managers walk around and track them. Oakwood wins final 6-4. 10 goals. Many 5-1 scores, 5-3 pda storm win. Things are changing. BYC has much to do with that. ECNL is the place to be. Oakwood was mostly DA kids btw. So they took the best 18 to Jeff Cup and all DA kids. They scored like a million goals to win 2nd bracket. Not surprised when you find out what "really" happened. I have to look back, but cannot remember in last 3-4 years such high scoring top brackets. Typically 2-1 2-0 1-0 even. Look at Bethesda and CASL. I see at Bethesda PF tied Wildcats, is that same team that won top bracket at Jeff cup? This will be crazy spring and PDA tournament will be good for 3 NJ teams involved. Much college exposure. And yes Cedar Stars black balled.
2-1 loss vs FC Virginia ECNL in last game this weekend shows Wildcats will compete fine in non-ECNL bracket at PDA which will have a separate bracket for ECNL Teams same as was the case at CASL Event.
Unless DA, like Oakwood, or ECNL, it is hard to compete against these ECNL and/or DA clubs. They have 18 players, all 7 subs are just as good as kids coming off bench. I have stated before on blog that options for ecnl in Central Jersey are limited. Again, if I am correct, it is PDA Storm, MF and that is it at U15 girls side. I guess you can do PDA Shore and make believe you are real PDA. Or Cedar Stars to attempt DA. Otherwise drive to PA, NY for Albertson ecnl or WC for ecnl. Or join the SJEB/Rush program down south. Hence why wildcats attract decent players on girls side from U13-WPL
Agree with poster about non-ecnl brackets. Best thing at this point for non-ecnl teams. Then the DA teams will also be sorted out for tournaments as you cannot have a team like Oakwood playing a team like Wildcats. Great for Kittens, but horrible for Oakwood. If my girl was on kittens I would be very, very, very happy with being in front of those teams. That is what most miss who are trashing the kittens. Don't you want your girl to play the best, the best in the country? well the kittens just did, just like Pipeline etc.
Would you rather not have a club like PDA in NJ? Ecnl has done so much for elite girls soccer players over past few years. It was tough in the beginning, takes years to build a league like this. GDA is in for long road ahead, I just hope my last one gets committed before we have to commit to them.
Heard the coach from Maximus is going to PSA/stallions merger. Is his team following? That's going to hurt Cedar Star/ Crush merger. All these clubs merging. It's getting crazy
Top 20 NJ teams not in Va. this weekend but playing in Baltimore:
-FC Berna Legacy wins top flight, 1-0 final over Southeast SC of Connecticut (Legacy 2-1 over Wall in round play) (Also 4-0 EDP win over NJ Wildcats last week not too shabby) -Wall, NJ Elite and Mt. Laurel in top flight but did not advance (NJ Elite 0-0 tie with Mt Laurel in round play) (Legacy 2-1 over Wall in round play)
Baltimore, ok, take deep breath. At U15 if still at Baltimore is your kid going to get scholarship? Should you at the least be at Jeff cup in some type of bracket. Are any college coaches at Baltimore at all? signed - disgruntled parent stuck in Baltimore again.
LOL @ 12:40 posting that after midnight. Next up for all those teams is Tuckahoe Farm tournament & then Fort Dix. All major community college scouts will be there with few Div3 sprinkled in.
Have to agree with 950am. Tuckahoe on girls side, fort dix is the old days. at U15 you should be at Randalls in summer/Thanksgiving, Bethesda, Jeff Cup, PDA showcase, Eclipse, CASL, Disney. If not DI dreams I think are shot, unless others can say it ain't so? This is East Coast. So anything West of Chicago I am not talking about. At the least attend some of these events starting at U15?? Now on boys side, my son is 12, Tuckahoe may work for few more years with EDP stuff.
And great for FC Berna beating Wildcats. Have to hand it to them. I always thought FC Berna club has good U15/16 teams. Just far from where we live. Certainly the byc has changed many things and we will see that. It changed many things for better or worse for some clubs. The smaller the club the more it hurt it with ability to draw great players and finding keepers and having 03 play with 02.
I find it interesting that after one of larger and more competitive tournaments on the east coast the chatter on this blog has been minimal. In years past the results would be posted during the tournament as games were going on. Looking at the results it's easy to see why it's quiet. Wildcats sucked, PDA's teams didn't make finals (what happened to the dragons?)and MF was denied entry(rightfully so). So either this blog misses the 2001 parents or the above listed clubs are our usual entertainment.
Congrats to Penn Fusion's ECNL and NPL teams! Both won their brackets. Also great job by World Class, STA and SDFC, at least some of the teams were successful out there
2:01 I do believe the BYC affected this blog for sure. The 2002s seem to be a kinder, gentler bunch, but the 2001s had some characters for sure.
Wildcats 01 and 02 teams are not top level. I have seen both. PDA 02 teams did "ok" at Jeff Cup. Looks like a combined 7-3-3 with only Ajax winning their flight. They had teams in flights 1,3,4,7. Looks like the BYC affected the Dragons, which surprises. Why was MF not at Jeff Cup?
Cmon your PDA. That's unacceptable losing to an ECNL team. For being the best at everything it's amazing that such a thing can happen. Very impressive win over classics. Stand proud. I knew it wouldnt take long to whack the PDA bee hive. Here they come! The blog is back!! How dare we call out the almighty?
WOW, 7:16. I posted a congratulations to the teams who won. My kid doesn't play on any of those teams. Why would you attack any of them. Grow up. The girls who drove for hours to go to VA to play in perhaps their first games of the season, should all be proud. The winners deserve a little extra shout out. Don't be a jerk. By the way, why would they have to wait until the PDA Showcase to play other ECNL teams? Just shows what an idiot you are. How did your daughters team do?
If people don't know PDA Showcase will only have 14 ECNL teams grouped together for those who got accepted back in the fall. The rest of the ECNL teams like Penn Fusion will play in regular showcase brackets, so many of you non-ECNL teams may see them again at the that showcase.
The 14 ECNL teams that will be grouped together can be found here.
Also no GS points so no crying over that anymore for us gotta worry about showcasing here on out. Jeff Cup was the last hoorah for crowning medals and trophies.
Yes my daughter went to the tryouts. I saw a lot of NYSC girls there.Pretty good turnout despite the short notice. One goalie was amazing, not sure where she was from. this was supposedly the first of 3 or 4 from what I was told.
Could also have been either of the two current natl team roster goalies too - both local and may be being recruited over to nysc. Surprised the goalie was the only one to stick out - usually only the coaches notice that type of play - because everyone watches their daughter and the positions they are up against...
What is so funny about that. I know of a bunch in the lower age group they want over. I would consider leaving the golden child to move over, almost same distance. I think and hope this club will do really well and no history with them.
NYSC cannot stop the bleeding, their best 02’s, and soon best 03’s, will ALL be on WC ECNL teams next year. Its more of a self-glorified town club these days, their best days are behind them...
7:53. My son is a goalie and that is probably why that player stood out. She could have been the national team invite. I guess she just caught my eye because I am so used to focusing on goalies lol. Plenty of talent there. Girls looked very comfortable with the ball at their feet. There were one or two who were out of their league, but for the most part, the girls could all play.
3 QUICK points, but important if you have attention span to listen for all fathers/mothers on this blog at this age grouping: 1- Most doc's and Coaches are arrogant, hence why they win. It just depends on how they treat your daughter. And you know what, let your daughters grow up a little. 2- ECNL and DA cannot compete with NPL or lower. ECNL teams bring 18 players, all or most are going DI or II, especially 'A' team, and 7 sub at a clip, and the 7 going in are just as good as 7 going out. You "used" to be able to do this, however with byc change and ECNL getting stronger, with back up NPL teams you are in trouble trying to compete with ECNL. 3- Try and play to have fun, if your daughter is good enough she will have - no fear, - step to ball hard - and do something in each match that is different/high level that is noticeable.
Dear Dick-head, AKA 9:25, are you the NYSC DOC? Otherwise, you are a fool, and throwing your money away on an average-at-best NPL Club, save the laughter for their invoices.
Interesting to see the kick and run point chasing teams (rush and cherry hill)come back from VA with no points or trophies. All those years of poor coaching have caught up with them. Can't blame birth year mergers for inability to play as a team. That's all on the coaches.
1247 why bring those teams into a conversation on here, they did what they and was successful for years. I'm sure they will figure out the next steps to get better as a team so stop hating.
Saw something funny. Post said MFA was not accepted. Untrue, Club puts out schedule in August for year and none of their teams were slated for this tourney. The 2002s at MFA are obviously gonna be hurt with the move to Denville and the departure of all those kids to WCFC. They will take their lumps, but still have a decent team with some real good players. Club is scaling back travel, no need for these teams to be driving to Richmond in March, when they all fly to AZ in a week. My guess is results in late spring will be pretty good.
821. I still believe Jeff Cup you have to go to. We went U14 and now 15. this year fields full of college coaches. I have been to a few showcases. At Jeff Cup you are bumping into college coaches left and right. This is the spot. AZ should be very good of course for ecnl. But I think, not much East coast coaches will be there. My daughter wants to stay east coast and most on the blog I am sure want that as well.
I am not a fan of MF or its coaches. ECNL Coaches\directors only bring in players that have been trained elsewhere. DOC and ECNL director do not develop. This is why we left. My child did not learn one thing from those coaches besides playing EVERY practice with no instruction.
941 Sorry ECNL AZ will have plenty of East coast Schools in attendance. Again do your research many of the same were are Jeff Cup so if they targeting players on a ECNL roster they get to see them twice Jeff Cup and ECNL AZ.
Oh well... we feel differently and are likely on our way to Match Fit for next season. OPPORTUNITY knocking. I think plenty of top players not playing DA will be responding.
Match Fit sends out an email to database threatening all players if they are seen, heard at tryouts they will be bench basically. Nice club to be a part of, I am seriously looking to leave next year. Very disappointing to date, many promises that I was lead to believe would happen. Let's say, nothing came true. I believe opportunity is a minimal at Match Fit
"Many promises that I was led to believe would happen"
Like what? DA?
you stayed at Match Fit and now are pissed off that they did not join the DA system?
OK, I get it.
2 Jersey teams await your appearance at their DA sessions. I dont think not moving to PDA for 2016 affects your DA chances with them in 2017. But thats just me.
ECNL NY - WC - 1st team NY - EM - 1st team NY - Albertson - 1st team NJ - PDA - 1st team NJ - MF - 1st team PA - PF -1st team PA - Bucks - 1st team PA - Delco -1st team
NorthEast NPL NY - WC - 2nd team NY - EM - 2ndteam NY - Albertson - 2nd team NJ - PDA South -2nd team NJ - PDA North -3rd team PA - PF -2nd team PA - Bucks - 2nd team PA - Delco -2nd team
NEW World NY
GDA NY - FC Fury NY Bay Shore, N.Y NY - Long Island SC Plainview, NY NY - New York City FC Orangeburg, N.Y. NJ - Cedar Stars Academy - Monmouth NJ - Sky Blue - PDA PA - PA Classics PA - Penn Fusion
ECNL NY - WC - 2nd team NY - EM - 2ndteam NY - Albertson - 2nd team NJ - PDA - 2nd team NJ - MF - 1st team PA - Bucks - 1st team PA - Delco -1st team
NorthEast NPL NY - WC - 3rd team NY - EM - 3rd team NY - Albertson - 3rd team NJ - PDA South -3rd team NJ - PDA North -4th team PA - Bucks - 2nd team PA - Delco -2nd team
NorthEast NPL NY - WC - 3rd team NY - EM - 3rd team NY - Albertson - 3rd team NJ - PDA South -3rd team NJ - PDA North -4th team NJ - MF - 2nd team PA - Bucks - 2nd team PA - Delco -2nd team
Maybe poster is right about ecnl in AZ having more or the same coaches as jeff cup. I still think if you are east coast team, you have to go to Jeff cup in VA. It is nice mix for non-ecnl and ecnl. I have a slight theory that ecnl does not want to play non-ecnl for fear of losing and being embarrassed. If that happens parents are like "why am I on ecnl and traveling all over country and losing to non-ecnl"
Come on east coast coaches in AZ are there to see west coast players (any east coast players in the same game is a bonus).
You go to AZ for the west coast/mid america schools to see east coast players.
I agree 10:29 with that statement now. Before GDA I would have had issues with it. 2017/2018 ECNLs teams will not be better than 2017/2018 NL teams, they will just play in their own league with no outsiders, where NL is open to anyone that qualifies. Keep in mind players need the passes.
ECNL - US Club pass -nly ECNL cluns no NPL clubs or other US Club teams not ECNL
NL - USYS pass open to any USYS team that qualifies and played in any USYS league.
10:00 One is EM and the other Albertson even though they say they are not wink wink. World Class and PDA just affiliated with NYCFC and Sky Blue to work around - some know how to play the game and some are learning.
It's all it your sales pitch - because if it's good we all buy into it.
This popped up last week on the back-of-the-net (for 10:29 poster "ecnl does not want to play non-ecnl for fear of losing and being embarrassed"):
---- Tomorrow, March 21 ECNL will meeting on these issues, and on Wednesday, march 22, US Soccer will be meeting to discuss the violations and partnerships.
These are closed door meetings of ECNL and GDA leadership to specifically discuss certain clubs "splitting" off ECNL or GDA to avoid being subject to the two year rule.
There is a rule that IF a club has both ECNL and GDA, within two years, they must generate a minimum number of YNT players, or else, they have to give up either ECNL or GDA. SO, to get around this rule, clubs are rebranding either their ECNL or GDA franchises.
Meetings with ECNL and US Soccer this week to deal with the "splitters". -----
Sounds like the standard will be "how many kids got the invite" - which, again, smells of nepotism. Also, we have to acknowledge that invites can be based on politically motivated coaches and not independent bodies.
Extremely disappointed in DA/ECNL politics. I'm not even sure if the DA "play" rules and guidelines have even been established - can anyone confirm that?
All the DA squabbles will be immaterial once 2 key regions reach critical mass in US. If Southern California and Texas go to DA - that will constitute the 2 key pull points for success - they have multiple strong teams that would draw the college coaches and the rest of the talent.
It seems that other regions are somewhat uneven, and one-two teams per region going to ECNL is not significant enough to cause its collapse yet.
Another potential factor may be age grouping, eg 2004 and 2003 players switching to DA while older ones trying to see who takes the first bait.
The DA doesn't have a very good chance of success. No communication and chaos. Finally appointed someone, but no experience is running a league and still have not heard from her. I'm not confident in next year.
Curioous how many GDA clubs will allow seniors to play high school ball and join team after 2 months... This article kept the door open for this to happen... http://www.soccerwire.com/news/clubs/youth-girls/about-face-heinrichs-says-girls-development-academy-will-allow-high-school-play/
From a good source I heard that the top clubs that have gda and ecnl will stack the 01/02 teams with 01s. The 02 A teams will be used to make the best possible ECNL team. Tgerefore for 02s next year and for college recruiting ECNL will still be the place to be. In 2019 02s will be DA focused.
Fake news. A source, really? Non of the older girls will want to play DA, most committed and want to enjoy senior year and they should. Intilail tryouts were very low. Many others that have figured how important soccer really isn't, will not pursue as well. College is the end game for 90 percent by this point.
This is real, they are considering holding off on oldest age group and let the younger teams grow into them. This was supposed to be discussed among much more in Chicago two weeks ago. Would have hoped to see update by now.
What are the substitution rules? The rules governing games in the Girls' Development Academy match the rules that govern soccer games around the world (FIFA). For example, allowing substitutes to re-enter a match, which is common in high school, club soccer, and collegiate soccer, is not allowed anywhere else in the world, thus the Girls' Academy will align with the rules governing the world's game.
How many players will be on a roster? As a combined age group, players are encouraged to play up and clubs will have groups of players that they will move up and move freely among age groups within their Academy program. The projected pool would equate to approximately 23 players per age group for a total of 69 full-time players amongst the three age groups (U-14/15, U-16/17, and U-18/19).
#################### Love the above 2 points 23 Girls on a roster. 18 Dress to play 14 Actually play. ####################
102 How is it possible for a 2002 be in a grad year 2019 per your last sentence. Unless they were pushed up a school grade!. Most 2002's are Freshman or 8th graders right now.
Most DA's squads U16/17 in the first inaugural season will be made up of 2001's. Please so research the boys DA teams and look up the makeup of each team they are mostly the older age year.
I just hope the club takes only the 14 that are going to play with them instead of making 9 players travel and pay money to stay overnight to watch girls on their team play.
I agree if not a serious NT level player no need to play GDA. But what then?
Play for a team in a league that has special treatment for certain clubs? Play for a team in a league where you need to win to advance?
They got us by the - and they know it and so do we
1:20 learn how to read. At what point did I say an 02 was class of 19? I said in the year 2019 the 2002 kids 20/21 grad year will be the focus of the DA. So as a top 02 at a top club with DA and ECNL next year your kid will most likely be ECNL followed by a year in DA followed by? But the top clubs can win DA and win ECNL in opposite years and allow kids to play hs in their off year.
Source was a doc at a major club that has da and ecnl.
How can you take the "14 that are going to play" when you do not know how the 3 substitutes will be used until the game moves along? I'd also assume keepers that are splitting games are not considered as one of the three. Thus really 17. 6 subs, 3 get in. The other 3 have at least gone through pregame and been there in the battle.
And before you say being on the bench serves no purpose at all if you do not see action - you might ask yourself - why dont I talk to my daughter about paying attention from the bench - making it a learning experience - instead of just sitting there all upset about not getting in - and thus learning nothing.
These are the substitution rules off the academy website. I think people are mistaking the 4 substitution moments in a game for the amount of subs you can have. If you carry 18 players on a roster, almost everyone can get in. The academy mandates a 25% start time minimum for every player as well
2. Substitutions: All U-15/16 and U-17/18 Academy games will have a maximum of five (5) . U-13, U-14 Academy games will have a maximum of seven (7) substitutions per game with no re-entry across three “opportunities”. The U-12 Academy games will have unlimited substitutions with re-entry.
8:33 are you kidding me with that keeper comment? Of course it counts as a sub. The bench serves a purpose I agree but not with a 2k price tag. But like I said to each their own, for me money doesn't grow on a tree and I'm okay with my kid not starting or seeing 20 minutes a game if that's where she is. next season we leave and find a better fit, we let someone else take a shot at it, same if she doesn't dress. Her watching her team play with her schools on the sideline watching them play would do more damage than any good you write about 8:35.
My formula is simple train extra, give 100% and play your position (what ever role the formation calls for) and you will stick out on any field, but you have to be in the game to stick out and I think 2k buys you a seat at that table. But I know in the now 2k don't mean jack, because there is a line around the corner of parents that are willing to pay with the hopes that their kid will get nice minutes.
Hahaha, that’s fine, I’m sure Jeff is stressed enough, but I will mention your comment to him, perhaps that will make his day. All we can do is watch and cheer, and all I want is effort, and no injuries, best of luck to all...
Major report of inappropriate behavior(drinking alcohol in room with players) with Cedar Stars Coach being sent home in middle of Jefferson Cup and another Cedar Stars coach sent to coach team for rest of weekend. The first report we heard was there would bee a suspension of the coach but then our coach was on the practice field this week so waiting to see if it will be swept under the rug by Cedar Stars Club.
Wait, I just went and looked at their gotsoccer listing and saw their coach. Now I am vomiting in my mouth thinking about him being in a room with 14 and 15 year old girls drinking.. That must be a HUGE rug Cedar Stars has to sweep that under.
"Baltimore, ok, take deep breath. At U15 if still at Baltimore is your kid going to get scholarship? Should you at the least be at Jeff cup in some type of bracket. Are any college coaches at Baltimore at all? signed - disgruntled parent stuck in Baltimore again."
You are a dick. Want to feel good about yourself? No their were no D1 coaches in Baltimore so a "scholarship" is not likely.
...However, I'm rich motherfucker and my kid is smart as shit - 1450 on the PSAT smart, 4.0 GPA so far in 9th grade. I could pay for my kid's whole team to go to college and my kid can basically get in wherever she wants. If your kid gets ANY scholarship - ever - it won't be from Jeff Cup. You'll probably do 2 or 3 ID camps at that school while my kid can just get in herself and I can pay for it like your poor ass pays for a dinner at Chili's in Virginia. Someday your sorry scholarship-chasing kid will probably be laid off at my kid's company...And she's struggle to pay off her student loans despite playing in the Jeff Cup!
"...However, I'm rich motherfucker and my kid is smart as shit - 1450 on the PSAT smart, 4.0 GPA so far in 9th grade. I could pay for my kid's whole team to go to college and my kid can basically get in wherever she wants. If your kid gets ANY scholarship - ever - it won't be from Jeff Cup. You'll probably do 2 or 3 ID camps at that school while my kid can just get in herself and I can pay for it like your poor ass pays for a dinner at Chili's in Virginia. Someday your sorry scholarship-chasing kid will probably be laid off at my kid's company...And she's struggle to pay off her student loans despite playing in the Jeff Cup!"
Comic relief. That's a pretty funny post. Love it.
Yes, WC lost today. What you just don't get, is we still love the atmosphere and training at WC. EVERYTHING is going well, thanks. The girls are really starting to come together and play great soccer. Let's see how your team fares against Stars. We played to a 2-2 tie until a minute left in the game. No excuses at all. We are proud of every girl on the field today.
What is your malfunction, got nothing better to do?? All I did was wish ALLLLLL the WCFC teams good fortune this past weekend, and you spout-off about the coach, his history, and how much you hate him. Guess what, no one gives a shit about you, your club, or your rhetoric. Fuck-off.
April 1 @ 6:11 You must think people give a crap about you. Naming innocent people makes you the biggest loser on this blog. What makes you think ANYONE cares? You should be embarrassed and Admin you should block that idiot's IP address. I am sure the when that person takes his break from watching his swingers website he may actually notice his ban. Please remove that loser's comment and let the person go get his STD treated.
You can call out coaches they are paid employees of clubs. Call out parents who cares! Just don't call out the kids! As for the World Class coach Jeff posts, it's not any of those three parents mentioned. So whoever named them your an idiot and owe those 3 an apology! There are more people then those 3 that apparently think your coach is a self serving tool!
@ 2:32 That loser called out 3 people, AT LEAST TWO OF THEM DID NOT POST ANYTHING! So if you are that much of a moron to name people, step up and identify yourself, coward.
Most of us know absolutely know who you are, and most of us know NO ONE gives a rat's ass about your butt-buddy coach.
Apologize? you are asking someone to apologize to you and others. Why would someone apologize when you just attack 2 individuals in your post? Seems like you got called out.
Seems to me that you are the same idiot that called out innocent people and was identified as a swinger with a STD. Looks like you were called out. Once a moron, always a moron. Quit while you are way behind. Loser.
You guys are making want to Google these guys, hope they have that app that cleans-up their history< what is it called Reputation Destroyer, or some such.
9:24 are you the same MF Admin who was calling people "Morons" on the U14 Blog too? My colleague just told me there is a guy calling everyone "Morons" on that page too, and it is definitely a MF DOC or coach. Are you on every other blog too? let me go check...
Reading the blog posts, I think when I know when some people sit down with a special beverage and start posting. You all are ridiculous. My kid is more mature.
Date: April 29th Location: Mercer Community College
A local soccer game became a free-for-all brawl between parents. Details are still being investigated, but the local police say that 8 adults were arrested, and scores injured, when animosity between two sets of parents overcame common sense and reason. A reporter at the scene, interviewed one of the Mom’s being taken away by police, she was yelling, “they started it” and “my daughter is better than yours...bitch!”
8:10 - get a sense of humor. I would much rather the humorous posts than the brawls being played out in real time. Most of the posters are milk toasts away from their keyboards.
Yeah so better to have a bunch of passive aggressive parents on the sidelines muttering criticism about your daughter under their breath and then getting on here to post their true feelings :)
Because I posted it and I'm NOT one of those 3 mentioned!!!!! Do you understand yet? Apparently more then those 3 parents you called out do not like your coach! I would put World Class coach and Wildcats coach in the same basket of deplorables! LOL did you like my political twist there? Oh and naming coaches and parents are fine on this blog remember kids are OFF limits!
WC Coach left the club that my daughter play's at. Several parents are very bitter that he left and took many players with him. I see how parents would be upset with this, plus I see why a coach would leave our club. I still listen to parents that talk about him on our sidelines. My wife and I just roll our eye's, just let it go already. The girls on our team are playing well and it was a good move for him and his club
couple of state cup matches coming up for trip to nationals. winding down quickly. Ajax versus the old but sure Boca, Wildcats versus STA for NJYS. GFA looking for appearance on other side of bracket
Looking at bracket A for National Champion Series for the games played so far it looks like the Rush teams are playing well. I know its two different Rush clubs. Should be fun to see how it plays out.
No disrespect to Ajax but the US Club national cup is a fake national championship.
Some State Champs go direct. Some State Champs go to Regionals to play any team that applies.
NCS might not get the love of this board, but at least you need to win your State Cup to advance to regionals and for the 4 regional champs they advance to nationals to play the 4 National League Division champs.
Going back to US Club the top league (ECNL) doesn't even send their teams.
If anyone is paying attention look how close the games here at ECNL Phoenix showcase. Goal differential is 1 or 2 goals compared to blow out wins at Jeff Cup top flights.
This is the reason coaches will flock to ECNL/GDA to watch players more closely as the competition is very narrow at these events. You back home in the east can all chase GS points, State Cups, trophies; but ultimately those hear in Phoenix are getting a head start on recruiting. So when the avg. ECNL team has 80% of there players committed Jr/Sr. years all of you chasing glorified fake championships and cups along with GS points will be scratching your heads on why 2 or 3 players are only getting notice by colleges on your teams.
4:11 dont kid yourself. NJ teams were placed in the second bracket to give them a chance. Dont slam Jeff Cup with Fake Result Benchmarks (tm). Look at So Cal Blues results in the top bracket and rewrite your post.
So Cal Blues - future DA team - 8 Mustang SC - declined DA - 0
looking for comments...if your choice was Penn Fusion DA, but your child was not one of the top 16 players.....or CFC ECNL what decision would you make
Despite parent's beliefs that a kid will be challenged when they come off the bench and can prove themselves - I have rarely it materialize ever in my life. Put your kid on a team where they are a starter.
IMHO, the only time it works is when your kid plays on two teams, one where she is a starter and one where she comes off the bench - but that requires an understanding between you, your kid and coaches of two teams.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 3538 Newer› Newest»12:48 yes and they come on blog and go after teams who regularly beat down their Little Suzy's Team or ex-coaches who didn't start them.
Wildcats are playing the best with many college coaches in attendance. Not 15, but at least 10 with Oakwood and FC Virginia and even Albertson had many DI coaches in attendance. Team managers walk around and track them. Oakwood wins final 6-4. 10 goals. Many 5-1 scores, 5-3 pda storm win. Things are changing. BYC has much to do with that. ECNL is the place to be. Oakwood was mostly DA kids btw. So they took the best 18 to Jeff Cup and all DA kids. They scored like a million goals to win 2nd bracket. Not surprised when you find out what "really" happened. I have to look back, but cannot remember in last 3-4 years such high scoring top brackets. Typically 2-1 2-0 1-0 even. Look at Bethesda and CASL. I see at Bethesda PF tied Wildcats, is that same team that won top bracket at Jeff cup? This will be crazy spring and PDA tournament will be good for 3 NJ teams involved. Much college exposure. And yes Cedar Stars black balled.
ECNL has an expiration date approaching.
2-1 loss vs FC Virginia ECNL in last game this weekend shows Wildcats will compete fine in non-ECNL bracket at PDA which will have a separate bracket for ECNL Teams same as was the case at CASL Event.
What is ecnl expiration date?
Unless DA, like Oakwood, or ECNL, it is hard to compete against these ECNL and/or DA clubs. They have 18 players, all 7 subs are just as good as kids coming off bench. I have stated before on blog that options for ecnl in Central Jersey are limited. Again, if I am correct, it is PDA Storm, MF and that is it at U15 girls side. I guess you can do PDA Shore and make believe you are real PDA. Or Cedar Stars to attempt DA. Otherwise drive to PA, NY for Albertson ecnl or WC for ecnl. Or join the SJEB/Rush program down south. Hence why wildcats attract decent players on girls side from U13-WPL
Agree with poster about non-ecnl brackets. Best thing at this point for non-ecnl teams. Then the DA teams will also be sorted out for tournaments as you cannot have a team like Oakwood playing a team like Wildcats. Great for Kittens, but horrible for Oakwood. If my girl was on kittens I would be very, very, very happy with being in front of those teams. That is what most miss who are trashing the kittens. Don't you want your girl to play the best, the best in the country? well the kittens just did, just like Pipeline etc.
Ask the DA lol
I think we all want the ecnl as back up, even you NPL parents. Next year you will love ecnl and hate the da.
NPL parents just love ECNL. Thank you PDA for inviting non affiliated ECNL teams to showcase!
Would you rather not have a club like PDA in NJ? Ecnl has done so much for elite girls soccer players over past few years. It was tough in the beginning, takes years to build a league like this. GDA is in for long road ahead, I just hope my last one gets committed before we have to commit to them.
118 - what league and club do you play for? Let me guess, we will all lol.
Can you read?
I think you need to read down as well. @118 is a ecnl hater.
Heard the coach from Maximus is going to PSA/stallions merger. Is his team following? That's going to hurt Cedar Star/ Crush merger. All these clubs merging. It's getting crazy
9:52 if you cant read a press release from PSA... damn.
9:16 Maybe idiot just isn't their language.
12:48 exactly
Top 20 NJ teams not in Va. this weekend but playing in Baltimore:
-FC Berna Legacy wins top flight, 1-0 final over Southeast SC of Connecticut
(Legacy 2-1 over Wall in round play) (Also 4-0 EDP win over NJ Wildcats last week not too shabby)
-Wall, NJ Elite and Mt. Laurel in top flight but did not advance
(NJ Elite 0-0 tie with Mt Laurel in round play) (Legacy 2-1 over Wall in round play)
Baltimore, ok, take deep breath. At U15 if still at Baltimore is your kid going to get scholarship? Should you at the least be at Jeff cup in some type of bracket. Are any college coaches at Baltimore at all? signed - disgruntled parent stuck in Baltimore again.
LOL @ 12:40 posting that after midnight. Next up for all those teams is Tuckahoe Farm tournament & then Fort Dix. All major community college scouts will be there with few Div3 sprinkled in.
Have to agree with 950am. Tuckahoe on girls side, fort dix is the old days. at U15 you should be at Randalls in summer/Thanksgiving, Bethesda, Jeff Cup, PDA showcase, Eclipse, CASL, Disney. If not DI dreams I think are shot, unless others can say it ain't so? This is East Coast. So anything West of Chicago I am not talking about. At the least attend some of these events starting at U15?? Now on boys side, my son is 12, Tuckahoe may work for few more years with EDP stuff.
And great for FC Berna beating Wildcats. Have to hand it to them. I always thought FC Berna club has good U15/16 teams. Just far from where we live. Certainly the byc has changed many things and we will see that. It changed many things for better or worse for some clubs. The smaller the club the more it hurt it with ability to draw great players and finding keepers and having 03 play with 02.
So those tournaments aren't Jeff cup but did you guys look at college coach lists before you posted your ecnl pompous ass comments?
11:27 this bit of news was in the press release. Heard from coaches wife's friend. Maximus doesn't offer him anything. PSA helps though
I dont think princeton is merging with stallions but maximus is merging with them.
Have been to the baltimore event. There are no D1 college coaches there.They are all at jeff cup.
I find it interesting that after one of larger and more competitive tournaments on the east coast the chatter on this blog has been minimal. In years past the results would be posted during the tournament as games were going on. Looking at the results it's easy to see why it's quiet. Wildcats sucked, PDA's teams didn't make finals (what happened to the dragons?)and MF was denied entry(rightfully so). So either this blog misses the 2001 parents or the above listed clubs are our usual entertainment.
RUSH and pipeline sucked too. They have come up from age group change, but they like to talk big game. When they win.
Congrats to Penn Fusion's ECNL and NPL teams! Both won their brackets. Also great job by World Class, STA and SDFC, at least some of the teams were successful out there
I do believe the BYC affected this blog for sure. The 2002s seem to be a kinder, gentler bunch, but the 2001s had some characters for sure.
Wildcats 01 and 02 teams are not top level. I have seen both. PDA 02 teams did "ok" at Jeff Cup. Looks like a combined 7-3-3 with only Ajax winning their flight. They had teams in flights 1,3,4,7. Looks like the BYC affected the Dragons, which surprises. Why was MF not at Jeff Cup?
Not true 3:31, what affected the Dragons was WC, and their only goal was a gift....
So many of the next tier players jumped ship from PDA to WC? Interesting. Didn't realize that.
2:01 you are correct. No doubt byc is a big part. The teams that do well this spring are programs that put an effort into building a solid team.
World Classless lol you beat a NPL team! Lets see what you do against other ECNL teams at PDA showcase.
Cmon your PDA. That's unacceptable losing to an ECNL team. For being the best at everything it's amazing that such a thing can happen. Very impressive win over classics. Stand proud. I knew it wouldnt take long to whack the PDA bee hive. Here they come! The blog is back!! How dare we call out the almighty?
WOW, 7:16. I posted a congratulations to the teams who won. My kid doesn't play on any of those teams. Why would you attack any of them. Grow up. The girls who drove for hours to go to VA to play in perhaps their first games of the season, should all be proud. The winners deserve a little extra shout out. Don't be a jerk. By the way, why would they have to wait until the PDA Showcase to play other ECNL teams? Just shows what an idiot you are. How did your daughters team do?
If people don't know PDA Showcase will only have 14 ECNL teams grouped together for those who got accepted back in the fall. The rest of the ECNL teams like Penn Fusion will play in regular showcase brackets, so many of you non-ECNL teams may see them again at the that showcase.
The 14 ECNL teams that will be grouped together can be found here.
Also no GS points so no crying over that anymore for us gotta worry about showcasing here on out. Jeff Cup was the last hoorah for crowning medals and trophies.
World Class your coach is a douche lets see how well you guys do enjoy!
Why is the WC coach a douche, what did he do??
MF lost many players to World Class with his departure in this age group, many players also left for PDA.
what does 'BYC" mean?
Anybody go to the NYCFC GDA tryouts? Heard there were some strong players, any info??
So it's obvious the "douche" is a parent of someone at his old club.
Yes my daughter went to the tryouts. I saw a lot of NYSC girls there.Pretty good turnout despite the short notice. One goalie was amazing, not sure where she was from. this was supposedly the first of 3 or 4 from what I was told.
I'd guess it was the US camp invite keeper formerly of NYSC and now with WC ECNL '01
Could also have been either of the two current natl team roster goalies too
- both local and may be being recruited over to nysc.
Surprised the goalie was the only one to stick out - usually only the coaches notice that type of play - because everyone watches their daughter and the positions they are up against...
Being recruited to NYSC???
What is so funny about that. I know of a bunch in the lower age group they want over.
I would consider leaving the golden child to move over, almost same distance.
I think and hope this club will do really well and no history with them.
If you don’t know by now, you never will, its not my job to educate you, read a book.
NYSC cannot stop the bleeding, their best 02’s, and soon best 03’s, will ALL be on WC ECNL teams next year. Its more of a self-glorified town club these days, their best days are behind them...
7:53. My son is a goalie and that is probably why that player stood out. She could have been the national team invite. I guess she just caught my eye because I am so used to focusing on goalies lol. Plenty of talent there. Girls looked very comfortable with the ball at their feet. There were one or two who were out of their league, but for the most part, the girls could all play.
3 QUICK points, but important if you have attention span to listen for all fathers/mothers on this blog at this age grouping:
1- Most doc's and Coaches are arrogant, hence why they win. It just depends on how they treat your daughter. And you know what, let your daughters grow up a little.
2- ECNL and DA cannot compete with NPL or lower. ECNL teams bring 18 players, all or most are going DI or II, especially 'A' team, and 7 sub at a clip, and the 7 going in are just as good as 7 going out. You "used" to be able to do this, however with byc change and ECNL getting stronger, with back up NPL teams you are in trouble trying to compete with ECNL.
3- Try and play to have fun, if your daughter is good enough she will have - no fear, - step to ball hard - and do something in each match that is different/high level that is noticeable.
Dear Dick-head, AKA 9:25, are you the NYSC DOC? Otherwise, you are a fool, and throwing your money away on an average-at-best NPL Club, save the laughter for their invoices.
Sorry, my bad, 9:49, that post was for you amigo.
Interesting to see the kick and run point chasing teams (rush and cherry hill)come back from VA with no points or trophies. All those years of poor coaching have caught up with them. Can't blame birth year mergers for inability to play as a team. That's all on the coaches.
1247 why bring those teams into a conversation on here, they did what they and was successful for years. I'm sure they will figure out the next steps to get better as a team so stop hating.
Saw something funny. Post said MFA was not accepted. Untrue, Club puts out schedule in August for year and none of their teams were slated for this tourney. The 2002s at MFA are obviously gonna be hurt with the move to Denville and the departure of all those kids to WCFC. They will take their lumps, but still have a decent team with some real good players. Club is scaling back travel, no need for these teams to be driving to Richmond in March, when they all fly to AZ in a week. My guess is results in late spring will be pretty good.
thanks 821. I always liked MF and coaches. We guested with them couple of times during summer of course. Are they merging with Cedar Stars?
821. I still believe Jeff Cup you have to go to. We went U14 and now 15. this year fields full of college coaches. I have been to a few showcases. At Jeff Cup you are bumping into college coaches left and right. This is the spot. AZ should be very good of course for ecnl. But I think, not much East coast coaches will be there. My daughter wants to stay east coast and most on the blog I am sure want that as well.
9:39, no idea but I call BS on that rumor.
MF is no longer relevant either way.
I am not a fan of MF or its coaches. ECNL Coaches\directors only bring in players that have been trained elsewhere. DOC and ECNL director do not develop. This is why we left. My child did not learn one thing from those coaches besides playing EVERY practice with no instruction.
941 Sorry ECNL AZ will have plenty of East coast Schools in attendance. Again do your research many of the same were are Jeff Cup so if they targeting players on a ECNL roster they get to see them twice Jeff Cup and ECNL AZ.
Oh well... we feel differently and are likely on our way to Match Fit for next season. OPPORTUNITY knocking. I think plenty of top players not playing DA will be responding.
What's the opportunity at MFA? I'm serious here.
Match Fit sends out an email to database threatening all players if they are seen, heard at tryouts they will be bench basically. Nice club to be a part of, I am seriously looking to leave next year. Very disappointing to date, many promises that I was lead to believe would happen. Let's say, nothing came true. I believe opportunity is a minimal at Match Fit
Back it up and post it.
don't need to, we all have the email
Crush has openings for your kid that cant crack the line up
I did not and very happy there, can you let it go troll.
"Many promises that I was led to believe would happen"
Like what? DA?
you stayed at Match Fit and now are pissed off that they did not join the DA system?
OK, I get it.
2 Jersey teams await your appearance at their DA sessions. I dont think not moving to PDA for 2016 affects your DA chances with them in 2017. But thats just me.
In NY/NJ/PA you can see who hates GDA
Old World
NY - WC - 1st team
NY - EM - 1st team
NY - Albertson - 1st team
NJ - PDA - 1st team
NJ - MF - 1st team
PA - PF -1st team
PA - Bucks - 1st team
PA - Delco -1st team
NorthEast NPL
NY - WC - 2nd team
NY - EM - 2ndteam
NY - Albertson - 2nd team
NJ - PDA South -2nd team
NJ - PDA North -3rd team
PA - PF -2nd team
PA - Bucks - 2nd team
PA - Delco -2nd team
NEW World NY
NY - FC Fury NY Bay Shore, N.Y
NY - Long Island SC Plainview, NY
NY - New York City FC Orangeburg, N.Y.
NJ - Cedar Stars Academy - Monmouth
NJ - Sky Blue - PDA
PA - PA Classics
PA - Penn Fusion
NY - WC - 2nd team
NY - EM - 2ndteam
NY - Albertson - 2nd team
NJ - PDA - 2nd team
NJ - MF - 1st team
PA - Bucks - 1st team
PA - Delco -1st team
NorthEast NPL
NY - WC - 3rd team
NY - EM - 3rd team
NY - Albertson - 3rd team
NJ - PDA South -3rd team
NJ - PDA North -4th team
PA - Bucks - 2nd team
PA - Delco -2nd team
revised - sorry
NorthEast NPL
NY - WC - 3rd team
NY - EM - 3rd team
NY - Albertson - 3rd team
NJ - PDA South -3rd team
NJ - PDA North -4th team
NJ - MF - 2nd team
PA - Bucks - 2nd team
PA - Delco -2nd team
The only group that hates GDA based on the above analysis are the high school coaches?
Do the 1st and 2nd teams ever scrimmage each other - is there such a huge difference (eg more than 2 goals)?
Are there web sites or tryouts announced for these 2 clubs? When you go to GDA site the info is TBD
NY - FC Fury NY Bay Shore, N.Y
NY - Long Island SC Plainview, NY
Maybe poster is right about ecnl in AZ having more or the same coaches as jeff cup. I still think if you are east coast team, you have to go to Jeff cup in VA. It is nice mix for non-ecnl and ecnl. I have a slight theory that ecnl does not want to play non-ecnl for fear of losing and being embarrassed. If that happens parents are like "why am I on ecnl and traveling all over country and losing to non-ecnl"
Come on east coast coaches in AZ are there to see west coast players (any east coast players in the same game is a bonus).
You go to AZ for the west coast/mid america schools to see east coast players.
I agree 10:29 with that statement now. Before GDA I would have had issues with it. 2017/2018 ECNLs teams will not be better than 2017/2018 NL teams, they will just play in their own league with no outsiders, where NL is open to anyone that qualifies. Keep in mind players need the passes.
ECNL - US Club pass -nly ECNL cluns no NPL clubs or other US Club teams not ECNL
NL - USYS pass open to any USYS team that qualifies and played in any USYS league.
10:00 One is EM and the other Albertson even though they say they are not wink wink. World Class and PDA just affiliated with NYCFC and Sky Blue to work around - some know how to play the game and some are learning.
It's all it your sales pitch - because if it's good we all buy into it.
This popped up last week on the back-of-the-net (for 10:29 poster "ecnl does not want to play non-ecnl for fear of losing and being embarrassed"):
Tomorrow, March 21 ECNL will meeting on these issues, and on Wednesday, march 22, US Soccer will be meeting to discuss the violations and partnerships.
These are closed door meetings of ECNL and GDA leadership to specifically discuss certain clubs "splitting" off ECNL or GDA to avoid being subject to the two year rule.
There is a rule that IF a club has both ECNL and GDA, within two years, they must generate a minimum number of YNT players, or else, they have to give up either ECNL or GDA. SO, to get around this rule, clubs are rebranding either their ECNL or GDA franchises.
Meetings with ECNL and US Soccer this week to deal with the "splitters".
Sounds like the standard will be "how many kids got the invite" - which, again, smells of nepotism. Also, we have to acknowledge that invites can be based on politically motivated coaches and not independent bodies.
Extremely disappointed in DA/ECNL politics. I'm not even sure if the DA "play" rules and guidelines have even been established - can anyone confirm that?
All the DA squabbles will be immaterial once 2 key regions reach critical mass in US. If Southern California and Texas go to DA - that will constitute the 2 key pull points for success - they have multiple strong teams that would draw the college coaches and the rest of the talent.
It seems that other regions are somewhat uneven, and one-two teams per region going to ECNL is not significant enough to cause its collapse yet.
Another potential factor may be age grouping, eg 2004 and 2003 players switching to DA while older ones trying to see who takes the first bait.
The DA doesn't have a very good chance of success. No communication and chaos. Finally appointed someone, but no experience is running a league and still have not heard from her. I'm not confident in next year.
Curioous how many GDA clubs will allow seniors to play high school ball and join team after 2 months...
This article kept the door open for this to happen...
From a good source I heard that the top clubs that have gda and ecnl will stack the 01/02 teams with 01s. The 02 A teams will be used to make the best possible ECNL team. Tgerefore for 02s next year and for college recruiting ECNL will still be the place to be. In 2019 02s will be DA focused.
Fake news. A source, really?
Non of the older girls will want to play DA, most committed and want to enjoy senior year and they should. Intilail tryouts were very low. Many others that have figured how important soccer really isn't, will not pursue as well. College is the end game for 90 percent by this point.
This is real, they are considering holding off on oldest age group and let the younger teams grow into them.
This was supposed to be discussed among much more in Chicago two weeks ago. Would have hoped to see update by now.
What are the substitution rules?
The rules governing games in the Girls' Development Academy match the rules that govern soccer games around the world (FIFA). For example, allowing substitutes to re-enter a match, which is common in high school, club soccer, and collegiate soccer, is not allowed anywhere else in the world, thus the Girls' Academy will align with the rules governing the world's game.
How many players will be on a roster?
As a combined age group, players are encouraged to play up and clubs will have groups of players that they will move up and move freely among age groups within their Academy program. The projected pool would equate to approximately 23 players per age group for a total of 69 full-time players amongst the three age groups (U-14/15, U-16/17, and U-18/19).
Love the above 2 points
23 Girls on a roster.
18 Dress to play
14 Actually play.
102 How is it possible for a 2002 be in a grad year 2019 per your last sentence. Unless they were pushed up a school grade!. Most 2002's are Freshman or 8th graders right now.
Most DA's squads U16/17 in the first inaugural season will be made up of 2001's. Please so research the boys DA teams and look up the makeup of each team they are mostly the older age year.
I just hope the club takes only the 14 that are going to play with them instead of making 9 players travel and pay money to stay overnight to watch girls on their team play.
I agree if not a serious NT level player no need to play GDA.
But what then?
Play for a team in a league that has special treatment for certain clubs?
Play for a team in a league where you need to win to advance?
They got us by the - and they know it and so do we
Agree. If you aren't a serious candidate to make a national team there is no reason to play DA.
All ECNL has to do is to offer hospitality packages to all of the D1 coaches and the DA problem is solved. We all know ECNL is flush with cash.
1:20 learn how to read. At what point did I say an 02 was class of 19? I said in the year 2019 the 2002 kids 20/21 grad year will be the focus of the DA. So as a top 02 at a top club with DA and ECNL next year your kid will most likely be ECNL followed by a year in DA followed by? But the top clubs can win DA and win ECNL in opposite years and allow kids to play hs in their off year.
Source was a doc at a major club that has da and ecnl.
ECNL teams roster up to 30 players and take 18 to the game too. That argument is as stale as age group change. Except 4 travel and do not play.
Again, lame adult rules that are creeping up into an elitist version of sport that focuses on rules and not learning and play.
How can you take the "14 that are going to play" when you do not know how the 3 substitutes will be used until the game moves along? I'd also assume keepers that are splitting games are not considered as one of the three. Thus really 17. 6 subs, 3 get in. The other 3 have at least gone through pregame and been there in the battle.
And before you say being on the bench serves no purpose at all if you do not see action - you might ask yourself - why dont I talk to my daughter about paying attention from the bench - making it a learning experience - instead of just sitting there all upset about not getting in - and thus learning nothing.
These are the substitution rules off the academy website. I think people are mistaking the 4 substitution moments in a game for the amount of subs you can have. If you carry 18 players on a roster, almost everyone can get in. The academy mandates a 25% start time minimum for every player as well
2. Substitutions: All U-15/16 and U-17/18 Academy games will have a maximum of five (5) . U-13, U-14 Academy games will have a maximum of seven (7) substitutions per game with no re-entry across three “opportunities”. The U-12 Academy games will have unlimited substitutions with re-entry.
8:33 are you kidding me with that keeper comment? Of course it counts as a sub. The bench serves a purpose I agree but not with a 2k price tag. But like I said to each their own, for me money doesn't grow on a tree and I'm okay with my kid not starting or seeing 20 minutes a game if that's where she is. next season we leave and find a better fit, we let someone else take a shot at it, same if she doesn't dress. Her watching her team play with her schools on the sideline watching them play would do more damage than any good you write about 8:35.
My formula is simple train extra, give 100% and play your position (what ever role the formation calls for) and you will stick out on any field, but you have to be in the game to stick out and I think 2k buys you a seat at that table. But I know in the now 2k don't mean jack, because there is a line around the corner of parents that are willing to pay with the hopes that their kid will get nice minutes.
Big day today, good luck to all World Class FC teams!!!
It is a big day for WC teams. If you lose I will relentlessly make fun of you and coach Jeff! LOL!
Hahaha, that’s fine, I’m sure Jeff is stressed enough, but I will mention your comment to him, perhaps that will make his day. All we can do is watch and cheer, and all I want is effort, and no injuries, best of luck to all...
Major report of inappropriate behavior(drinking alcohol in room with players) with Cedar Stars Coach being sent home in middle of Jefferson Cup and another Cedar Stars coach sent to coach team for rest of weekend. The first report we heard was there would bee a suspension of the coach but then our coach was on the practice field this week so waiting to see if it will be swept under the rug by Cedar Stars Club.
Were they drinking absinthe? Chartreuse? Midori? That stuff should be outlawed!
Wait, I just went and looked at their gotsoccer listing and saw their coach. Now I am vomiting in my mouth thinking about him being in a room with 14 and 15 year old girls drinking.. That must be a HUGE rug Cedar Stars has to sweep that under.
I think it was the coach of the 2001 Cedar Stars Team who got in trouble and was sent home
If true Very scary stuff. They need to report that to the police. Thats endangerment. Whole club could get shut down.
That day when you cant even trust rumors on Youth Soccer Talk. Geeze.
No update from WC games today?
WC played well today. Had trouble scoring in the first half but figured it out. Tougher game tomorrow though
Hey 10:19 why would you mention a coach's name? He left your club, move on.
Has to be one of the 3 MF dads based on my conversations in the past.
Dave Riley, Steve Groseibl or Rich Dimatteo.
Only 3 guys that are on this blog.
Uh oh.
This is going to get ugly
very very ugly
Not from MF or WC, personally people posting need to stop attacking. Eventually people get called out. Let's get back to how the teams played etc.
"Baltimore, ok, take deep breath. At U15 if still at Baltimore is your kid going to get scholarship? Should you at the least be at Jeff cup in some type of bracket. Are any college coaches at Baltimore at all? signed - disgruntled parent stuck in Baltimore again."
You are a dick. Want to feel good about yourself? No their were no D1 coaches in Baltimore so a "scholarship" is not likely.
...However, I'm rich motherfucker and my kid is smart as shit - 1450 on the PSAT smart, 4.0 GPA so far in 9th grade. I could pay for my kid's whole team to go to college and my kid can basically get in wherever she wants. If your kid gets ANY scholarship - ever - it won't be from Jeff Cup. You'll probably do 2 or 3 ID camps at that school while my kid can just get in herself and I can pay for it like your poor ass pays for a dinner at Chili's in Virginia. Someday your sorry scholarship-chasing kid will probably be laid off at my kid's company...And she's struggle to pay off her student loans despite playing in the Jeff Cup!
She is now at PF but will likely return to 1776 next year
11:43 maybe you should have just bought your kids team into Jeff Cup and relaxed a little bit.
"...However, I'm rich motherfucker and my kid is smart as shit - 1450 on the PSAT smart, 4.0 GPA so far in 9th grade. I could pay for my kid's whole team to go to college and my kid can basically get in wherever she wants. If your kid gets ANY scholarship - ever - it won't be from Jeff Cup. You'll probably do 2 or 3 ID camps at that school while my kid can just get in herself and I can pay for it like your poor ass pays for a dinner at Chili's in Virginia. Someday your sorry scholarship-chasing kid will probably be laid off at my kid's company...And she's struggle to pay off her student loans despite playing in the Jeff Cup!"
Comic relief. That's a pretty funny post. Love it.
Any results from NPL and EDP today?
I'm guessing Jeff lost today otherwise there would be the World Class is so awesome posts!
World Class is actually really awesome. Jealous????
So you guys lost then? I'm sure you'd say we won if you did!
11:49 why would any player leave PF to go to a 2nd rate 1776 team ?
Yes, WC lost today. What you just don't get, is we still love the atmosphere and training at WC. EVERYTHING is going well, thanks. The girls are really starting to come together and play great soccer. Let's see how your team fares against Stars. We played to a 2-2 tie until a minute left in the game. No excuses at all. We are proud of every girl on the field today.
4:36 Easier commute? Playtime? Coach for next year? Money? Desire to play HS? Who cares. Not your concern.
How many folks choose to play HS over college?
Scores from today
Or maybe she knew she wasn't making the PF academy team . Must be better options for her then 1776 .
9:39 such a d..bag response
What you think is best is just that...your opinion!
Another reason.... to get away from the PF parents???
April 2, 2017 at 3:13 PM
What is your malfunction, got nothing better to do?? All I did was wish ALLLLLL the WCFC teams good fortune this past weekend, and you spout-off about the coach, his history, and how much you hate him. Guess what, no one gives a shit about you, your club, or your rhetoric. Fuck-off.
Oh there it is! The angry World Class parent that shows such white trash class!
2002 NPL reuslts from Sunday:
Bethesda Freedom 1
SAC Premier 0
NJ Wildcats Averbuch 3
Cedar Stars Galaxy NPL 0
Wow, CS girls must've been hanging out with U16s...
11:49 Tino made a deal for her to come over so I'm sure he'll make another deal for her to stay .
Unless he's found someone new...
EDP easter schedules are out
Tinos known for always preferring the new flavor of the month .
That sounds a little creepy, actually a lot creepy.
Wow! that was un-called for and should be erased from the blog. Admin please delete post as it's violates policy of a name calling out.
April 1 @ 6:11 You must think people give a crap about you. Naming innocent people makes you the biggest loser on this blog. What makes you think ANYONE cares? You should be embarrassed and Admin you should block that idiot's IP address. I am sure the when that person takes his break from watching his swingers website he may actually notice his ban.
Please remove that loser's comment and let the person go get his STD treated.
1:17pm, why is it ok for the poster to name a coach or coaches then not be ok with being called out?
I agree no one should be called out by name. When you have one person do it, then someone will post the parent names as well.
I have no knowledge of this saga, obviously someone knows those parents mentioned to well to name them by name.
You can call out coaches they are paid employees of clubs. Call out parents who cares! Just don't call out the kids! As for the World Class coach Jeff posts, it's not any of those three parents mentioned. So whoever named them your an idiot and owe those 3 an apology! There are more people then those 3 that apparently think your coach is a self serving tool!
I work for the NSA and it was those guys, for sure.
Then you know, no unmasking of intel allowed. :)
@ 2:32 That loser called out 3 people, AT LEAST TWO OF THEM DID NOT POST ANYTHING!
So if you are that much of a moron to name people, step up and identify yourself, coward.
Most of us know absolutely know who you are, and most of us know NO ONE gives a rat's ass about your butt-buddy coach.
You two deserve each other. Incredibly pathetic.
Show some character and apologize...
When did this become a middle school blog?
Apologize? you are asking someone to apologize to you and others. Why would someone apologize when you just attack 2 individuals in your post? Seems like you got called out.
Seems to me that you are the same idiot that called out innocent people and was identified as a swinger with a STD. Looks like you were called out.
Once a moron, always a moron.
Quit while you are way behind.
Looks like the Republicans have even taken over YST, sad day in America.
Or Merica, dependin
Just curious, what constitutes a butt-buddy, does that involve more than the obvious??
I will add wood to this fire, which Dad are you?? LOL
"Hey 10:19 why would you mention a coach's name? He left your club, move on.
Has to be one of the 3 MF dads based on my conversations in the past.
Dave Riley, Steve Groseibl or Rich Dimatteo.
Only 3 guys that are on this blog."
You guys are making want to Google these guys, hope they have that app that cleans-up their history< what is it called Reputation Destroyer, or some such.
What's sad is that you morons are probably embarrassing their kids. We all know kids are aware of this blog. Sadly.
Read your post and tell us who the moron.
Hello you idiots! Those three are not posting the World Class posts! There must be some bad crap going on between Match Fleece and No Class!
9:24 are you the same MF Admin who was calling people "Morons" on the U14 Blog too? My colleague just told me there is a guy calling everyone "Morons" on that page too, and it is definitely a MF DOC or coach. Are you on every other blog too? let me go check...
Does ANYONE have anything soccer related to share? This is a pathetic blog for sure. Soccer Nut where are you?
Reading the blog posts, I think when I know when some people sit down with a special beverage and start posting.
You all are ridiculous. My kid is more mature.
Can’t wait for the local news story on TV:
Date: April 29th
Location: Mercer Community College
A local soccer game became a free-for-all brawl between parents. Details are still being investigated, but the local police say that 8 adults were arrested, and scores injured, when animosity between two sets of parents overcame common sense and reason. A reporter at the scene, interviewed one of the Mom’s being taken away by police, she was yelling, “they started it” and “my daughter is better than yours...bitch!”
God bless us, and keep us....
These posts are disturbing. Please grow up. It's kids soccer people. Go live your lives...
Now, THAT'S funny. Keep it up. Better than watching the elbows being thrown in line at local coffee place.
8:10 - get a sense of humor. I would much rather the humorous posts than the brawls being played out in real time. Most of the posters are milk toasts away from their keyboards.
Yeah so better to have a bunch of passive aggressive parents on the sidelines muttering criticism about your daughter under their breath and then getting on here to post their true feelings :)
Actually, it is. I think.
Atta girl
Hey 11:15pm, how would you know that they are not posting unless YOU ARE ONE OF THE 3 MENTIONED.
Okay Sherlock. You win.
Because I posted it and I'm NOT one of those 3 mentioned!!!!! Do you understand yet? Apparently more then those 3 parents you called out do not like your coach! I would put World Class coach and Wildcats coach in the same basket of deplorables! LOL did you like my political twist there? Oh and naming coaches and parents are fine on this blog remember kids are OFF limits!
I am new to this blog, so what exactly did the WC coach do? Please tell us, and be honest.
Yes, do tell. I happen to like the WC DOC and have no idea to what you are referencing.
3:21 - Good post, and the loser that posted that has no class and no character to apologize to the completely innocent parties.
And he is dumb enough to say "Hey 11:15pm, how would you know that they are not posting unless YOU ARE ONE OF THE 3 MENTIONED."
Obviously we are not dealing with some genius who has a license to carry a gun for a living... or are we?
WC Coach left the club that my daughter play's at. Several parents are very bitter that he left and took many players with him. I see how parents would be upset with this, plus I see why a coach would leave our club. I still listen to parents that talk about him on our sidelines. My wife and I just roll our eye's, just let it go already. The girls on our team are playing well and it was a good move for him and his club
I recall the story as he was let go from MatchFit after a disagreement on a business matter.
Coaches have followings.
If they leave - I dont have any problem with their taking players for the following season
In the Crush/Torpedos Red example the coach never even attempted to take players - he just told them where he was going.
Who is tne torpedoes red coach? Where did this come from?
It's probably a squabble from U8, some people just can't leave well-enough alone, geez....
and Barry Manilow is gay...who would have thought
Poor Lola
My bad, I'm a CRUSH guy and have to defend the club on many blogs. This was meant for u14, we are having many issues there too. Sorry.
Barry Manilow is gay??? No way, stop spreading vicious rumors! I know for a fact that he a very macho guy, he is always hanging-out with Vin Diesel...
Wait Vin Diesel is gay?
Whatever.. statistically there will be a gay man or maybe several watching on the sideline of every kid soccer game....so what?
I have a gay friend and a black friend!
See what you learn on these pages...Vin Diesel is gay and he often attends soccer games with his black friends.
Likely yes for the gay friend whether you know it or not!
and how many ignorant old timers are still out there.
Yes and many kool aid drinkers
couple of state cup matches coming up for trip to nationals. winding down quickly. Ajax versus the old but sure Boca, Wildcats versus STA for NJYS. GFA looking for appearance on other side of bracket
Looking at bracket A for National Champion Series for the games played so far it looks like the Rush teams are playing well. I know its two different Rush clubs. Should be fun to see how it plays out.
I love Ajax, its my wife’s favorite floor-cleaner!
No disrespect to Ajax but the US Club national cup is a fake national championship.
Some State Champs go direct.
Some State Champs go to Regionals to play any team that applies.
NCS might not get the love of this board, but at least you need to win your State Cup to advance to regionals and for the 4 regional champs they advance to nationals to play the 4 National League Division champs.
Going back to US Club the top league (ECNL) doesn't even send their teams.
My NJ predictions since we are talking NJ.
NJ NCS - NJ Wildcats
NJ Cup - NJ Wildcats
If anyone is paying attention look how close the games here at ECNL Phoenix showcase. Goal differential is 1 or 2 goals compared to blow out wins at Jeff Cup top flights.
This is the reason coaches will flock to ECNL/GDA to watch players more closely as the competition is very narrow at these events. You back home in the east can all chase GS points, State Cups, trophies; but ultimately those hear in Phoenix are getting a head start on recruiting. So when the avg. ECNL team has 80% of there players committed Jr/Sr. years all of you chasing glorified fake championships and cups along with GS points will be scratching your heads on why 2 or 3 players are only getting notice by colleges on your teams.
@ 4:41
Your right no one cares.
Feel better 4:41?
'Your' write know won 'hear' on the West cost cares.
Sorry typo, east coast
5:31, your writing is strangely familiar to me, is that you Dad?
4:11 dont kid yourself. NJ teams were placed in the second bracket to give them a chance. Dont slam Jeff Cup with Fake Result Benchmarks (tm). Look at So Cal Blues results in the top bracket and rewrite your post.
So Cal Blues - future DA team - 8
Mustang SC - declined DA - 0
I want to see So Cal play any of the teams in Phoenix right now and see a close result.
Do some more research 4:41.....
looking for comments...if your choice was Penn Fusion DA, but your child was not one of the top 16 players.....or CFC ECNL what decision would you make
Go where she will see field time. She won't be seen or be happy sitting the bench.
Despite parent's beliefs that a kid will be challenged when they come off the bench and can prove themselves - I have rarely it materialize ever in my life. Put your kid on a team where they are a starter.
IMHO, the only time it works is when your kid plays on two teams, one where she is a starter and one where she comes off the bench - but that requires an understanding between you, your kid and coaches of two teams.
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