8:30 No disrespect with this post. But we should call this the no spin blog.
You said instead of leaving a 16 yo hanging they instead disrespected their own players who PAID for the season. Now another player doesn't dress for a game. I agree there should be no player movement at the end of the season. All this shows is that the club/team is not about development and never was.
You also said who takes one keeper to Playoffs. Isn't this the same club with 4 teams at an age group? I doubt they didn't have enough goalies. All this does is support the claims of other posters that B and C teams at these clubs are nothing more than a paycheck and the only reason they can treat kids like this is because the parents allow it.
Parents need to take a step back - it's never about development at the top clubs it's about winning and always was and always will be they just don't call it GS point chasing because they have a league brand to hid behind ECNL or the new GDA. Girls soccer is a $$$ machine and yes I am a fool who contributes to this machine.
10:14 I agree 100% but we will never see that happen.
Seriously? You think it makes sense to take 1 GK to champions league when there are others in the wings. yes absolutely they should take the NPL GK to champions league and i dont even think that they are "depriving" the NPL team of a second GK. Ask the GK parents if they are happy to be going to Chicago? Isn't this a good example contradicting what everyone complains about? COmplaint: they never move kids up within their pyramid despite promises of potetial to play for the "A" team. Well here they are doing just that and there are complaints again. Let's face it no matter what they do PDA will be criticized. Its sport on this site. Carry-on... BTW there is more than one YNT player on Splash.
8:45 Seriously? That's not what I said. I said the club has 4 teams at an age group with a minimum of 4 goalies per age group. They didn't need to bring in another is what I am saying. The comment was "Other player is a keeper added after the other keeper tore an ACL. Who takes one keeper to playoffs?" This comment followed "MF booted her from the team because she made PDA GDA".
No one said they should go with 1 goalie, NO spin blog. I agree with your comment NPL goalie or Shore goalie should be used as backup.
At one point that group had 3 on the YNTs. One however is very well known and has made every round over the past two years. I assume she is the one who left? I know she is going to the DA, but I am not sure why that would require her to leave now. Very good player obviously.
BTW, with most top clubs they bring the kid up who can help the most. That may be a younger kid, or in this case the NPL goalie. If there is one thing PDA has, it's a lot of very good goalies.
Does PDA have a specific goalie trainer, are they exclusive to PDA or do they offer training outside of the club? Asking as my daughter is a keeper and I am looking for solid training. We were going to a reputable trainer but schedules never seem to work.
Okay I know this is must be a NJ thing, but can someone shed some light for the rest of us. If not shouldn't you guys behaving this conversation in private?
11:14 supposedly pda ynt player is moving to cedar stars. Now word is she may be changing her mind. A lot of money behind Cedar Stars and rumors that the money goes beyond the guidelines. If ever proven NCAA eligibility is only one of the issues. I'm not a pda parent but not sure why make that particular move
It's not a matter of disrespect, it's about a kid that would be done because of choice she made for next season. I don't know her but I assume she would have finished out her obligation to the team. Will other kids get a little less time, obviously yes, but the kid that got punted would get zero. I'm not a fan of current kids getting less time but it was the right thing to do. Some kids sit at these showcases because they are committed already giving more time to those who are still out there without a commitment. Why do the uncommitted kids get this unfair advantage? Because they prob get more time over the year and frankly it's the right thing to do.
Keeper I agree with. If you sell potential promotion you should back it up. Maybe they did but I cannot say for sure. I'm guessing they didn't. B & C teams are what they are and unfortunately most of the time those kids get forgotten once they get placed there. I think PDA has done as good as a job as any promoting players up from the B/south teams.
As for being just about the money, I am sure that is a large part but I also think every year a group of talented kids with potential were leaving for other teams and I think they wanted to retain some of that talent. In most youth sports the lower levels subsidize the top level. Soccer is no different because it's the top teams that draws new kids. I just don't see what is wrong with that.
All about winning comments are always from bitter parents who thought their kid would be a starter and things didn't play out that way and now it's about development. No way anyone comes to PDA thinking it is going to be equal playing time, not about winning, etc... NO WAY. If you go to any seriously competitive club because you believe play time will be equal and everything will be fair then yeah, I agree, you are a fool. Guaranteed no parent is crying for the bench players when their kid is a starter.
And why cant it be about both winning and development? Vast majority of development is from practice of which no one sits. It's why most youth sports suggest a 3-1 practice vs game schedule.
Your only valid point is calling kids up from the B team. The rest is bitterness. I am defending reality here not any particular club.
PDA coach does everything wrong. He absolutely made his YNT player quit. She couldn't stand him any more. He also adds players which is unfair to his current roster. If you add them now, they shouldn't roster until next year. He is the worst coach in the ECNL by far. That's why he lost this team.
11:50 it's about one kid not on the team making a CHOICE?, It was her choice not the current team's - will they get money back now since they will play less and this girl not on the roster plays for free? I doubt it. The right thing to do by who, the player on another team that paid her tuition to another club? The right thing to do was for that player to wait until next season. Uncommitted kids get an advantage - damn right they do they paid and trained everyday making those kids that got their scholarships better, so when their time comes damn right it's fair. Isn't that what PDA preaches great training sessions with the best players? Again showing their true colors all about the money and never about development. Big rosters equals more $$$ not better training since it's unfair for them to have this advantage when their time comes. Just disagree with you on this one.
Not wrong that they draw the best players every year,wrong that they take money from players and before they get their full season that they paid for they get a new wrinkle thrown in -that is a problem with me. Money doesn't grow on a tree,but that's just my opinion.
I'm not bitter, if it wasn't about winning why bring in the new players with 2 months left in the season? No one said anything about equal playing time, but when you have a roster of 22 you wait for the starters to get their offers so they play less for the others to play more big difference pal.
Good that we agree on something that I'm a fool and that no starter is crying for the bench player, but it's a little different when we are talking about a player not on the team all season and for the last 2 months they are, no?
It can be about winning and development with the roster for that season that paid to be developed. For me you roster 22 players those are the players you are committed to for that season the players that develop to win not players from another club.
9:41 - slow golf clap. who cares about the amount of YNT's on the team or were on the team. I'll toss you an atta boy if that is what you want.
The core discussion was about using other kids within the club for openings vs. bringing in kids developed elsewhere. It always comes back to here, let me get my team/kid's/club's accolades out there which is very rarely the real discussion subject matter.
What exactly does he do wrong? How did he make her quit? What couldn't she stand? I mean was he rude to her? Did he bench her unfairly? These are pretty open accusations with no substance behind them.
Adding players: goalie was needed, regardless of where she came from. Field player is not a starter so not logging huge minutes.
12:34 - i agree about getting kids looks that are not committed yet. That is, allegedly, the purpose of the clubs essentially, right? But, what about the kids that are not getting it even at the end of the year? Still play them? Or, limit their game time? Relegate them?
This time of the year, it's about finishing the season and focusing on post season. Should the business ignore the obvious and still play these kids or limit their playing time, if they see the field at all, and put it in the hands of the others that have also worked hard all year to reach their postseason? Where do you draw the line?
1:35 Only she knows those answers to those questions - ask her parents. It's not important if the field player starts or comes off the bench they are taking minutes away from someone who paid. Look if they communicated this to the parents up front - we might add players for the last 2 months of the season that will take minutes away from players and if the players choose to still be there then it is what it is - if they don't tell the parents up front then that is an issue, no?
1:39 What about the kids not getting looks, who will know the answer to that question? If teams are getting 100 coaches per weekend how in the world can you tell who they are there to see, don't forget we are talking freshman and sophomores plenty of time for schools to still shop around. I always said ECNL clubs play with a small bench, so if you only play 14 or 15 kids why roster 22 that's an extra $15,000, so it's never about the kids? Just smoke in mirrors right? Well at least that's the way this conversation is looking like to me.
First if all it is about winning and development. It's never not been about winning. From what I am told she accepted a position for next year's PDA GDA and MF booted her. That's her choice for NEXT SEASON but she didn't deserve to get kicked with 2 months remaining in the season and to miss playoffs if she intended to play out the remainder of the season. So a compassionate add per se but I can see your point.
Paid/trained? So the committed kids didn't pay or train hard and that didn't make the other kids better? There is a rational argument that the better players are providing more benefit than they are receiving in return (ie. playing against better makes you better). Take away their playing time because they are good and colleges wanted them earlier than others? Doesn't seem fair, but it is the right thing to do in showcases.
You talk about development, that's what practices are for. If they are rostering more than 22-24 I agree that it becomes about the money.
Again, if it were her choice to leave before season finished that's her issue and should not impact the new team. I would not make concessions for her. I do not believe this was the case. I can see both sides though. It does suck when you see your child take a back seat all year then again to a new player. I can sympathize with you on that point.
2:47 - you roster 22 because it's called injuries and unexpected events or expected events that come up for families (say a sibling gets married, etc.). And, some kids that may have started strong but maxed out as far as competition/expectation/development. So, you always have a squad and quality reserves. Have to plan for the big picture not the immediate need.
If you are willing to pay knowing what is going on; that your kid isn't at top or mid of roster, why is that smoking mirrors? This is when the rose colored glasses need to come off.
3:30 - my reading of Rule 3.9 in ECNL Competition Rules allows up to a maximum of 7 per half; with limitations on re-entry after already playing and various injuries/subs not counting toward overall number. That's 18 kids that can play in any game. So, 4 kids (if rostering 22 and everyone available/not injured); don't suit up but you rotate games. How's this a money grab?
My point is the player made a choice. If her current club said see you - she gets a mini-vacation before the start of the new season with the GDA team. I wouldn't say compassionate since players on the current team were kicked to the curb. All about Winning plain and simple. It's the same argument with illegal aliens, you are in this country illegally you have no rights. But yet we turn this into something it isn't.
3:04 okay quality reserves right? Then why bring in someone from the outside if the team has quality already?
You are willing to pay so you kid can compete vs the girls on the roster not add on girls that my friend is smoke and mirrors - we say the roster is quality and needed for injuries so we take an additional $15,000 only to turn around and say hey you know what you were getting we can add players anytime we want and they play for free or should i say we will use a portion of that $15,000 you already paid for this player to play instead of your kids.
So which is it? 2:49 and 3:04 you guys have everything covered but it can't be both or maybe in your world it can.
Sorry I just disagree - player made a choice and know needs to live with that choice
3:50 - and her choice was the prior team who tossed her aside, allegedly (i certainly have no idea, but am basing on the posts). So, should she join a USYS team and ask another ECNL team to be a discovery player instead? Was she supposed to not play?
Everyone is forgetting that there had to be a formal agreement made for an ECNL rostered player to continue in season (and season isn't over until June/July) on another club's roster. Both teams have to approve. And from what I have been told, other teams on both clubs did some mutual roster shifting with kids. So, there's that....
3:58 I get all of that. and the answer is yes. yes Not play, it was her choice to tryout for another team. Her current team could have kept her on the roster and not dressed her, but I'm sure there would have been a ton of negative press on this board for that.
No one is forgetting anything. I never said anything illegal happened. I just said a team had a roster of 22 players already. If games are so important and the team only rosters 15 players they had 3 extras in a normal world but this team decided to add more players knowing that those players are nothing more than practice players. I'm sure they are selling playing time is earned at practice when it's time to collect a check. But this is not what's happening. they are just practice players first to be replaced at tryout season if a new flavor comes along who cares that the season isn't over yet. We can do what we want just look at our brand if you don't like it hit the road there is no shortage of players we can do this to. This is still wrong just the way I see it.
Well, I think that is crazy. She didn't give up the emblem. MF did. When she accepted her spot with MF, they had a GDA. So, had they kept it, she would have stayed.
I have a problem when clubs try to hold back a player from bettering herself. She tried out and made another team to better herself.
That didn't mean she wasn't finishing out the season. The other club made that happen. Nothing is saying she is getting a tremendous amount of playing time. She has to earn it. And, kids will have to rotate; that were already rotating.
On that note, if the desire to have those three letters on their shirt means more than playing to the parents of the end of the bench kids and you are still there, then buckle in. You paid for this ride and kept your kids there.
4:59 you are obviously colse to this situation so I will stop. I disagree with what you are saying. If this team is as good as many posters have said on this board I'm guessing these players have the goods just don't have the trust of the coach - which goes back to the original post.
I just say one thing I learned on the streets - what they do with you they will do to you if it benefits them.
6:22 - I appreciate your consideration, but actually, i'm not at all close to this particular situation. I only pointing out that MF had a GDA emblem and gave it back. It was probably how they kept some kids from leaving at the end of the prior season.
But, they decided to give it back. They worked out the numbers and didn't want to give up the ECNL cash cow. I get it as others had to pick too. It is a business. And, she or her parents don't have a part in the business end. They just mail in their monthly payments.
But, when they, the ones making money, gave back the emblem, the lure, then they should be okay with kids who desired to play for the crest leaving at the end of the season. Clearly, they weren't. That part stinks.
As I said, a coach should never keep a kid from achieving his/her dream. They should assist. Otherwise, they were really not in it for the success of the kids.
And, I hear ya about the other part of it. But, unfortunately, that is how it works when you have a sport that somehow schedules its try outs for the next season while the current season is still underway and worse heading into the playoffs. Stupid.
I hope it all works out for all of them; kid, current team; prior team.
I was recently informed of this blog. Spent a while reading through much of the discussion. We've always known how lucky we are, being where we are.... same team since U8. However, after reading through all of this, now I know our soccer experience has been a complete miracle. (Not in response to any specific comments) Peace. ~non ECNL, Region 1 League, National League parent.
In my experience stronger teams want them out so they don't poison the team. Sometimes less competitive teams that are short on players will ask them to stay. But very often the player's heart isn't in it. And based on timing of tryouts and more importantly when rosters are set there is no way to keep it quiet until the season is over. Again everyone wants to blame the individuals. It's the system
It's a free market system either way. The problem is with tryouts taking place before the end of the season. The past 2 years had milestone events that opened up tryouts more than normal. There are usually disgruntled players who are unhappy with playing time or see an opportunity with a higher ranked team in a better league. The last two years created a heightened dynamic that saw an opportunity for teams to cut players and players to move to a better situation. The results last year were some good players left teams, some good players were cut loose to make room for coaches decisions and this year was the promise of DA greatness. You cannot fault a dedicated player who want's to play at the highest (perceived) level available and if they feel the current club/team cannot provide that opportunity that is there choice. I think the system sucks however where the roster selected after tryouts is malleable through a month before playoffs. Teams should not be able to add players without a few narrow exceptions until after the playoffs (even if you are not participating). The exceptions would be a player moving into the area, a direct 1 for 1 transfer or transferring players within the club. If a player wants to leave mid season they can chose to do so but cannot play for another team in the same division. Tryouts are held in July.
I agree 12:43 - we are not talking about sitting an entire season - it's 2 months (June,July) the same thing as your team missing out on the post season.
12:17 so you are saying they should have kept her and not dress her but make her travel to games and pay for hotels? Very interesting. Besides, if the team asked her to leave before the season was over some type of a refund is due since they paid for the entire season. Since I heard no complaints about being short changed -I don't buy that the player was asked to leave more like she asked to be released like the previous poster said.
Similar situation with my daughter. After tryouts my daughter decided that it was in her best interest not to continue with her team (abusive coach whose actions we were not fully aware of until right before tryouts for the next year). She attended tryouts with other clubs and decided to accept a spot with one. The club whether to roll it under the carpet or not raise issues happily released her and let her start with her new team. We actually received a check after the season as we had paid through the end of the year. The coach was moved to a younger team and then eventually to the boys side.
BTW, lots of player leave MFA and PDA each year for a variety of reasons. I do not know this players situation at all, but I highly doubt the club booted her. My guess is she asked to be released and they obliged.
Seems like she was very good. Clubs, even high level ones, aren't happy with high level players go to another high level club. It's kind of a slap in the face. It's the mid to lower level ones that come and go without any backlash, normally. That has been my experience anyway.
Nothing at all unusual about a player not being able to continue with a team once they decide to move to another team. Happened last year and this year to my kid's team. From what I've heard, most college coaches are fine with this approach as they would treat a player who intends to transfer the same way.
So the word on the field is she let MF know she was leaving next year for PDA GDA and they told she could leave now. This isn't a guess but it is secondhand word of mouth so... People who guess are generally wrong.
Very good would depend on your definition and in relation to what is already there I would think.
@2:51 - we know this. Her team released her; otherwise she would not have been able to join the next team. They said no thanks. If they didnt' want her to go or join next team, the could have held her player card. Apparently, that didn't happen.
3:57 true. very good is subjective; however, isn't it the parents of the kids at the end of the bench b&complaining about potential lost playing time? Sometimes you read the tea leaves.
I've said it before and will say it again. MF has released players for trying out on other teams. They also make it unbearable for the kids and intentionally place them on non ecnl rosters They are a scam and do not , in any way, have the kids development as their priority. Go talk to the parents on the sidelines. ( parents are another conversation. A handful think their child is the best and actually speak about the other kids in a very negative and demeaning fashion. An embarrassment )Moreover MF had the audicity to send emails asking not to be included on college emails. Seriously. Their initial talk to parents certainly didn't echo their actions.
4:53 - I disagree MF will players they think will give them a chance to win they play in the ECNL man. Anyone playing on Non-ECNL rosters well that should say what MF thinks of their level of play no guessing there.
Not sure why we are talking so much about this - player asked to leave - If MF asked her to leave the kid has a play in court and would get her remaining tuition back. My guess is she asked to leave because the parents didn't want to travel and pay more money for a team they are leaving and of course lets not forget all those coaches at the ECNL playoffs.
What sounds better to her new PDA team? MF kicked me to the curb or I wanted to finish the season playing for a national Title even though that means one of my new team members for 2 months will not.
It is what it is - She tried out made the club - PDA saw an opportunity to add quality to their ECNL team to win a National title. You said see made the GDA team so playing for the ECNL teams is easy peasy and of course the communication to the team will be she has to earn it wink wink.
This is how it looks plain and simple and should be a warning for any parents with younger kids. If they benefit the player benefits,once there is a new flavor out with the old and in with the new just read these posts.
You are all over all these boards trying to take down a club's reputation.
The hearsay-hearer - if you will - says Match Fit said she could go now, which sounds more like an ACCOMODATION to a player who has given MF some good play over time - rather than the club "giving her the boot"
Slick is still coach of gfa team?feel bad for those girls. How the hell did cedar stars get DA?Bad EDP teams,no way they can compete with other teams. Can you say Disaster!!!!
ECNL Northeast Post Season Qualification: Participation awards for everyone but 2 teams. that's a whopping 86% of the division. If it wasa true showcase everyone would play, but it's not they need to qualify.
Champions League 1. FC Stars of Massachusetts ECNL U16 2. Boston Breakers Academy ECNL U16 3. PDA ECNL U16 4. Penn Fusion SA ECNL U16 5. FC Bucks ECNL U16
Champions League Wildcard 6. Connecticut FC ECNL U16
North American Cup 7. Match Fit Academy ECNL U16 8. Albertson SC ECNL U16 9. World Class FC ECNL U16 10. Continental FC ECNL U16
Showcase 11. East Meadow SC ECNL U16 12. FSA FC ECNL U16
Did Not Qualify 13. FC Boston Scorpions ECNL U16 14. WNY Flash Academy ECNL U16
Complete Champions League *** future GDA 18 of the 32 will either leave the ECNL or field B teams
1 *** So Cal Blues SC ECNL U16 2 *** FC Stars of Massachusetts ECNL U16 3 *** FC Dallas ECNL U16 4*** Tophat SC ECNL U16 5 McLean Youth Soccer ECNL U16 6 MVLA ECNL U16 7 *** Concorde Fire ECNL U16 8*** Boston Breakers Academy ECNL U16 9 Dallas Sting ECNL U16 10 *** Penn Fusion SA ECNL U16 11 *** Eclipse Select SC ECNL U16 12 Washington Premier ECNL U16 13 *** West Florida Flames ECNL U16 14 Ohio Elite Soccer Academy ECNL U16 15 Minnesota Thunder Academy ECNL U16 16 *** Michigan Hawks ECNL U16 17 Mustang SC ECNL U16 18 *** Crossfire Premier ECNL U16 19 Connecticut FC ECNL U16 20 *** Real Colorado ECNL U16 21 TSC Hurricane ECNL U16 22 *** Solar Chelsea SC ECNL U16 23 *** Real So Cal ECNL U16 24 Jacksonville FC ECNL U16 25 *** PDA ECNL U16 26 *** West Coast FC ECNL U16 27 FC Bucks ECNL U16 28 Bethesda SC ECNL U16 29 Ohio Premier ECNL U16 30 *** Slammers FC ECNL U16 31 SLSG - MO ECNL U16 32 *** Charlotte Soccer Academy ECNL U16
Participation awards, if that means lots of college coaches at the games again this year. Does not make a difference about the division in terms of the college coaches. But heck, any of these ECNL are too good for USYS state cup where everyone gets to enter and you don't have to qualify. USYS= DIRT FIELDS, WEAK TEAMS AND NO COLLEGE COACHES.
8:18 so you are saying the coaches will go to the North American Cup and the Showcase games instead of the Champions League games? Okay
PS. State cup is the first leg - win that then you play in the 2nd leg you know your 14 ECNL Northeast division teams would play each other for 1 spot not 12 to play in the 3rd leg the NATIONAL event. I believe they call it EARN your spot at Nationals - I thought that's what Elite National League stood for? but moving away from the 2nd level to the top level
First GDA games to kickoff the 2017-2018 season 1 game per weekend
Saturday, September 2 2017
PA Classics U-16/17 vs FC Virginia U-16/17 aka Loudoun Soccer & FC Virginia
Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17 vs Virginia Development Academy U-16/17 aka Vienna Youth Soccer, Inc. (VYS), Prince William Soccer (PWSI), Virginia Soccer Association (VSA) and Chantilly Youth Association (CYA).
Sky Blue - PDA U-16/17 vs Washington Spirit Academy - Baltimore Armour U-16/17 Baltimore Armour aka Soccer Association of Columbia (SAC) and Pipeline Soccer Club (PSC)
Washington Spirit Academy - Virginia U-16/17 aka Reston Soccer Association (RSA) vs Cedar Stars Academy - Monmouth U-16/17
Empire United U-16/17 vs New York City FC U-16/17 aka World Class SC
FC Fury NY U-16/17 vs Oakwood Soccer Club U-16/17
FC Stars U-16/17 vs Boston Breakers Academy U-16/17
Sky Blue - NYSC U-16/17 vs Long Island SC U-16/17 aka Massapequa SC
8:18 one more thing - Looking at the 19/20U Girls only 12 teams (less than the North East Division of the ECNL) - Only listed D1 schools I think these kids did good for themselves playing in state cups to EARN spots in the national league Note: these are the commitments reported to US Youth Soccer and may not be complete.
As the current top of the pyramid of course ECNL clubs did well with recruiting. Let's see how the stats compare when PDA, SoCal, PennFusion and others with a *** from my previous post count towards the GDA and not ECNL next season.
But if it makes you feel better they play on dirt fields in front of no colleges.
Even though they are going to the below schools.
5 Kennesaw State 4 NC State 4 Akron 4 Long Beach State 3 Washington State 3 UNC Charlotte 3 Maryland 3 Texas State 2 Texas A&M - Corpus Christi 2 Old Dominion 2 Purdue 2 UNC Wilmington 2 UMBC 2 Vanderbilt 2 Villanova 1 Stanford 1 Penn 1 Princeton 1 Harvard 1 Clemson 1 Virginia Tech 1 Virginia 1 UNC Chapel Hill 1 Ohio State 1 George Mason 1 Longwood 1 Miami (Ohio) 1 IPFW 1 Florida 1 Providence 1 Towson 1 St. John's 1 UNC Greensboro 1 Northwestern 1 UC Santa Barbara 1 University of California - Berkeley 1 BYU 1 Utah 1 New Mexico 1 Minnesota - Twin Cities 1 Texas 1 Oregon 1 Butler 1 Cincinnati 1 High Point University 1 University of Hawaii Manoa 1 University of the Pacific 1 Loyola Marymount University 1 Austin Peay 1 Delaware 1 Davidson 1 Marshall 1 DePaul 1 Ball State 1 Illinois 1 Illinois State 1 Drexel 1 Mercer 1 Loyola (MD)
11:06 - re GDA schedule, each team has them. Not sure if publicly posted, yet. May still be working out some games. We saw ours at meeting about a month ago when we saw showcase early December and nothing end of December.
8:18 - yes, coaches DO show up for NA Cup and Showcase. They are in same location; same fields, different times. You have no idea what you are spewing. Maybe get informed first.
Not trying to spin ECNL, the league, at all. It is what it is. And, it will be what it will be once GDA kicks in.
But, right now, it's the top of the tier. And, those that are uninformed (as I was at one time, too) should get informed before throwing out baseless statements.
Oh and you are using the NE Conference as your point, only. You must know it is one of the toughest in the league. PDA and Stars, last year U16, were the semi and finalists in Champions League.
You didn't like that I said the Champions League is going to have more coaches at their games then the below?
North American Cup 7. Match Fit Academy ECNL U16 8. Albertson SC ECNL U16 9. World Class FC ECNL U16 10. Continental FC ECNL U16
Showcase 11. East Meadow SC ECNL U16 12. FSA FC ECNL U16
Did I lie that 86% of the teams from the NorthEast qualified for something?
Did I lie that most of the Champions league teams will be in the GDA or they will field B teams next year?
Did I lie when I posted the GDA schedule?
Did I lie when i proved 8:18 wrong by showing the list of schools that recruited from those teams "USYS= DIRT FIELDS, WEAK TEAMS AND NO COLLEGE COACHES."
12;42 I used the North East conf because it's Region 1 and it happens to have 14 teams nothing more. Kind of hard to compare 70+ teams to 12 14 vs 12 was easier nothing more. I can't say it's the toughest because i have not seen every team play.
12:46 well said if they played in the USYS state cup 1 would never have made the trip -
I don't dispute the ECNL is the top of the pyramid currently I have said many times. I don't dispute that coaches show up.
I do dispute comments that put down other avenues to recruit players to the ECNL clubs -I also dispute the idea that just because you play in the same complex NA and Showcase games will get the coaches. Champions league has 16 games per day per age group - that's about 48 games per day just don't see the NA and Showcase teams getting the draw. Quick question do these teams pay an event fee? let's see add an additional 96 teams at approx 1k per team that's a cool 100k and all we have to do is market it as being part of the ECNL national event. I could be wrong but I doubt 64 teams per age group pay no event fee or ~ 256 teams for the entire event pay no fee. Inform me please.
First, congrats on your thesis. I didn't have the time to read all of your info, yet. I have a job and this isn't it. I have soccer bills to pay.
But, yes there will be a lot of coaches at the other events in Chicago, too. Having had kids that were in all of the various events at one time, that does happen.
As far as your percentage amount of NE conference, I don't take exception that you pointed it out. It's wonderful that the competition in this Conference is so good. May explain why coaches come to the league games and practices as well.
I'll read the rest of your sh#t when I have a potty break. As it's mostly diahara of the mouth at this point. lol
Who said you lied? I think you are misinformed. Intentionally misleading/mis stating facts is a lie. The other is just not having details and stating items in error. That's not a lie.
2;03 - why would you think anyone understood what you were doing when you randomly listed schools? It doesn't tie to anything in the post. But, thanks, I guess.
That said, you brag about listing a bunch of schools that U19/U20 kids (these are kids already in college one would hope) attended having been in the USYS league, right? They are not tied to any team; so there's that.
And, two to three years ago, USYS was were some kids played and were ECNL discovery players. Since that time, many of those kids are now only playing ECNL. Some of the teams became ECNL teams and some kids just could not play in both leagues anymore. It's too much time and commitment. One of my kids was one of them. It's too much. Soccer schedules are too crazy anymore.
So, when we had to choose. We went ECNL over USYS. It's not for everyone, but it was what worked for my USYS kid. It's what she wanted.
2;03 - I can only speak for last year as this year, it's a new site. Last year, in SD, the complex was huge. The North American Cup and Showcase events are going on at the same time and location as Championship League. The college coaches and US scouts would walk from game to game. They had their pick.
And, the ages all play at different times and days. Some teams/age groups have off days and others are playing on those days. It's really scheduled rather well. On off days, kids checked out local schools or did some sight seeing.
In Seattle (predecessor to San Diego as far as site location), there were tents set up to watch the World Cup as well (it was going on just up north in canada). It's quite an event.
It's a massive amount of soccer for the soccer junkies and coaches everywhere. Anyone that attended PDA got a taste. You had multiple games, multiple levels even non-ecnl and coaches all over the place.
The most wonderful thing about PDA is that they invite NPL teams. My kids are or were at MFA and I am a strong supporter of that club, but I recognize the greatness of PDA and that tourney is one of the things it does which makes it great.
It is nice, NPL, USYS and ECNL are all invited to the tourney. It's an ECNL league/event so ECNL play games against each other. But, for non-ECNL to get a taste of what it's like to attend an ECNL event, it was pretty amazing.
I don't think it was altruistic, however. It's about $ so if you have the space, why not?
According to my friend, his kid plays ECNL, it's nothing compared to their playoffs (championship/north american cup and showcase event) at the end of their season. It's soccer palooza.
7:55 am - wow. I didn't realize the amount of teams in the champions league that will be GDA next season. If even 1/2 of those kids move to their team's GDA, it will have a major impact on ECNL. Wow again. ECNL must have really ticked off US Soccer to do this. Anyone find out what happened?
I just puked in my mouth. PDA is so wonderful blah blah blah. They only care about the top team and the rest pay the bills. Players don't move up because the coaches don't care about development just making themselves look good. Their event is to showcase their program not their players.
Hahaha. Here is something a friend pointed out to me at the tourney. It's an ECNL event; Nike tent with ECNL stuff at crazy prices. ECNL & Nike branded shirts, hats, everything. ECNL and Nike raking it in.
Around the corner is a PDA tent hawking PDA tournament shirts. Not in the ECNL tent; at a PDA tent with the money going into a PDA cash box. No cut to Nike or ECNL, i guess. Hilarious. How do they get away with that one?
So PDA GDA is going to consist of 7-10 Wildcats players? In the immortal words of Will Ferrell (Old School) "you're crazy...I like you man but...but you're crazy."
for whichever poster assumed that 2nd and 3rd tier brackets do not get the same amount of coaches is completely wrong. I am assuming that you are assuming, because if you were at any of the ECNL showcases, you would know. Also a couple things about the showcases that should be obvious. -Most top schools send multiple coaches if not the entire staff. -You have to reach out to coaches and make them aware of your player. -If your player is a forward that is interested in Penn State, but Penn State does not have a need for a forward in your players graduating class, it doesn't matter what bracket you are in they wont come and waste their time. -ECNL showcases are exactly that, showcases. Unless you are the top 1% club that will play for the National Championship. Wins and losses do not matter. Wins and losses for the season for that matter are only a way to seat for the showcases.
The games change each day at the ECNL playoffs. I am a college coach and I am looking for players that write me and then find their team on the updates game board. You can't really tell what group is what, you just go early in the morning, find the teams you need to see play and go and watch. It could be any team in any of the three groups on any of the days. It is a busy event.
College coaches typically go to watch "their players". The players who have expressed interest and who they might be interested in or who are comitted. They will see kids who are not committed and express interest (happens more earlier in the process) but for the most part it is to see players they are already aware of. If your kid is tier 3 with few committments on her team, unlikely to get many coaches at your game. Coaches don't have enough time to be wandering to find the diamond in the rough. Colleges do send multiple coaches to events because chances are they have multiple players in multiple age brackets playing at or close to the same time. How close you are to graduating/fitting into their line-up and how imprtant of a recruit she is normally determines which coach shows up (HC vs AC1, 2, 3).
A few years ago i had a kid play in the "showcase" level of u15 ECNL. They averaged about 60 top level coaches per game. More early in the week. There were no committed kids on the team. The team wasn't very good, but they had a couple top level kids on the team. maybe that was the draw. But there were many coaches from top 50 schools there at more than one game even to see a "poor" team. The flight doesn't matter at these events. the age groups and the presence of a couple name players are the biggest draws.
11:33 & 12:42 my question is simple -we are talking 9/10 graders.
How big is a coaches db per grad year? 500? 750? 1000? 1500? 2000? If the coach has these many players in "their db" How many are they seeing at one event? How many events do they attend in a year? Do they just write off kids?
10:31 am I write when I say you go see as many kids as you can at all the big showcases/championship events maybe 10-20 or more? Throw in your ID clinics and that's your real db that you trim to 6 or 7? What does a kid have to do besides emailing you to get you there? I doubt you only shop at ECNL events or maybe you do.
A College coach will target specific players that are a match for their program. High level D1 programs are sometimes competing for the same players and their lists are full of NT pool kids. So at the highest level you may see a few top D1 coaches at the sidelines of the same games at U15/U16. As a side note parents commenting on this blog about "60 D1 Coaches at my daughter's U15 game) is most likely the result of 1 or 2 players, so check the roster of the other team if your team does not have a top ranked player. And the coaches are there to see that specific player, not to find the diamond in the rough. The reason the number of coaches dwindle at the older ages is top talent is usually committed by sophomore year. Some of the coaches will stop by games at U17/U18 to "Check-in" on players.
The next tier on the coaches list is based on players who have interest in the college and have peaked the coaches interest as well. If you do the math based on any given weekend showcase a coach can get to maybe 2 games an hour so conservatively 10 games a day. but their list is specific (and not generated from any of the listing services). As far as writing kids off, I do think there are lower level programs that shine kids on and do not cut them loose. I have seen instances where kids are still getting invites to ID events at specific schools long after the recruiting for their graduating year is full for that school. This I think is more the fault of the automated email systems than it is a direct oversight by the coach. I also have not seen that a college coach will cut a player loose, they usually just stop responding or send out the kind, "Thank you for your interest but we have completed our recruiting for 20XX".
Each kid is writing letters to 5-7 coaches so just some simple math says in excess of 60 coaches easy for a game even with overlap, etc... U15 there aren't many commits but they will go see those who have expressed interest. Brackets arent everything but if you are playing third bracket you are most likely not getting looks from the top programs. D3 maybe. There are exceptions but no D1 college is just stumbling by a third level bracket in hopes of finding a kid, that just does not happen.
At these showcases the coaches are trying to watch 15, 16 & 17's. Probably watching 15-20 serious players each grad year with the hopes of landing 5-7 for that incoming class (say 50 total). Roughly 2 coaches per college so if you split them up each coach is probably watching 25 partial games every day. If you guess they are watching 10 min of each game they are watch 4-5 hours of soccer. They just don't have time to wander around.
@3:41 and I have different math but get to the same point. College coaches are not wasting their time identifying anyone who hasn't expressed interest.
Some big NT names can increase the draw but it's more out of curiousity than anything because those players go quick.
Maybe your kids did not because they know no one is going come watch crap tier 3 games but yes kids do and yes 60 coaches come to these games. Generally 45-60. Three showcases this year and three last year, highest was 64, lowest was 45. Average was low 50's and I believe most ECNL parents can attest to it. And my daughter has played both National League and ECNL. No comparison and that is supposed to be the most comparable league.
Madness? Madness is disputing facts you know nothing about. Your little snowflake is not getting found in her tier 3 kick and run games. Now if you werent so hostile you
...might open your eyes, do some research and find out the truth. It's liberating. Question now is whether the GDA does the same to ECNL that ECNL did to USYSA?
5:51 our 2001 ECNL team had 70 coaches for one of our games in Sanford and 50 plus for our first and last games. We had 40 plus for our first two games at PDA and 20 on Monday. We also saw big numbers at CASL too. All you need to do is go to an ECNL event and you will see. FC Bucks, Penn Fusion and Continental all had big numbers at their games and all have a good number of committed 2019 players. It has always been this way since the start of the ECNL. It will drop off now with the GDA.
6:28 - you are exhibit A for what I said - "be happy for those doing it a different way".
Best of luck with the decision on a school. Biggest choice of her pre-marriage life - other than whether or not to drink/do drugs and to go out with that dude from the mall behind your back.
10:18 - why do you care how many coaches? Clearly you or your team wasn't there. Otherwise, you would see for yourself. May want to just go and watch at one of these tourneys. They are amazing.
10:24 Look at the standings. They don't lie. You're either trolling, love or hate classics Yes these will be similar results when the girls program takes off. Happy?
Continental Parent here. Ah, no there are NEVER 60 College coaches at one of our showcase games. I think someone is confusing parents wearing their Alma Mater hats/hoodies as a coach. We get lists as parents after every game and the most at a single game is between 15-25. Not to burst any bubbles but setting the record straight. Each pre season we have a coaches showcase at PG against another top club (with merger rumors last year it was PF and the year before it was PAC)- Mostly local schools but that reaches about 50 coaches.
And the statement about many 2019s from Continental, Bucks and Fusion having commits... Maybe looks/interest but not commits.
7:56 is NOT a CFC parent, at least not at this age. That or they have no clue about the team their daughter is on. 4 of their starters are in fact committed D1. Georgetown, Army, Pitt. Numerous showcase games 50-70 coaches. PDA 40, 40, 20 sounds about right. I would guess teams with a better record or NT prospects fared even better. Not sure why someone feels the need to come on here and lie about a team they are not involved with.
756 is a Liar. There are a quite a few 2019 commits at PF -Duke, Northwestern, Dartmouth (2), Tennessee, Lafayette. There were over 70 coaches at a single game in Sanford. There was a "name" or 2 2019 who were uncommitted who may have drawn some, but there were quite a few there to see some other impact uncommitted 2019s. They will be there in Chicago too. Same with the 00 2019s. Long lists lots of opportunity
WOW. Get your daughter on a better team if you want her seen. Sounds like you are not an ECNL or NPL team. Town team or C-level academy team at best? I bet she starts and plays every second too. Try moving up, sorry not good enough.
U-16s can't commit to anything yet. Talk only and talk is cheep!
There is no requirement for the coaches to be spread equally at every game, sorry. You got 4, others got 40 and still others had over 60. You don't hear the 40's calling BS on the 60's because they know it happens....all of the time. If you only had 4 coaches then you ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE, can't you see that? Unless your daughter is comitted then it's irrelevant. Is it easier to stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't exist then to accept that different levels, teams, events, get different levels of interest?
I can confirm 50+ coaches at our first two ECNL showcase games, I wasn't at the last one and I deleted the email list with the numbers. Day 3 so I am guessing there significanlty less. Also there is never 50 at one time because they come and go and rarely stay longer than 10-15 minutes. When the volunteer hands out the player profiles they take the coaches name and we get a list afterwards so the player can write a "thank you" if they asked a coach to come watch. Don't hate the facts, they are what they are.
Except for jealousy, envy, vicariously living through your daughter, arrogance, pomposity, trolling and just plain bs...what are any of you gaining by lying or over-inflating the facts about college coach numbers at games? How old is everyone posting? Sounds like middle school aged at best. I've seen games with 5-10 and I've seen games with 30-50, end of story!
Again we don't stand on the sidelines and take a head count, our parents hand out player profiles to the coaches attending and get their names. We get a list of those coaches. And I can tell you for a fact they miss some so those numbers are actually higher.
Repeating the same posts about low or high numbers doesn't make them true or not...stop with the regurgitation. Who cares? If it's true to your story then let it go!!!
If you have 4 coaches watching and you get interest from a school that you WANT TO attend (howver you generated that interest) - and it leads to your attending that school - then you are NOT in the wrong place.
Accept others doing it differently.
ECNL volume can work well. But not the be all and end all...
Frankly I like the ECNL for the level of play rather than the exposure.
Funny how it went down at pda this year. Last year there was a flight of mixed ecnl and non ecnl teams and the results showed that some of the non ecnl teams are just as strong. This year pda did not do that because they are trying to keep ecnl as happy as possible with the slap in the face of DA. Coaches were more plentiful in the two main venues regardless of what league you played in. THAT is a fact. So it wasn't about league it was about where these coaches could see the most prospects. Ecnl didn't last as the top level because they wouldn't allow some top teams in. Like it or not that is the truth. DA may end up succeeding in finally creating a league of elite players,but it won't be for a few years. As has been stated on here many times unfortunately for our girls they got caught in the crosshairs of all of these changes.
Ahhh there it is. Know how you've won an arguement? The other side starts name calling. You can't convince someone who cannot accept facts. You've seen 30-50? Math lesson, 30-50 > 4.
I'll jump in here...why is anyone trying to win an argument? What's wrong with just telling your factual experience? In other words, telling the truth, your experience.
@10:37 so all of your kids are being recruited by those 4 coaches? Maybe not the 1 kid being looked at but for the majority, they are in the wrong place. I absolutely accept you can do it differently, just some ways are easier then the others, that was the only point. The more coaches attending, the higher chance of getting seen and I do concede volume is not the be all end all.
@10:49 I don't believe that is why the ECNl is no longer the top. USSF is trying to emulate the European academies that train 10 months a year with less games and more meaningful games. If anything the ECNL got too watered down and had too many games against lesser competition. It is true that not all the best teams are in the ECNL, but most are. It would be nice to see the national champs played by top of NL vs top of ECNL.
Top coaches will go to where the best players are. National team members got gobbled up by U-13. So for us it is ECNL/NPL this year and DA next year. College coaches will mainly focus their time at DA events next year because they don't want to miss on next new thing. Best players or not, US Soccer will get their way!
There is still a ton of other colleges who need their ranks filled. ECNL will continue to be the avenue of others. PDA will only have 10,000 coaches at their next ECNL event, you will see.
However, PDA will have 30,000 coaches at their DA regular season home games!!!
At PDA at all the decent ECNL games there were 30+ coaches for this age I'd guess (Did not count). Much fewer coaches at the younger ages, as you would expect. Did not see any U17 games, but I would guess those games had a ton of coaches as well.
Problem is the GDA is starting too watered down and will likely add from there. And if the USSF is emulating the Europeans, it's the men's programs. Not withstanding the fact that doing so on the boys side for 10 years has shown little to no improvement in our world standing, it ignores the fact the girls and boys are different. There is not and never will be $ in women's sports. To the vast majority of these girls playing in college, either for a school they couldnt afford, or getting an education at a school they couldn't quite get into with their grades is the ultimate goal. The ECNL was built to facilitate just that. The GDA will not only be a train wreck but will damage the future of us women's. soccer. The USSF saw $$$ and couldn't give a crap about 99% of the kids playing.
Don't bash it just because you aren't on it. We can't drive that far and hope south jersey (RUSH/SJEB maybe??) get a DA and we will jump as fast as we can. I am jealous of the GDA and see the writing on the wall.
Our only saving grace is that this will have little to no effect on our age group. If we were younger I would be nervous.
ECNL is the one getting watered down. Where do you think the DA girls are coming from. I personally know two who plan on making the long drive up.
I own a limo/shuttle company and we were contacted by PDA for next year. They expect 43,000 coaches that will need to be shuttled from 118 hotels all across region 1. And the application fee to get in will only be $3200 to cover all our fees. Christy will personally make sure all the bridges stay open to any vehicle or shuttle with a PDA roof sign. You will have priority that weekend.
U15 list from last year at Sanford Wingate Univeristy (Coach Peter Trask), St Louis Univeristy (Coach Vince Gentile), Mississippi State University (Coach Phil Casella), Providence College (Coach Sam Lopes), University of Wisconsin (coach Kristen Weiss), Drexel University (Coach Ray Goon), University of Pittsburgh (Coach Ileana Moschos), Western Kentucky Universtiy (Coach Will Bedding), University of Missouri (Coach Brian Blitz), Penn State Univeristy (Coach Tim Wassell), Fordham (Coach Kim Miller), Florida Gulf Coast Univesity (Coach Ben Boehner), Baylor University (Coach Chuck Codd), Iowa State University (Coach Tony Minatta and Coach Megan Kerns), University of Wisconsin (Coach Paula Wilkins), Lasalle University (Coach Ally Nick), Colorado State University (Coach Kelly Labor), University of Delaware (Coach Rachel Chupein), University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University (Coach Eric Lambinus), West Virginia University, Virginia Tech (Coach Drew Kopp), University of Indiana, Towson Univeristy (Coach Greg Paytner), Syracuse Univesity (Coach Neel Bhattacharjee), Xavier Universtiy, University of New Hampshire (Coach Steve Welham), High Point Univeristy (Coach Kelly Grant and Coach Marty Beall) , Florida Atlantic University (Coach Jordan Reppell), Boston College, Georgetown University (Coach Lyndse Hokanson), Grand Valley State (Coach Jeff Hosler), University of Cincinnati (Coach Matt Cosinuke), University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Coach Leslie Wray), University of Miami (Coach Kate Dylag), University of Illinois (Coach Allie Osmundson), Bowling Green University (Coach Marsha Harper), Dartmouth University (coach Ron Rainey)
1. DA = Elitist 2. ECNL = Jealous 3. Region 1 League = Not good enough 4. Town Team = Scum of the Earth 5. Coach = Always subs wrong 6. Parent = Best scout of other kids non-talent 7. DOC = Corrupt 8. Referee = Always makes call for other team (even at home game) 9. Soccer = Poor person sport everywhere but good old USA 10. New Jersey = Kick and run 11. Ney York = Wish they were from Jersey 12. Pennsylvania = Lie and Cheat 13. Player = The one with over use injuries who is burned out 14. Blogger = Well informed soccer community member
On US Soccer web page: http://www.ussoccerda.com/college-coach-scout-check-in
College Coach & Scout Registration
The registration to receive a hard copy version of the 2017 U.S. Soccer Development Academy Summer Showcase and Playoffs roster book (one per person) is here. Once you reserve a hard copy of the book, those can be picked up at the College Coach and Scout Check-in tent located in Lot E near the DA Headquarters upon your arrival to the event.
The list of all registered college coaches for this year's Summer Showcase and Playoffs will also be posted here on ussoccerda.com by June 14, 2017.
Event updates will be shared via the Development Academy Website, Facebook, Twitter,and Instagram social media channels throughout the Showcase.
If you have any questions, please email us at academy@ussoccer.org.
The U.S. Soccer Development Academy has partnered with Coach Packet to provide an easier, more efficient way to recruit. Coach Packet puts the rosters, schedule, and video online and on your mobile device, allowing you to access side by side rosters on the sideline or off the field. Following the event, video of every game will be added to Coach Packet, allowing you to recruit virtually for any games you may have missed or want to review. To set up your free Coach Packet account for online access to the event schedule and game rosters, click here. More information will also be available at the Development Academy College Coach Check-in tent.
Girls DA Showcase info will follow this same format.
If you're a college coach then you should have your connections for that info no? December 2-3 And Disney showcase dates are changing so you should be good after ECNL
3 huge reasons kids not running to DA, who are very good and would probably make the huge roster! - Cannot play High School
- Tons of travel for 14/15/16 year old kids who have to get up at 6am, do homework. Many of the DI schools want very, very high academics with the soccer in tow. They ask for transcripts first and if not top of class, all A's and Ap or honor courses just forget it. DO NOT sacrifice education for soccer.
- Why leave a great situation at ECNL or NPL where you play majority of game and take chances to sit, or split as a keeper, or split center back position or whatever. At least not this first season for sure.
Only 2 days? So flying to Florida for 2 games? Or if you are on the bottom of the roster 1 game? Is that right? It would be one thing if it were winter break and you could at least make a vacation out of it.
Don't challenge yourself with difficult situations and decisions. Don't push yourself for huge reward when you can just cruse by in mediocrity. Don't try for academic and athletic success. Overcoming changeling situations will never set you up for success in life. Failure in a challenging situations doesn't build character and will never set you up for the real world.
Let your kid play rec where everybody gets medals...
Your kids going to play half her games against teams Cedar Stars, PA Classics, Loudon(VDA), Empire United, and whatever teams The Washington Spirit manage to assemble with the rec clubs they are associated with and you think it's my kid who's not challenging herself? Ha, enjoy those 9-0 wins, or 0-9 loses if you happen to be with one of those teams.
I agree the DA won't be very consistent level next year. It may take time to build. But the ECNL will similarly be faced with inconsistency unfortunately for the kids caught in the crossfire.
@1229 Where do you get 300 coaches. many colleges send more than 1 coach and there are 3 divisions. the top programs don't register with the tournament. They aren't inviting emails of kids they aren't interested in. Sorry but that's true. They know whom they are going to see way before the tournament date
None of these teams will be the same next year. So much movement between clubs and within clubs. Coaches moving too. If you are sure your team is staying the same, that is because you are not being told the truth. Wait till next season and then you will see who your real friends are. Good thing is now #9 and #10 are freed up for your kid to wear.
Maybe I am just being optimistic, but I think the NE ECNL will benefit from the GDA at least as far as leveling out the quality of the teams. The weakest club WNY Flash is out and being replaced by Bethesda and MDU. And PDA and FC Stars, consistently top clubs will be sending their B teams which themselves are on the level of many of the other clubs A teams right now. I think EM and WC teams may struggle as there's not enough talent on the island to field 2 elite teams per age non the less 3 but I would expect most of the games next year to be pretty close. And while The GDA will no doubt field the top teams, the disparagy between the those top teams and the bottom will be embarrassing.
10:49 drop the conspiracy theories. Maybe this year those non-ecnl teams are actually ecnl, now. And, maybe those ecnl teams had already completed their required showcase/national event attendances (only 2 needed) so games didn't count for or against league standings. It was the place to be and if you were there, congrats.
The level isn't consistent now with ECNL?! FC Bucks is comparable to PDA?? I'd like to see McLean play Continental. Look what So Cal did to PF 2 months ago!
Not taking anything away from FC Bucks, but i heard from PDA parents that they had kids not there due to SAT's and other things. having the same issues with our team, i understood completely.
Help me understand something - how does playing in the showcase flight help these players playing vs other bad teams to land a college? Isn't it the same thing as being at a low flight at Jefferson? Has the narrative now changed that the flight really doesn't matter? just being at the event is what's needed or has it always been this way and posters just liked to say that being in the top flight is all that mattered to make themselves feel good?
As with most posts, you need to sift out bits of truth in the middle of much bs. No doubt highest bracket will attract most college coaches. However...this is mostly important if your kid is NOT communicating/inviting/emailing coaches prior to showcases. If that communication is there, then the coaches will come watch your kid whatever bracket he/she is in. Does your kid get noticed by other coaches just by being in top bracket? Yes of course but this not the end of story as many posters will make you think.
Coaches go to watch specific players not random teams. Not saying the flight is irrelevant but my daughter has 6 schools coming to watch her and not one asked which flight she is in. Most ecnl players simply play for the closest ecnl club, most do not have the luxury of having multiple clubs within a reasonable driving distance to chose from. You will find great players even on teams with poor records.
Here is my take for the end of year ECNL "Championships" It provides a couple of incentives. 1) Champions level is just that the teams that accumulated the best records competing to crown a champion, incentive for teams to compete at a high level during the season. 2) it provides an additional showcase event for players to be seen in a central location. As far as College coaches sticking to the Championship flight for scouting purposes, I believe that is fake news. COLEEGE COACHES WANT TO SEE PLAYERS WHO WANT TO GO TO THEIR SCHOOLS. Yes it is possible that a coach will see a player who may catch their eye and reach out to see if their is reciprocal interest. But Players in lower flights who reach out to a coach WILL get the interest at least initially (U16) and will keep it if they perform will in any flight. To me that is the only "diamond in the rough" scenario - the myopic Top Flight parents need to realize that lower flight teams have players as capable as your darlings and Schools will watch them and make them offers.
Who doesn't want to go to nearly every power 5 if they are willing to go away from home anyway. They are all great schools.
Sure there are tiers
Like Duke, ND, UVA, UNC, Stanford, UCLA,
Then Berkley, Michigan, Penn State, Northwestern, FLorida,
and on
But any of the power 5s are great schools. Most if not all have honors colleges, and on the educational front what the kid makes of them. I would be thrilled if my kid went to any one of them.
You need to realize that much of this process has to do with the efforts of the players reaching out to the college coach and having a well connected club coach helping with the process. Often the club coach develops the recruitment for their players. Girls playing at the ECNL Showcase in Chicago will get big numbers of coaches out to see them play, regardless of the flight. Recruiting is not random, it's developed over time by formulating relationships with college coaches.
16-U GIRLS (2001s): with Youth Soccer Rankings score
To me this proves this tool is very accurate, ECNL scores have a higher value and since they play each other if the games are close the values are close and will remain it will also separate the better teams and put the rest of the teams in the same category as the top Non-ECNL teams. I also listed the qualified NPL teams to show they are equal to the North American/Showcase teams and the actual player pool for the colleges is vast and some of these schools haven' t seen many player's interested in their program that will be equal or better than the players they are seeing at this event if they are looking at the North American/Showcase flights since this age group is filled with freshman. So what exactly is the long term value?
2017 ECNL NorthAmerican Qualifiers 37.21 FC Virginia ECNL U16 36.91 Vardar ECNL U16 36.85 Match Fit Academy ECNL U16 36.80 Dallas Texans ECNL U16 36.64 SC Del Sol ECNL U16 36.60 Lonestar SC ECNL U16 36.54 Challenge SC ECNL U16 36.34 Albertson SC ECNL U16 36.30 Arsenal FC ECNL U16 36.28 Richmond United ECNL U16 36.10 Maryland United FC ECNL U16 35.85 Birmingham United ECNL U16 35.59 Carolina Elite Soccer Academy ECNL U16 35.45 Colorado Rush ECNL U16 35.32 CASL ECNL U16 35.24 FC Portland ECNL U16
2017 ECNL Showcase Qualifiers 36.62 World Class FC ECNL U16 36.49 Eagles Soccer Club ECNL U16 36.45 San Juan SC ECNL U16 36.22 Sporting Blue Valley ECNL U16 36.18 FSA FC ECNL U16 35.96 Internationals SC ECNL U16 35.88 Crossfire United ECNL U16 35.72 FC Wisconsin Eclipse ECNL U16 35.57 Sereno Soccer Club ECNL U16 35.51 Heat FC ECNL U16 35.47 Pleasanton Rage ECNL U16 35.27 Seattle Reign ECNL U16 35.18 East Meadow SC ECNL U16 35.09 Colorado Storm ECNL U16 35.08 Weston FC ECNL U16 34.88 Boca United FC ECNL U16
2017 NPL Finals qualified teams 38.03 Davis Legacy SC 37.05 Lonestar '01 Red 36.65 NJ Wildcats Fury 35.79 MSC Lakers '01 Elite 35.77 Santa Monica United '01 35.57 Campton United SC 35.33 Tucson Soccer Academy 35.21 IMG Academy 34.85 Virginia Rush 33.50 ISC Gunners
good stuff. however, just looked and YSR doesn't include all ECNL games such as ones this past weekend at least from NE conference. Other conferences may have been updated or finished before this weekend. so not as accurate as thought to be. aren't numbers are based on amount of games, too. so if you play more, you get more. which is the case in most USYS leagues. Kind of GSPish, although takes out the bonus stuff to pad numbers, too. Not sure if all NPL games are up to date, either.
157 the point is that ALL P5 offers are 4 years. Its required. Some mid majors also require 4 year guarantees , some as you said can be negotiated, but ALL P5 offers are guaranteed. They actually have some independence from the NCAA and make some of their own rules like to COA allowance...
yep and when they tire of you, don't play you and force you out, then the guarantee out the window. heard about those as well. had p-5 offers, turned down. but appreciate it.
6:41 - there is a very broad range from the top to the bottom in those conferences like any other conference. point is i would not suggest to go vanity plate shopping unless that is what fits your kid; regardless of the guarantee. Or you could just be collecting hoodies from different schools. but to each his/her own.
3:45 it will - sometimes it takes a few days and remember these are feeds from multiple data sources. Numbers aren't based on the number of games more the result. for example:
when PLAYERS DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY ECNL [37.66] plays MATCH FIT ACADEMY FC [36.83] they are favorite to win by 0.83 goals. If they win by 2 their score goes up if they lose by 2 their score goes down. The scores are dynamic so every time one score is adjusted all the teams they played is also adjusted.
Actually the USYS teams are hurt with Youth Soccer rankings as most teams are a 35 or 36 so for them to climb up to a 38 or 39 they need to win every game by 3 or 4 goals for them to climb up the charts or they need to play ECNL teams which they can't. If you look at the ECNL scores most of them are 37 and 38 for the good teams so a 1 or 2 goal win won't change much when they play each other.
So when SJEB RUSH ACADEMY [36.60] played BETHESDA SC ECNL [36.99] and won 2-0 their score went up and Bethesda went down. since the game was a push. Same when SJEB played ALBERTSON SC ECNL [36.32] this game was a push also and since they tied 2-2 both teams remained the same.
No bonus points for playing a ton of games. Just ECNL teams with a high weight as top of the pyramid to start the season - now the result speaks for it self.
6:52 why do all the schools put their club or HS team accolades in the player profiles if they mean nothing?
Anything under 0.50 is a push.
#1 ECNL favorite by 1.39 vs #5 ECNL #1 ECNL favorite by 2.08 vs #1 Non-ECNL #1 ECNL favorite by 2.43 vs #10 ECNL #1 ECNL favorite by 2.55 vs #5 Non-ECNL #1 ECNL favorite by 2.97 vs #10 Non-ECNL
#5 ECNL favorite by 0.69 vs #1 Non-ECNL #5 ECNL favorite by 1.04 vs #10 ECNL #5 ECNL favorite by 1.16 vs #5 Non-ECNL
#10 ECNL underdog by 0.35 vs #1 Non-ECNL #10 ECNL favorite by 0.12 vs #5 Non-ECNL #10 ECNL favorite by 0.54 vs #10 Non-ECNL
Yeah, gotsoccer put me in the poor house - youth soccer rankings has made me win it back to break even :)
Seriously, the reason I showed this was to show that there really isn't much of a difference once you remove the top say 10 teams in the country @ 18 players per team x 10 = 180 current freshman/sophmores. The ECNL events are nice because you have all those teams in one place but by no means do those players have an advantage on any Non-ECNL player. There is quality all over the states - it just comes down to being good and showing well when the spotlight is on you
And therein lies the problem " the ultimate goal". When my daughter first laced up her cleats at 7 I told her this was to get her to play in college, not to have fun and be active etc. Much like when I sent her off to kindergarten. The ultimate goal was not the education and the experience but getting her accepted into Harvard.
aren't most kids playing at this age in particular in high competitive soccer trying to play in college as well? very, very few are playing just for fun at this level anymore. even multi-sport kids had to pick one by now, sadly.
My daughter plans to play in college but she is enjoying the ride and each game. She is happy and nervous at the big events where there are coaches but she truly loves to play. So it's not exactly her " ultimate goal" so much as a nice opportunity that she has, given the high level she has worked hard and been fortunate to play at.
And this is exactly what colleges coaches struggle with. They want the players that love to play and compete... not the ones whose entire goal was to use soccer to get into/pay for college. Those kids that don't truly love it hurt their college programs.
3:55 - i doubt there are many of those out there. this game is too physical on the body to think that is what a large majority of kids are doing, in particular at the higher levels. there is still a love for the game, too.
most coaches in my kid's recruiting process as far as college didn't just make a one a done evaulation, either, to get a real feel of the kid's desire and heart.
now, with the rigors and demands of college being what it is as far as academics and athletics (it's like having two jobs at once; having had older college scholar athletes), that can test a kid's love for the game and that college as well. so the love of the sport may still be there, but the inability to juggle all of the high pressure demands can become too crushing.
understood. and welcome to the reality of coaches that aren't coaching multiple teams to pay their bills. this is it, one team, one goal, to win. their job depends on it. and if you don't perform, your playing time or longevity with the team depends on it. and professors who don't give a rat's butt that you are an athlete, too as far as assignments and tests. real life 101.
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 3065 Newer› Newest»8:30 No disrespect with this post. But we should call this the no spin blog.
You said instead of leaving a 16 yo hanging they instead disrespected their own players who PAID for the season. Now another player doesn't dress for a game. I agree there should be no player movement at the end of the season. All this shows is that the club/team is not about development and never was.
You also said who takes one keeper to Playoffs. Isn't this the same club with 4 teams at an age group? I doubt they didn't have enough goalies. All this does is support the claims of other posters that B and C teams at these clubs are nothing more than a paycheck and the only reason they can treat kids like this is because the parents allow it.
Parents need to take a step back - it's never about development at the top clubs it's about winning and always was and always will be they just don't call it GS point chasing because they have a league brand to hid behind ECNL or the new GDA. Girls soccer is a $$$ machine and yes I am a fool who contributes to this machine.
10:14 I agree 100% but we will never see that happen.
Just my 2 cents
You think it makes sense to take 1 GK to champions league when there are others in the wings. yes absolutely they should take the NPL GK to champions league and i dont even think that they are "depriving" the NPL team of a second GK. Ask the GK parents if they are happy to be going to Chicago? Isn't this a good example contradicting what everyone complains about? COmplaint: they never move kids up within their pyramid despite promises of potetial to play for the "A" team. Well here they are doing just that and there are complaints again. Let's face it no matter what they do PDA will be criticized. Its sport on this site. Carry-on...
BTW there is more than one YNT player on Splash.
8:45 Seriously? That's not what I said. I said the club has 4 teams at an age group with a minimum of 4 goalies per age group. They didn't need to bring in another is what I am saying. The comment was "Other player is a keeper added after the other keeper tore an ACL. Who takes one keeper to playoffs?" This comment followed "MF booted her from the team because she made PDA GDA".
No one said they should go with 1 goalie, NO spin blog. I agree with your comment NPL goalie or Shore goalie should be used as backup.
Added to me = player from outside the club.
At one point that group had 3 on the YNTs. One however is very well known and has made every round over the past two years. I assume she is the one who left? I know she is going to the DA, but I am not sure why that would require her to leave now. Very good player obviously.
BTW, with most top clubs they bring the kid up who can help the most. That may be a younger kid, or in this case the NPL goalie. If there is one thing PDA has, it's a lot of very good goalies.
9:41 just a quick correction there are zero players on the u17 YNT in CA now from PDA.
U.S. U-17 Women’s National Team Roster by Position:
1 Mustang SC
1 Spokane Sounders
1 IMG Academy
1 FC Stars of Mass
1 Bethesda SC
1 Tophat SC
1 So Cal Blues
1 Concord Fire
1 Slammers FC
1 Eclipse Select SC
1 Concord Fire
1 Tophat SC
1 San Diego Surf
1 De Anza Force
1 IMG Academy
1 Richmond United
1 Honolulu Bulls SC
1 JFC Storm
1 FC Stars of Mass
1 Dallas Kicks SC
1 FC Dallas
1 Eclipse Select SC
Did she actually leave? Because word these past few days is she is staying put at PDA.
9:41 AM
Does PDA have a specific goalie trainer, are they exclusive to PDA or do they offer training outside of the club? Asking as my daughter is a keeper and I am looking for solid training. We were going to a reputable trainer but schedules never seem to work.
Likely a negotiation
One academy team (rumored to be getting said player) is known to have $$$$$.
Players need to be careful - NCAA eligibility and $$ can be a tricky thing.
Okay I know this is must be a NJ thing, but can someone shed some light for the rest of us. If not shouldn't you guys behaving this conversation in private?
10:07 there is no NCAA eligibility issue with a kid getting money to play DA.
What's your definition of "getting money"?
There's a difference...
If PDA is the topic, everyone should want to know...hahaha
11:14 supposedly pda ynt player is moving to cedar stars. Now word is she may be changing her mind. A lot of money behind Cedar Stars and rumors that the money goes beyond the guidelines. If ever proven NCAA eligibility is only one of the issues. I'm not a pda parent but not sure why make that particular move
LOL...private conversation...the last 2 months have been nothing but PF and PAC talk...
Speaking of which....did you hear PF lost 9-0 in CA and PAC teams tore it up this past weekend?? :)
It's not a matter of disrespect, it's about a kid that would be done because of choice she made for next season. I don't know her but I assume she would have finished out her obligation to the team. Will other kids get a little less time, obviously yes, but the kid that got punted would get zero. I'm not a fan of current kids getting less time but it was the right thing to do. Some kids sit at these showcases because they are committed already giving more time to those who are still out there without a commitment. Why do the uncommitted kids get this unfair advantage? Because they prob get more time over the year and frankly it's the right thing to do.
Keeper I agree with. If you sell potential promotion you should back it up. Maybe they did but I cannot say for sure. I'm guessing they didn't. B & C teams are what they are and unfortunately most of the time those kids get forgotten once they get placed there. I think PDA has done as good as a job as any promoting players up from the B/south teams.
As for being just about the money, I am sure that is a large part but I also think every year a group of talented kids with potential were leaving for other teams and I think they wanted to retain some of that talent. In most youth sports the lower levels subsidize the top level. Soccer is no different because it's the top teams that draws new kids. I just don't see what is wrong with that.
All about winning comments are always from bitter parents who thought their kid would be a starter and things didn't play out that way and now it's about development. No way anyone comes to PDA thinking it is going to be equal playing time, not about winning, etc... NO WAY. If you go to any seriously competitive club because you believe play time will be equal and everything will be fair then yeah, I agree, you are a fool. Guaranteed no parent is crying for the bench players when their kid is a starter.
And why cant it be about both winning and development? Vast majority of development is from practice of which no one sits. It's why most youth sports suggest a 3-1 practice vs game schedule.
Your only valid point is calling kids up from the B team. The rest is bitterness. I am defending reality here not any particular club.
PDA coach does everything wrong. He absolutely made his YNT player quit. She couldn't stand him any more. He also adds players which is unfair to his current roster. If you add them now, they shouldn't roster until next year. He is the worst coach in the ECNL by far. That's why he lost this team.
If he lost the team why isn't she staying? This gets more and more weird
wait..is this the same YNT player that has been on literally every high level team in NJ?
now slick is taking the show to Cedar Stars?
11:50 it's about one kid not on the team making a CHOICE?, It was her choice not the current team's - will they get money back now since they will play less and this girl not on the roster plays for free? I doubt it. The right thing to do by who, the player on another team that paid her tuition to another club? The right thing to do was for that player to wait until next season. Uncommitted kids get an advantage - damn right they do they paid and trained everyday making those kids that got their scholarships better, so when their time comes damn right it's fair. Isn't that what PDA preaches great training sessions with the best players? Again showing their true colors all about the money and never about development. Big rosters equals more $$$ not better training since it's unfair for them to have this advantage when their time comes. Just disagree with you on this one.
Not wrong that they draw the best players every year,wrong that they take money from players and before they get their full season that they paid for they get a new wrinkle thrown in -that is a problem with me. Money doesn't grow on a tree,but that's just my opinion.
I'm not bitter, if it wasn't about winning why bring in the new players with 2 months left in the season? No one said anything about equal playing time, but when you have a roster of 22 you wait for the starters to get their offers so they play less for the others to play more big difference pal.
Good that we agree on something that I'm a fool and that no starter is crying for the bench player, but it's a little different when we are talking about a player not on the team all season and for the last 2 months they are, no?
It can be about winning and development with the roster for that season that paid to be developed. For me you roster 22 players those are the players you are committed to for that season the players that develop to win not players from another club.
To the question about Goalie Training. Lot's of good ones in NJ. For my kid there would be one choice. Mark Williams, WST in Whippany.
9:41 - slow golf clap. who cares about the amount of YNT's on the team or were on the team. I'll toss you an atta boy if that is what you want.
The core discussion was about using other kids within the club for openings vs. bringing in kids developed elsewhere. It always comes back to here, let me get my team/kid's/club's accolades out there which is very rarely the real discussion subject matter.
What exactly does he do wrong? How did he make her quit? What couldn't she stand? I mean was he rude to her? Did he bench her unfairly? These are pretty open accusations with no substance behind them.
Adding players: goalie was needed, regardless of where she came from. Field player is not a starter so not logging huge minutes.
12:34 - i agree about getting kids looks that are not committed yet. That is, allegedly, the purpose of the clubs essentially, right? But, what about the kids that are not getting it even at the end of the year? Still play them? Or, limit their game time? Relegate them?
This time of the year, it's about finishing the season and focusing on post season. Should the business ignore the obvious and still play these kids or limit their playing time, if they see the field at all, and put it in the hands of the others that have also worked hard all year to reach their postseason? Where do you draw the line?
Just throwing out there.
1:35 Only she knows those answers to those questions - ask her parents.
It's not important if the field player starts or comes off the bench they are taking minutes away from someone who paid. Look if they communicated this to the parents up front - we might add players for the last 2 months of the season that will take minutes away from players and if the players choose to still be there then it is what it is - if they don't tell the parents up front then that is an issue, no?
1:39 What about the kids not getting looks, who will know the answer to that question? If teams are getting 100 coaches per weekend how in the world can you tell who they are there to see, don't forget we are talking freshman and sophomores plenty of time for schools to still shop around. I always said ECNL clubs play with a small bench, so if you only play 14 or 15 kids why roster 22 that's an extra $15,000, so it's never about the kids? Just smoke in mirrors right? Well at least that's the way this conversation is looking like to me.
I agree with 1:39
First if all it is about winning and development. It's never not been about winning. From what I am told she accepted a position for next year's PDA GDA and MF booted her. That's her choice for NEXT SEASON but she didn't deserve to get kicked with 2 months remaining in the season and to miss playoffs if she intended to play out the remainder of the season. So a compassionate add per se but I can see your point.
Paid/trained? So the committed kids didn't pay or train hard and that didn't make the other kids better? There is a rational argument that the better players are providing more benefit than they are receiving in return (ie. playing against better makes you better). Take away their playing time because they are good and colleges wanted them earlier than others? Doesn't seem fair, but it is the right thing to do in showcases.
You talk about development, that's what practices are for. If they are rostering more than 22-24 I agree that it becomes about the money.
Again, if it were her choice to leave before season finished that's her issue and should not impact the new team. I would not make concessions for her. I do not believe this was the case. I can see both sides though. It does suck when you see your child take a back seat all year then again to a new player. I can sympathize with you on that point.
2:47 - you roster 22 because it's called injuries and unexpected events or expected events that come up for families (say a sibling gets married, etc.). And, some kids that may have started strong but maxed out as far as competition/expectation/development.
So, you always have a squad and quality reserves. Have to plan for the big picture not the immediate need.
If you are willing to pay knowing what is going on; that your kid isn't at top or mid of roster, why is that smoking mirrors? This is when the rose colored glasses need to come off.
i agree. don't take a spot at end of roster and complain about it later.
I thought 12-16 were subs, the rest are so you could run game situations. 8v8 or 11v11 and anything more was a money grab.
3:30 - my reading of Rule 3.9 in ECNL Competition Rules allows up to a maximum of 7 per half; with limitations on re-entry after already playing and various injuries/subs not counting toward overall number. That's 18 kids that can play in any game. So, 4 kids (if rostering 22 and everyone available/not injured); don't suit up but you rotate games. How's this a money grab?
2:49 I don't care either way.
My point is the player made a choice. If her current club said see you - she gets a mini-vacation before the start of the new season with the GDA team. I wouldn't say compassionate since players on the current team were kicked to the curb. All about Winning plain and simple. It's the same argument with illegal aliens, you are in this country illegally you have no rights. But yet we turn this into something it isn't.
3:04 okay quality reserves right? Then why bring in someone from the outside if the team has quality already?
You are willing to pay so you kid can compete vs the girls on the roster not add on girls that my friend is smoke and mirrors - we say the roster is quality and needed for injuries so we take an additional $15,000 only to turn around and say hey you know what you were getting we can add players anytime we want and they play for free or should i say we will use a portion of that $15,000 you already paid for this player to play instead of your kids.
So which is it? 2:49 and 3:04 you guys have everything covered but it can't be both or maybe in your world it can.
Sorry I just disagree - player made a choice and know needs to live with that choice
3:50 - and her choice was the prior team who tossed her aside, allegedly (i certainly have no idea, but am basing on the posts). So, should she join a USYS team and ask another ECNL team to be a discovery player instead? Was she supposed to not play?
Everyone is forgetting that there had to be a formal agreement made for an ECNL rostered player to continue in season (and season isn't over until June/July) on another club's roster. Both teams have to approve. And from what I have been told, other teams on both clubs did some mutual roster shifting with kids. So, there's that....
3:58 I get all of that. and the answer is yes. yes Not play, it was her choice to tryout for another team. Her current team could have kept her on the roster and not dressed her, but I'm sure there would have been a ton of negative press on this board for that.
No one is forgetting anything. I never said anything illegal happened. I just said a team had a roster of 22 players already. If games are so important and the team only rosters 15 players they had 3 extras in a normal world but this team decided to add more players knowing that those players are nothing more than practice players. I'm sure they are selling playing time is earned at practice when it's time to collect a check. But this is not what's happening. they are just practice players first to be replaced at tryout season if a new flavor comes along who cares that the season isn't over yet. We can do what we want just look at our brand if you don't like it hit the road there is no shortage of players we can do this to. This is still wrong just the way I see it.
Well, I think that is crazy. She didn't give up the emblem. MF did. When she accepted her spot with MF, they had a GDA. So, had they kept it, she would have stayed.
I have a problem when clubs try to hold back a player from bettering herself. She tried out and made another team to better herself.
That didn't mean she wasn't finishing out the season. The other club made that happen. Nothing is saying she is getting a tremendous amount of playing time. She has to earn it. And, kids will have to rotate; that were already rotating.
On that note, if the desire to have those three letters on their shirt means more than playing to the parents of the end of the bench kids and you are still there, then buckle in. You paid for this ride and kept your kids there.
4:59 you are obviously colse to this situation so I will stop. I disagree with what you are saying. If this team is as good as many posters have said on this board I'm guessing these players have the goods just don't have the trust of the coach - which goes back to the original post.
I just say one thing I learned on the streets - what they do with you they will do to you if it benefits them.
6:22 - I appreciate your consideration, but actually, i'm not at all close to this particular situation. I only pointing out that MF had a GDA emblem and gave it back. It was probably how they kept some kids from leaving at the end of the prior season.
But, they decided to give it back. They worked out the numbers and didn't want to give up the ECNL cash cow. I get it as others had to pick too. It is a business. And, she or her parents don't have a part in the business end. They just mail in their monthly payments.
But, when they, the ones making money, gave back the emblem, the lure, then they should be okay with kids who desired to play for the crest leaving at the end of the season. Clearly, they weren't. That part stinks.
As I said, a coach should never keep a kid from achieving his/her dream. They should assist. Otherwise, they were really not in it for the success of the kids.
And, I hear ya about the other part of it. But, unfortunately, that is how it works when you have a sport that somehow schedules its try outs for the next season while the current season is still underway and worse heading into the playoffs. Stupid.
I hope it all works out for all of them; kid, current team; prior team.
I was recently informed of this blog. Spent a while reading through much of the discussion. We've always known how lucky we are, being where we are.... same team since U8. However, after reading through all of this, now I know our soccer experience has been a complete miracle. (Not in response to any specific comments) Peace. ~non ECNL, Region 1 League, National League parent.
Congrats to you/your team on many levels. THAT is a soccer milestone from what I am reading as well. Peace back.
I scoff at this notion that Match Fit simply "axed" this player for trying out with PDA.
I cant see why they wouldnt want this player to continue and help them with their playoff run.
Another scenario is likely at play here. Player likely WANTED her release to play with the new team - to get the additional 2 months of acclamation.
Just like some employers, once you say you are leaving they show you to the door. Some do, some don't. Scoff all you want, it's what happened.
In my experience stronger teams want them out so they don't poison the team. Sometimes less competitive teams that are short on players will ask them to stay. But very often the player's heart isn't in it.
And based on timing of tryouts and more importantly when rosters are set there is no way to keep it quiet until the season is over. Again everyone wants to blame the individuals. It's the system
I say it isnt what happened 12:08
It IS the individuals - sorry to disagree
Commitment to the team says you play it out.
Commitment to the player says you allow her to play it out.
It's a free market system either way. The problem is with tryouts taking place before the end of the season. The past 2 years had milestone events that opened up tryouts more than normal. There are usually disgruntled players who are unhappy with playing time or see an opportunity with a higher ranked team in a better league. The last two years created a heightened dynamic that saw an opportunity for teams to cut players and players to move to a better situation. The results last year were some good players left teams, some good players were cut loose to make room for coaches decisions and this year was the promise of DA greatness. You cannot fault a dedicated player who want's to play at the highest (perceived) level available and if they feel the current club/team cannot provide that opportunity that is there choice. I think the system sucks however where the roster selected after tryouts is malleable through a month before playoffs. Teams should not be able to add players without a few narrow exceptions until after the playoffs (even if you are not participating). The exceptions would be a player moving into the area, a direct 1 for 1 transfer or transferring players within the club. If a player wants to leave mid season they can chose to do so but cannot play for another team in the same division. Tryouts are held in July.
I agree 12:43 - we are not talking about sitting an entire season - it's 2 months (June,July) the same thing as your team missing out on the post season.
12:17 so you are saying they should have kept her and not dress her but make her travel to games and pay for hotels? Very interesting. Besides, if the team asked her to leave before the season was over some type of a refund is due since they paid for the entire season. Since I heard no complaints about being short changed -I don't buy that the player was asked to leave more like she asked to be released like the previous poster said.
12:57 PM
Similar situation with my daughter. After tryouts my daughter decided that it was in her best interest not to continue with her team (abusive coach whose actions we were not fully aware of until right before tryouts for the next year). She attended tryouts with other clubs and decided to accept a spot with one. The club whether to roll it under the carpet or not raise issues happily released her and let her start with her new team. We actually received a check after the season as we had paid through the end of the year. The coach was moved to a younger team and then eventually to the boys side.
12:57!! 12:17 here. I said none of those things AT ALL. Maybe you are responding to the wrong time????
My bad 12:17, i was responding to 12:29
BTW, lots of player leave MFA and PDA each year for a variety of reasons. I do not know this players situation at all, but I highly doubt the club booted her. My guess is she asked to be released and they obliged.
Seems like she was very good. Clubs, even high level ones, aren't happy with high level players go to another high level club. It's kind of a slap in the face. It's the mid to lower level ones that come and go without any backlash, normally. That has been my experience anyway.
Nothing at all unusual about a player not being able to continue with a team once they decide to move to another team. Happened last year and this year to my kid's team. From what I've heard, most college coaches are fine with this approach as they would treat a player who intends to transfer the same way.
So the word on the field is she let MF know she was leaving next year for PDA GDA and they told she could leave now. This isn't a guess but it is secondhand word of mouth so... People who guess are generally wrong.
Very good would depend on your definition and in relation to what is already there I would think.
3;57 - hahahaha second hand word of mouth = guess; hearsay...normally not reliable.
continuing and she made PDA's GDA. So, there's that as far as quality of player.
2:51 - the issue isn't that she couldn't according to the rules continue with her original team. It's they didn't want her to stay.
@2:51 - we know this. Her team released her; otherwise she would not have been able to join the next team. They said no thanks. If they didnt' want her to go or join next team, the could have held her player card. Apparently, that didn't happen.
true. very good is subjective; however, isn't it the parents of the kids at the end of the bench b&complaining about potential lost playing time? Sometimes you read the tea leaves.
I've said it before and will say it again. MF has released players for trying out on other teams. They also make it unbearable for the kids and intentionally place them on non ecnl rosters They are a scam and do not , in any way, have the kids development as their priority. Go talk to the parents on the sidelines. ( parents are another conversation. A handful think their child is the best and actually speak about the other kids in a very negative and demeaning fashion. An embarrassment )Moreover MF had the audicity to send emails asking not to be included on college emails. Seriously. Their initial talk to parents certainly didn't echo their actions.
Will she start on Splash?
4:53 - I disagree MF will players they think will give them a chance to win they play in the ECNL man. Anyone playing on Non-ECNL rosters well that should say what MF thinks of their level of play no guessing there.
Not sure why we are talking so much about this - player asked to leave - If MF asked her to leave the kid has a play in court and would get her remaining tuition back. My guess is she asked to leave because the parents didn't want to travel and pay more money for a team they are leaving and of course lets not forget all those coaches at the ECNL playoffs.
What sounds better to her new PDA team? MF kicked me to the curb or I wanted to finish the season playing for a national Title even though that means one of my new team members for 2 months will not.
It is what it is - She tried out made the club - PDA saw an opportunity to add quality to their ECNL team to win a National title. You said see made the GDA team so playing for the ECNL teams is easy peasy and of course the communication to the team will be she has to earn it wink wink.
This is how it looks plain and simple and should be a warning for any parents with younger kids. If they benefit the player benefits,once there is a new flavor out with the old and in with the new just read these posts.
I'm sure she'll start on splash. Coming from being captain on MF she's got tons of potential
Any idea why the Sparta club ex treasurer says otherwise? She's the last person who should offer her opinion
enough already with the negative MF propoganda
You are all over all these boards trying to take down a club's reputation.
The hearsay-hearer - if you will - says Match Fit said she could go now, which sounds more like an ACCOMODATION to a player who has given MF some good play over time - rather than the club "giving her the boot"
Beardsley is an f-ing jerk. Enjoy him idiots!!
Slick is still coach of gfa team?feel bad for those girls.
How the hell did cedar stars get DA?Bad EDP teams,no way they can compete with other teams.
Can you say Disaster!!!!
ECNL Northeast Post Season Qualification:
Participation awards for everyone but 2 teams.
that's a whopping 86% of the division.
If it wasa true showcase everyone would play, but it's not they need to qualify.
Champions League
1. FC Stars of Massachusetts ECNL U16
2. Boston Breakers Academy ECNL U16
4. Penn Fusion SA ECNL U16
5. FC Bucks ECNL U16
Champions League Wildcard
6. Connecticut FC ECNL U16
North American Cup
7. Match Fit Academy ECNL U16
8. Albertson SC ECNL U16
9. World Class FC ECNL U16
10. Continental FC ECNL U16
11. East Meadow SC ECNL U16
Did Not Qualify
13. FC Boston Scorpions ECNL U16
14. WNY Flash Academy ECNL U16
Complete Champions League
*** future GDA
18 of the 32 will either leave the ECNL or field B teams
1 *** So Cal Blues SC ECNL U16
2 *** FC Stars of Massachusetts ECNL U16
3 *** FC Dallas ECNL U16
4*** Tophat SC ECNL U16
5 McLean Youth Soccer ECNL U16
7 *** Concorde Fire ECNL U16
8*** Boston Breakers Academy ECNL U16
9 Dallas Sting ECNL U16
10 *** Penn Fusion SA ECNL U16
11 *** Eclipse Select SC ECNL U16
12 Washington Premier ECNL U16
13 *** West Florida Flames ECNL U16
14 Ohio Elite Soccer Academy ECNL U16
15 Minnesota Thunder Academy ECNL U16
16 *** Michigan Hawks ECNL U16
17 Mustang SC ECNL U16
18 *** Crossfire Premier ECNL U16
19 Connecticut FC ECNL U16
20 *** Real Colorado ECNL U16
21 TSC Hurricane ECNL U16
22 *** Solar Chelsea SC ECNL U16
23 *** Real So Cal ECNL U16
24 Jacksonville FC ECNL U16
25 *** PDA ECNL U16
26 *** West Coast FC ECNL U16
27 FC Bucks ECNL U16
28 Bethesda SC ECNL U16
29 Ohio Premier ECNL U16
30 *** Slammers FC ECNL U16
32 *** Charlotte Soccer Academy ECNL U16
First GDA games to kickoff the 2017-2018 season
1 game per weekend
Saturday, September 2 2017
PA Classics U-16/17
FC Virginia U-16/17
Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17
Virginia Development Academy U-16/17
Sky Blue - PDA U-16/17
Washington Spirit Academy - Baltimore Armour U-16/17
Washington Spirit Academy - Virginia U-16/17
Cedar Stars Academy - Monmouth U-16/17
Empire United U-16/17
New York City FC U-16/17
FC Fury NY U-16/17
Oakwood Soccer Club U-16/17
FC Stars U-16/17
Boston Breakers Academy U-16/17
Sky Blue - NYSC U-16/17
Long Island SC U-16/17
Participation awards, if that means lots of college coaches at the games again this year. Does not make a difference about the division in terms of the college coaches. But heck, any of these ECNL are too good for USYS state cup where everyone gets to enter and you don't have to qualify. USYS= DIRT FIELDS, WEAK TEAMS AND NO COLLEGE COACHES.
8:18 so you are saying the coaches will go to the North American Cup and the Showcase games instead of the Champions League games? Okay
PS. State cup is the first leg - win that then you play in the 2nd leg you know your 14 ECNL Northeast division teams would play each other for 1 spot not 12 to play in the 3rd leg the NATIONAL event. I believe they call it EARN your spot at Nationals - I thought that's what Elite National League stood for? but moving away from the 2nd level to the top level
First GDA games to kickoff the 2017-2018 season
1 game per weekend
Saturday, September 2 2017
PA Classics U-16/17
FC Virginia U-16/17
aka Loudoun Soccer & FC Virginia
Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17
Virginia Development Academy U-16/17
aka Vienna Youth Soccer, Inc. (VYS), Prince William Soccer (PWSI), Virginia Soccer Association (VSA) and Chantilly Youth Association (CYA).
Sky Blue - PDA U-16/17
Washington Spirit Academy - Baltimore Armour U-16/17
Baltimore Armour aka Soccer Association of Columbia (SAC) and Pipeline Soccer Club (PSC)
Washington Spirit Academy - Virginia U-16/17
aka Reston Soccer Association (RSA)
Cedar Stars Academy - Monmouth U-16/17
Empire United U-16/17
New York City FC U-16/17
aka World Class SC
FC Fury NY U-16/17
Oakwood Soccer Club U-16/17
FC Stars U-16/17
Boston Breakers Academy U-16/17
Sky Blue - NYSC U-16/17
Long Island SC U-16/17
aka Massapequa SC
8:18 one more thing - Looking at the 19/20U Girls only 12 teams (less than the North East Division of the ECNL) - Only listed D1 schools I think these kids did good for themselves playing in state cups to EARN spots in the national league Note: these are the commitments reported to US Youth Soccer and may not be complete.
As the current top of the pyramid of course ECNL clubs did well with recruiting. Let's see how the stats compare when PDA, SoCal, PennFusion and others with a *** from my previous post count towards the GDA and not ECNL next season.
But if it makes you feel better they play on dirt fields in front of no colleges.
Even though they are going to the below schools.
5 Kennesaw State
4 NC State
4 Akron
4 Long Beach State
3 Washington State
3 UNC Charlotte
3 Maryland
3 Texas State
2 Texas A&M - Corpus Christi
2 Old Dominion
2 Purdue
2 UNC Wilmington
2 Vanderbilt
2 Villanova
1 Stanford
1 Penn
1 Princeton
1 Harvard
1 Clemson
1 Virginia Tech
1 Virginia
1 UNC Chapel Hill
1 Ohio State
1 George Mason
1 Longwood
1 Miami (Ohio)
1 Florida
1 Providence
1 Towson
1 St. John's
1 UNC Greensboro
1 Northwestern
1 UC Santa Barbara
1 University of California - Berkeley
1 Utah
1 New Mexico
1 Minnesota - Twin Cities
1 Texas
1 Oregon
1 Butler
1 Cincinnati
1 High Point University
1 University of Hawaii Manoa
1 University of the Pacific
1 Loyola Marymount University
1 Austin Peay
1 Delaware
1 Davidson
1 Marshall
1 DePaul
1 Ball State
1 Illinois
1 Illinois State
1 Drexel
1 Mercer
1 Loyola (MD)
Where did the GDA schedule come from? I can't find it anywhere.
11:06 - re GDA schedule, each team has them. Not sure if publicly posted, yet. May still be working out some games. We saw ours at meeting about a month ago when we saw showcase early December and nothing end of December.
8:47 - that's a lot of time organizing that info. Thank you.
8:18 - yes, coaches DO show up for NA Cup and Showcase. They are in same location; same fields, different times. You have no idea what you are spewing. Maybe get informed first.
Not trying to spin ECNL, the league, at all. It is what it is. And, it will be what it will be once GDA kicks in.
But, right now, it's the top of the tier. And, those that are uninformed (as I was at one time, too) should get informed before throwing out baseless statements.
Oh and you are using the NE Conference as your point, only. You must know it is one of the toughest in the league. PDA and Stars, last year U16, were the semi and finalists in Champions League.
12:42 - yes, that's two in the final four in Champs League from the same conference/region.
12:39 what I'm spewing exactly?
You didn't like that I said the Champions League is going to have more coaches at their games then the below?
North American Cup
7. Match Fit Academy ECNL U16
8. Albertson SC ECNL U16
9. World Class FC ECNL U16
10. Continental FC ECNL U16
11. East Meadow SC ECNL U16
Did I lie that 86% of the teams from the NorthEast qualified for something?
Did I lie that most of the Champions league teams will be in the GDA or they will field B teams next year?
Did I lie when I posted the GDA schedule?
Did I lie when i proved 8:18 wrong by showing the list of schools that recruited from those teams "USYS= DIRT FIELDS, WEAK TEAMS AND NO COLLEGE COACHES."
12;42 I used the North East conf because it's Region 1 and it happens to have 14 teams nothing more. Kind of hard to compare 70+ teams to 12 14 vs 12 was easier nothing more. I can't say it's the toughest because i have not seen every team play.
12:46 well said if they played in the USYS state cup 1 would never have made the trip -
I don't dispute the ECNL is the top of the pyramid currently I have said many times. I don't dispute that coaches show up.
I do dispute comments that put down other avenues to recruit players to the ECNL clubs -I also dispute the idea that just because you play in the same complex NA and Showcase games will get the coaches. Champions league has 16 games per day per age group - that's about 48 games per day just don't see the NA and Showcase teams getting the draw. Quick question do these teams pay an event fee? let's see add an additional 96 teams at approx 1k per team that's a cool 100k and all we have to do is market it as being part of the ECNL national event. I could be wrong but I doubt 64 teams per age group pay no event fee or ~ 256 teams for the entire event pay no fee. Inform me please.
First, congrats on your thesis. I didn't have the time to read all of your info, yet. I have a job and this isn't it. I have soccer bills to pay.
But, yes there will be a lot of coaches at the other events in Chicago, too. Having had kids that were in all of the various events at one time, that does happen.
As far as your percentage amount of NE conference, I don't take exception that you pointed it out. It's wonderful that the competition in this Conference is so good. May explain why coaches come to the league games and practices as well.
I'll read the rest of your sh#t when I have a potty break. As it's mostly diahara of the mouth at this point. lol
Pardon, diarrhea (my previous spelling error) of the keyboard.
Who said you lied? I think you are misinformed. Intentionally misleading/mis stating facts is a lie. The other is just not having details and stating items in error. That's not a lie.
2;03 - why would you think anyone understood what you were doing when you randomly listed schools? It doesn't tie to anything in the post. But, thanks, I guess.
That said, you brag about listing a bunch of schools that U19/U20 kids (these are kids already in college one would hope) attended having been in the USYS league, right? They are not tied to any team; so there's that.
And, two to three years ago, USYS was were some kids played and were ECNL discovery players. Since that time, many of those kids are now only playing ECNL. Some of the teams became ECNL teams and some kids just could not play in both leagues anymore. It's too much time and commitment. One of my kids was one of them. It's too much. Soccer schedules are too crazy anymore.
So, when we had to choose. We went ECNL over USYS. It's not for everyone, but it was what worked for my USYS kid. It's what she wanted.
2;03 - I can only speak for last year as this year, it's a new site. Last year, in SD, the complex was huge. The North American Cup and Showcase events are going on at the same time and location as Championship League. The college coaches and US scouts would walk from game to game. They had their pick.
And, the ages all play at different times and days. Some teams/age groups have off days and others are playing on those days. It's really scheduled rather well. On off days, kids checked out local schools or did some sight seeing.
In Seattle (predecessor to San Diego as far as site location), there were tents set up to watch the World Cup as well (it was going on just up north in canada). It's quite an event.
It's a massive amount of soccer for the soccer junkies and coaches everywhere. Anyone that attended PDA got a taste. You had multiple games, multiple levels even non-ecnl and coaches all over the place.
The most wonderful thing about PDA is that they invite NPL teams. My kids are or were at MFA and I am a strong supporter of that club, but I recognize the greatness of PDA and that tourney is one of the things it does which makes it great.
It is nice, NPL, USYS and ECNL are all invited to the tourney. It's an ECNL league/event so ECNL play games against each other. But, for non-ECNL to get a taste of what it's like to attend an ECNL event, it was pretty amazing.
I don't think it was altruistic, however. It's about $ so if you have the space, why not?
According to my friend, his kid plays ECNL, it's nothing compared to their playoffs (championship/north american cup and showcase event) at the end of their season. It's soccer palooza.
7:55 am - wow. I didn't realize the amount of teams in the champions league that will be GDA next season. If even 1/2 of those kids move to their team's GDA, it will have a major impact on ECNL. Wow again. ECNL must have really ticked off US Soccer to do this. Anyone find out what happened?
I just puked in my mouth. PDA is so wonderful blah blah blah. They only care about the top team and the rest pay the bills. Players don't move up because the coaches don't care about development just making themselves look good. Their event is to showcase their program not their players.
Hahaha. Here is something a friend pointed out to me at the tourney. It's an ECNL event; Nike tent with ECNL stuff at crazy prices. ECNL & Nike branded shirts, hats, everything. ECNL and Nike raking it in.
Around the corner is a PDA tent hawking PDA tournament shirts. Not in the ECNL tent; at a PDA tent with the money going into a PDA cash box. No cut to Nike or ECNL, i guess. Hilarious. How do they get away with that one?
Good luck to the Wildcats today in the NPL finals.
How many kids leaving wildcats to play DA at Cedar Stars?
Half of them. The other half going to PDA.
GO PDA!!!!!!
So PDA GDA is going to consist of 7-10 Wildcats players? In the immortal words of Will Ferrell (Old School) "you're crazy...I like you man but...but you're crazy."
for whichever poster assumed that 2nd and 3rd tier brackets do not get the same amount of coaches is completely wrong. I am assuming that you are assuming, because if you were at any of the ECNL showcases, you would know.
Also a couple things about the showcases that should be obvious.
-Most top schools send multiple coaches if not the entire staff.
-You have to reach out to coaches and make them aware of your player.
-If your player is a forward that is interested in Penn State, but Penn State does not have a need for a forward in your players graduating class, it doesn't matter what bracket you are in they wont come and waste their time.
-ECNL showcases are exactly that, showcases. Unless you are the top 1% club that will play for the National Championship. Wins and losses do not matter. Wins and losses for the season for that matter are only a way to seat for the showcases.
The games change each day at the ECNL playoffs. I am a college coach and I am looking for players that write me and then find their team on the updates game board. You can't really tell what group is what, you just go early in the morning, find the teams you need to see play and go and watch. It could be any team in any of the three groups on any of the days. It is a busy event.
10:31 thanks,
Does grad year play a factor - since I doubt you will be able to see everyone? How do you decide your order it can't be random or is?
10:31 so you are saying the coaches only go to ECNL events? How big is your database per graduation year? How many events do you got?
lat post was for 9:53 and 10:31
Not even 1 Wildcats player going to Cedar stars or PDA.
College coaches typically go to watch "their players". The players who have expressed interest and who they might be interested in or who are comitted. They will see kids who are not committed and express interest (happens more earlier in the process) but for the most part it is to see players they are already aware of. If your kid is tier 3 with few committments on her team, unlikely to get many coaches at your game. Coaches don't have enough time to be wandering to find the diamond in the rough. Colleges do send multiple coaches to events because chances are they have multiple players in multiple age brackets playing at or close to the same time. How close you are to graduating/fitting into their line-up and how imprtant of a recruit she is normally determines which coach shows up (HC vs AC1, 2, 3).
A few years ago i had a kid play in the "showcase" level of u15 ECNL. They averaged about 60 top level coaches per game. More early in the week. There were no committed kids on the team. The team wasn't very good, but they had a couple top level kids on the team. maybe that was the draw. But there were many coaches from top 50 schools there at more than one game even to see a "poor" team. The flight doesn't matter at these events. the age groups and the presence of a couple name players are the biggest draws.
11:33 & 12:42 my question is simple -we are talking 9/10 graders.
How big is a coaches db per grad year? 500? 750? 1000? 1500? 2000?
If the coach has these many players in "their db" How many are they seeing at one event? How many events do they attend in a year? Do they just write off kids?
10:31 am I write when I say you go see as many kids as you can at all the big showcases/championship events maybe 10-20 or more? Throw in your ID clinics and that's your real db that you trim to 6 or 7? What does a kid have to do besides emailing you to get you there? I doubt you only shop at ECNL events or maybe you do.
PS my grammar is horrible!!
I'm sure if you get these types of a mistakes in an invite letter you trash it right away.
You wroat good. Dont' wurry abou't it?
1:51 PM
A College coach will target specific players that are a match for their program. High level D1 programs are sometimes competing for the same players and their lists are full of NT pool kids. So at the highest level you may see a few top D1 coaches at the sidelines of the same games at U15/U16. As a side note parents commenting on this blog about "60 D1 Coaches at my daughter's U15 game) is most likely the result of 1 or 2 players, so check the roster of the other team if your team does not have a top ranked player. And the coaches are there to see that specific player, not to find the diamond in the rough. The reason the number of coaches dwindle at the older ages is top talent is usually committed by sophomore year. Some of the coaches will stop by games at U17/U18 to "Check-in" on players.
The next tier on the coaches list is based on players who have interest in the college and have peaked the coaches interest as well. If you do the math based on any given weekend showcase a coach can get to maybe 2 games an hour so conservatively 10 games a day. but their list is specific (and not generated from any of the listing services). As far as writing kids off, I do think there are lower level programs that shine kids on and do not cut them loose. I have seen instances where kids are still getting invites to ID events at specific schools long after the recruiting for their graduating year is full for that school. This I think is more the fault of the automated email systems than it is a direct oversight by the coach. I also have not seen that a college coach will cut a player loose, they usually just stop responding or send out the kind, "Thank you for your interest but we have completed our recruiting for 20XX".
Each kid is writing letters to 5-7 coaches so just some simple math says in excess of 60 coaches easy for a game even with overlap, etc... U15 there aren't many commits but they will go see those who have expressed interest. Brackets arent everything but if you are playing third bracket you are most likely not getting looks from the top programs. D3 maybe. There are exceptions but no D1 college is just stumbling by a third level bracket in hopes of finding a kid, that just does not happen.
At these showcases the coaches are trying to watch 15, 16 & 17's. Probably watching 15-20 serious players each grad year with the hopes of landing 5-7 for that incoming class (say 50 total). Roughly 2 coaches per college so if you split them up each coach is probably watching 25 partial games every day. If you guess they are watching 10 min of each game they are watch 4-5 hours of soccer. They just don't have time to wander around.
@3:41 and I have different math but get to the same point. College coaches are not wasting their time identifying anyone who hasn't expressed interest.
Some big NT names can increase the draw but it's more out of curiousity than anything because those players go quick.
60 coaches at one game?
At PDA event?
Too funny.
And no - the "math" does not say that 60 will come becuase each kid emailed 5-7 coaches. (Likely each kid did not, by the way)
Enjoy the ride
Stop the madness with the extreme talk
Be happy for others doing it a completely different way
Peace and safety, all.
Maybe your kids did not because they know no one is going come watch crap tier 3 games but yes kids do and yes 60 coaches come to these games. Generally 45-60. Three showcases this year and three last year, highest was 64, lowest was 45. Average was low 50's and I believe most ECNL parents can attest to it. And my daughter has played both National League and ECNL. No comparison and that is supposed to be the most comparable league.
Madness? Madness is disputing facts you know nothing about. Your little snowflake is not getting found in her tier 3 kick and run games. Now if you werent so hostile you
...might open your eyes, do some research and find out the truth. It's liberating. Question now is whether the GDA does the same to ECNL that ECNL did to USYSA?
5:51 our 2001 ECNL team had 70 coaches for one of our games in Sanford and 50 plus for our first and last games. We had 40 plus for our first two games at PDA and 20 on Monday. We also saw big numbers at CASL too. All you need to do is go to an ECNL event and you will see. FC Bucks, Penn Fusion and Continental all had big numbers at their games and all have a good number of committed 2019 players. It has always been this way since the start of the ECNL. It will drop off now with the GDA.
ahhhh. there ya go
40 is even a bit much but closer to true
Thanks for clearing that up.
6:28 - you are exhibit A for what I said - "be happy for those doing it a different way".
Best of luck with the decision on a school. Biggest choice of her pre-marriage life - other than whether or not to drink/do drugs and to go out with that dude from the mall behind your back.
Did PAC Boys' DA not make the playoffs? Is that true? wow
10:18 - why do you care how many coaches? Clearly you or your team wasn't there. Otherwise, you would see for yourself. May want to just go and watch at one of these tourneys. They are amazing.
You may want to take your question to the boys blog. Doubtful many care here.
Look at the standings. They don't lie.
You're either trolling, love or hate classics
Yes these will be similar results when the girls program takes off.
Continental Parent here. Ah, no there are NEVER 60 College coaches at one of our showcase games. I think someone is confusing parents wearing their Alma Mater hats/hoodies as a coach. We get lists as parents after every game and the most at a single game is between 15-25. Not to burst any bubbles but setting the record straight. Each pre season we have a coaches showcase at PG against another top club (with merger rumors last year it was PF and the year before it was PAC)- Mostly local schools but that reaches about 50 coaches.
And the statement about many 2019s from Continental, Bucks and Fusion having commits... Maybe looks/interest but not commits.
7:56 is NOT a CFC parent, at least not at this age. That or they have no clue about the team their daughter is on. 4 of their starters are in fact committed D1. Georgetown, Army, Pitt. Numerous showcase games 50-70 coaches. PDA 40, 40, 20 sounds about right. I would guess teams with a better record or NT prospects fared even better. Not sure why someone feels the need to come on here and lie about a team they are not involved with.
756 is a Liar.
There are a quite a few 2019 commits at PF -Duke, Northwestern, Dartmouth (2), Tennessee, Lafayette. There were over 70 coaches at a single game in Sanford. There was a "name" or 2 2019 who were uncommitted who may have drawn some, but there were quite a few there to see some other impact uncommitted 2019s. They will be there in Chicago too. Same with the 00 2019s. Long lists lots of opportunity
I was at PDA this year and we only had 4 coaches standing in the corner.
We were relegated to the "off site" fields so they could take our money but not showcase us to D1 schools.
70 Coaches MY A$$
WOW. Get your daughter on a better team if you want her seen. Sounds like you are not an ECNL or NPL team. Town team or C-level academy team at best? I bet she starts and plays every second too. Try moving up, sorry not good enough.
U-16s can't commit to anything yet. Talk only and talk is cheep!
True, everything is verbal but rarely do either side pull out prior to signing day.
I didn't believe it either until my daughter joined an ecnl team. Stand outside in cynical disbelief all you want, just more exposure for my kid.
There is no requirement for the coaches to be spread equally at every game, sorry. You got 4, others got 40 and still others had over 60. You don't hear the 40's calling BS on the 60's because they know it happens....all of the time. If you only had 4 coaches then you ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE, can't you see that? Unless your daughter is comitted then it's irrelevant. Is it easier to stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't exist then to accept that different levels, teams, events, get different levels of interest?
I can confirm 50+ coaches at our first two ECNL showcase games, I wasn't at the last one and I deleted the email list with the numbers. Day 3 so I am guessing there significanlty less. Also there is never 50 at one time because they come and go and rarely stay longer than 10-15 minutes. When the volunteer hands out the player profiles they take the coaches name and we get a list afterwards so the player can write a "thank you" if they asked a coach to come watch. Don't hate the facts, they are what they are.
Except for jealousy, envy, vicariously living through your daughter, arrogance, pomposity, trolling and just plain bs...what are any of you gaining by lying or over-inflating the facts about college coach numbers at games?
How old is everyone posting? Sounds like middle school aged at best.
I've seen games with 5-10 and I've seen games with 30-50, end of story!
Again we don't stand on the sidelines and take a head count, our parents hand out player profiles to the coaches attending and get their names. We get a list of those coaches. And I can tell you for a fact they miss some so those numbers are actually higher.
Repeating the same posts about low or high numbers doesn't make them true or not...stop with the regurgitation. Who cares? If it's true to your story then let it go!!!
If you have 4 coaches watching and you get interest from a school that you WANT TO attend (howver you generated that interest) - and it leads to your attending that school - then you are NOT in the wrong place.
Accept others doing it differently.
ECNL volume can work well. But not the be all and end all...
Frankly I like the ECNL for the level of play rather than the exposure.
Funny how it went down at pda this year. Last year there was a flight of mixed ecnl and non ecnl teams and the results showed that some of the non ecnl teams are just as strong. This year pda did not do that because they are trying to keep ecnl as happy as possible with the slap in the face of DA. Coaches were more plentiful in the two main venues regardless of what league you played in. THAT is a fact. So it wasn't about league it was about where these coaches could see the most prospects. Ecnl didn't last as the top level because they wouldn't allow some top teams in. Like it or not that is the truth. DA may end up succeeding in finally creating a league of elite players,but it won't be for a few years. As has been stated on here many times unfortunately for our girls they got caught in the crosshairs of all of these changes.
Ahhh there it is. Know how you've won an arguement? The other side starts name calling. You can't convince someone who cannot accept facts. You've seen 30-50? Math lesson, 30-50 > 4.
I'll jump in here...why is anyone trying to win an argument?
What's wrong with just telling your factual experience?
In other words, telling the truth, your experience.
@10:37 so all of your kids are being recruited by those 4 coaches? Maybe not the 1 kid being looked at but for the majority, they are in the wrong place. I absolutely accept you can do it differently, just some ways are easier then the others, that was the only point. The more coaches attending, the higher chance of getting seen and I do concede volume is not the be all end all.
@10:49 I don't believe that is why the ECNl is no longer the top. USSF is trying to emulate the European academies that train 10 months a year with less games and more meaningful games. If anything the ECNL got too watered down and had too many games against lesser competition. It is true that not all the best teams are in the ECNL, but most are. It would be nice to see the national champs played by top of NL vs top of ECNL.
Top coaches will go to where the best players are. National team members got gobbled up by U-13. So for us it is ECNL/NPL this year and DA next year. College coaches will mainly focus their time at DA events next year because they don't want to miss on next new thing. Best players or not, US Soccer will get their way!
There is still a ton of other colleges who need their ranks filled. ECNL will continue to be the avenue of others. PDA will only have 10,000 coaches at their next ECNL event, you will see.
However, PDA will have 30,000 coaches at their DA regular season home games!!!
At PDA at all the decent ECNL games there were 30+ coaches for this age I'd guess (Did not count). Much fewer coaches at the younger ages, as you would expect. Did not see any U17 games, but I would guess those games had a ton of coaches as well.
Problem is the GDA is starting too watered down and will likely add from there. And if the USSF is emulating the Europeans, it's the men's programs. Not withstanding the fact that doing so on the boys side for 10 years has shown little to no improvement in our world standing, it ignores the fact the girls and boys are different. There is not and never will be $ in women's sports. To the vast majority of these girls playing in college, either for a school they couldnt afford, or getting an education at a school they couldn't quite get into with their grades is the ultimate goal. The ECNL was built to facilitate just that. The GDA will not only be a train wreck but will damage the future of us women's. soccer. The USSF saw $$$ and couldn't give a crap about 99% of the kids playing.
Don't bash it just because you aren't on it. We can't drive that far and hope south jersey (RUSH/SJEB maybe??) get a DA and we will jump as fast as we can. I am jealous of the GDA and see the writing on the wall.
Our only saving grace is that this will have little to no effect on our age group. If we were younger I would be nervous.
ECNL is the one getting watered down. Where do you think the DA girls are coming from. I personally know two who plan on making the long drive up.
11:34 is just a PDA mom trying to start trouble don't bite.
I own a limo/shuttle company and we were contacted by PDA for next year.
They expect 43,000 coaches that will need to be shuttled from 118 hotels all across region 1. And the application fee to get in will only be $3200 to cover all our fees.
Christy will personally make sure all the bridges stay open to any vehicle or shuttle with a PDA roof sign. You will have priority that weekend.
U15 list from last year at Sanford
Wingate Univeristy (Coach Peter Trask), St Louis Univeristy (Coach Vince Gentile), Mississippi State University (Coach Phil Casella), Providence College (Coach Sam Lopes), University of Wisconsin (coach Kristen Weiss), Drexel University (Coach Ray Goon), University of Pittsburgh (Coach Ileana Moschos), Western Kentucky Universtiy (Coach Will Bedding), University of Missouri (Coach Brian Blitz), Penn State Univeristy (Coach Tim Wassell), Fordham (Coach Kim Miller), Florida Gulf Coast Univesity (Coach Ben Boehner), Baylor University (Coach Chuck Codd), Iowa State University (Coach Tony Minatta and Coach Megan Kerns), University of Wisconsin (Coach Paula Wilkins), Lasalle University (Coach Ally Nick), Colorado State University (Coach Kelly Labor), University of Delaware (Coach Rachel Chupein), University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University (Coach Eric Lambinus), West Virginia University, Virginia Tech (Coach Drew Kopp), University of Indiana, Towson Univeristy (Coach Greg Paytner), Syracuse Univesity (Coach Neel Bhattacharjee), Xavier Universtiy, University of New Hampshire (Coach Steve Welham), High Point Univeristy (Coach Kelly Grant and Coach Marty Beall) , Florida Atlantic University (Coach Jordan Reppell), Boston College, Georgetown University (Coach Lyndse Hokanson), Grand Valley State (Coach Jeff Hosler), University of Cincinnati (Coach Matt Cosinuke), University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Coach Leslie Wray), University of Miami (Coach Kate Dylag), University of Illinois (Coach Allie Osmundson), Bowling Green University (Coach Marsha Harper), Dartmouth University (coach Ron Rainey)
Finally, someone who is telling the truth.
Handy Youth Soccer Talk Conversion Chart:
1. DA = Elitist
2. ECNL = Jealous
3. Region 1 League = Not good enough
4. Town Team = Scum of the Earth
5. Coach = Always subs wrong
6. Parent = Best scout of other kids non-talent
7. DOC = Corrupt
8. Referee = Always makes call for other team (even at home game)
9. Soccer = Poor person sport everywhere but good old USA
10. New Jersey = Kick and run
11. Ney York = Wish they were from Jersey
12. Pennsylvania = Lie and Cheat
13. Player = The one with over use injuries who is burned out
14. Blogger = Well informed soccer community member
haha love it
Can I please steal this?
Don't yo have a copy and paste coaches list to share with us?
If I were a college coach and wanted to put a GDA showcase on my schedule for next season, where would I look.
u17 = 5
u16 = 4
U15 = 1
u17 = 3
u16 = 2
U15 = 3
18 Total Games per time slot
300 Coaches
~16 per game.
So what are they watching like 10 minutes per game if some games were getting 60 and everybody was getting 30?
Only set location is Florida in early December. Other ones move around, Indiana, Texas etc...
On US Soccer web page: http://www.ussoccerda.com/college-coach-scout-check-in
College Coach & Scout Registration
The registration to receive a hard copy version of the 2017 U.S. Soccer Development Academy Summer Showcase and Playoffs roster book (one per person) is here. Once you reserve a hard copy of the book, those can be picked up at the College Coach and Scout Check-in tent located in Lot E near the DA Headquarters upon your arrival to the event.
The list of all registered college coaches for this year's Summer Showcase and Playoffs will also be posted here on ussoccerda.com by June 14, 2017.
Event updates will be shared via the Development Academy Website, Facebook, Twitter,and Instagram social media channels throughout the Showcase.
If you have any questions, please email us at academy@ussoccer.org.
The U.S. Soccer Development Academy has partnered with Coach Packet to provide an easier, more efficient way to recruit. Coach Packet puts the rosters, schedule, and video online and on your mobile device, allowing you to access side by side rosters on the sideline or off the field. Following the event, video of every game will be added to Coach Packet, allowing you to recruit virtually for any games you may have missed or want to review. To set up your free Coach Packet account for online access to the event schedule and game rosters, click here. More information will also be available at the Development Academy College Coach Check-in tent.
Girls DA Showcase info will follow this same format.
"Early December" eh? OK, what dates and what city? And if the others move around, fine, I'm sure it's set for next year, right? Where is it and when?
If you're a college coach then you should have your connections for that info no?
December 2-3
And Disney showcase dates are changing so you should be good after ECNL
Disney is already changed...
Nov. 23-26, 2017
Registration Opens:
Registration Deadline:
Aug. 15, 2017
3 huge reasons kids not running to DA, who are very good and would probably make the huge roster!
- Cannot play High School
- Tons of travel for 14/15/16 year old kids who have to get up at 6am, do homework. Many of the DI schools want very, very high academics with the soccer in tow. They ask for transcripts first and if not top of class, all A's and Ap or honor courses just forget it. DO NOT sacrifice education for soccer.
- Why leave a great situation at ECNL or NPL where you play majority of game and take chances to sit, or split as a keeper, or split center back position or whatever. At least not this first season for sure.
Only 2 days? So flying to Florida for 2 games? Or if you are on the bottom of the roster 1 game? Is that right? It would be one thing if it were winter break and you could at least make a vacation out of it.
You are absolute correct.
Don't challenge yourself with difficult situations and decisions.
Don't push yourself for huge reward when you can just cruse by in mediocrity.
Don't try for academic and athletic success.
Overcoming changeling situations will never set you up for success in life.
Failure in a challenging situations doesn't build character and will never set you up for the real world.
Let your kid play rec where everybody gets medals...
Because there are only 2 choices GDA & rec.
Your kids going to play half her games against teams Cedar Stars, PA Classics, Loudon(VDA), Empire United, and whatever teams The Washington Spirit manage to assemble with the rec clubs they are associated with and you think it's my kid who's not challenging herself? Ha, enjoy those 9-0 wins, or 0-9 loses if you happen to be with one of those teams.
I agree the DA won't be very consistent level next year. It may take time to build. But the ECNL will similarly be faced with inconsistency unfortunately for the kids caught in the crossfire.
@1229 Where do you get 300 coaches. many colleges send more than 1 coach and there are 3 divisions. the top programs don't register with the tournament. They aren't inviting emails of kids they aren't interested in. Sorry but that's true. They know whom they are going to see way before the tournament date
None of these teams will be the same next year. So much movement between clubs and within clubs. Coaches moving too. If you are sure your team is staying the same, that is because you are not being told the truth. Wait till next season and then you will see who your real friends are. Good thing is now #9 and #10 are freed up for your kid to wear.
Maybe I am just being optimistic, but I think the NE ECNL will benefit from the GDA at least as far as leveling out the quality of the teams. The weakest club WNY Flash is out and being replaced by Bethesda and MDU. And PDA and FC Stars, consistently top clubs will be sending their B teams which themselves are on the level of many of the other clubs A teams right now. I think EM and WC teams may struggle as there's not enough talent on the island to field 2 elite teams per age non the less 3 but I would expect most of the games next year to be pretty close. And while The GDA will no doubt field the top teams, the disparagy between the those top teams and the bottom will be embarrassing.
Sorry, meant EM & Albertson.
10:49 drop the conspiracy theories. Maybe this year those non-ecnl teams are actually ecnl, now. And, maybe those ecnl teams had already completed their required showcase/national event attendances (only 2 needed) so games didn't count for or against league standings. It was the place to be and if you were there, congrats.
The level isn't consistent now with ECNL?! FC Bucks is comparable to PDA?? I'd like to see McLean play Continental. Look what So Cal did to PF 2 months ago!
Not taking anything away from FC Bucks, but i heard from PDA parents that they had kids not there due to SAT's and other things. having the same issues with our team, i understood completely.
But would be interesting, though, McLean. Didn't Continental play East Meadow on Sunday in a 5-1 loss. Was surprised.
McLean beat CFC at CASL 3-1
EM beat CFC in Sunday 1-0
Yeah and Albertson just smoked them 5-1.
Help me understand something - how does playing in the showcase flight help these players playing vs other bad teams to land a college? Isn't it the same thing as being at a low flight at Jefferson? Has the narrative now changed that the flight really doesn't matter? just being at the event is what's needed or has it always been this way and posters just liked to say that being in the top flight is all that mattered to make themselves feel good?
As with most posts, you need to sift out bits of truth in the middle of much bs.
No doubt highest bracket will attract most college coaches. However...this is mostly important if your kid is NOT communicating/inviting/emailing coaches prior to showcases.
If that communication is there, then the coaches will come watch your kid whatever bracket he/she is in.
Does your kid get noticed by other coaches just by being in top bracket? Yes of course but this not the end of story as many posters will make you think.
Coaches go to watch specific players not random teams. Not saying the flight is irrelevant but my daughter has 6 schools coming to watch her and not one asked which flight she is in. Most ecnl players simply play for the closest ecnl club, most do not have the luxury of having multiple clubs within a reasonable driving distance to chose from. You will find great players even on teams with poor records.
11:25 AM
Here is my take for the end of year ECNL "Championships" It provides a couple of incentives. 1) Champions level is just that the teams that accumulated the best records competing to crown a champion, incentive for teams to compete at a high level during the season. 2) it provides an additional showcase event for players to be seen in a central location. As far as College coaches sticking to the Championship flight for scouting purposes, I believe that is fake news. COLEEGE COACHES WANT TO SEE PLAYERS WHO WANT TO GO TO THEIR SCHOOLS. Yes it is possible that a coach will see a player who may catch their eye and reach out to see if their is reciprocal interest. But Players in lower flights who reach out to a coach WILL get the interest at least initially (U16) and will keep it if they perform will in any flight. To me that is the only "diamond in the rough" scenario - the myopic Top Flight parents need to realize that lower flight teams have players as capable as your darlings and Schools will watch them and make them offers.
Who doesn't want to go to nearly every power 5 if they are willing to go away from home anyway. They are all great schools.
Sure there are tiers
Like Duke, ND, UVA, UNC, Stanford, UCLA,
Then Berkley, Michigan, Penn State, Northwestern, FLorida,
and on
But any of the power 5s are great schools. Most if not all have honors colleges, and on the educational front what the kid makes of them. I would be thrilled if my kid went to any one of them.
Oh plus they all guarantee scholarships all 4 years
Kool aid drinking anyone?
You need to realize that much of this process has to do with the efforts of the players reaching out to the college coach and having a well connected club coach helping with the process. Often the club coach develops the recruitment for their players. Girls playing at the ECNL Showcase in Chicago will get big numbers of coaches out to see them play, regardless of the flight. Recruiting is not random, it's developed over time by formulating relationships with college coaches.
my kid isn't going P-5, has 4 yr guarantee. It's what you negotiate.
Too many want quick results. Fast food mentality.
You have to look long term
Very true 1:52
16-U GIRLS (2001s):
with Youth Soccer Rankings score
To me this proves this tool is very accurate, ECNL scores have a higher value and since they play each other
if the games are close the values are close and will remain it will also separate the better teams and put the rest of the teams in the same category as the top Non-ECNL teams. I also listed the qualified NPL teams to show they are equal to the North American/Showcase teams and the actual player pool for the colleges is vast and some of these schools haven' t seen many player's interested in their program that will be equal or better than the players they are seeing at this event if they are looking at the North American/Showcase flights since this age group is filled with freshman. So what exactly is the long term value?
2017 ECNL NorthAmerican Qualifiers
37.21 FC Virginia ECNL U16
36.91 Vardar ECNL U16
36.85 Match Fit Academy ECNL U16
36.80 Dallas Texans ECNL U16
36.64 SC Del Sol ECNL U16
36.60 Lonestar SC ECNL U16
36.54 Challenge SC ECNL U16
36.34 Albertson SC ECNL U16
36.30 Arsenal FC ECNL U16
36.28 Richmond United ECNL U16
36.10 Maryland United FC ECNL U16
35.85 Birmingham United ECNL U16
35.59 Carolina Elite Soccer Academy ECNL U16
35.45 Colorado Rush ECNL U16
35.32 CASL ECNL U16
35.24 FC Portland ECNL U16
2017 ECNL Showcase Qualifiers
36.62 World Class FC ECNL U16
36.49 Eagles Soccer Club ECNL U16
36.45 San Juan SC ECNL U16
36.22 Sporting Blue Valley ECNL U16
36.18 FSA FC ECNL U16
35.96 Internationals SC ECNL U16
35.88 Crossfire United ECNL U16
35.72 FC Wisconsin Eclipse ECNL U16
35.57 Sereno Soccer Club ECNL U16
35.51 Heat FC ECNL U16
35.47 Pleasanton Rage ECNL U16
35.27 Seattle Reign ECNL U16
35.18 East Meadow SC ECNL U16
35.09 Colorado Storm ECNL U16
35.08 Weston FC ECNL U16
34.88 Boca United FC ECNL U16
2017 NPL Finals qualified teams
38.03 Davis Legacy SC
37.05 Lonestar '01 Red
36.65 NJ Wildcats Fury
35.79 MSC Lakers '01 Elite
35.77 Santa Monica United '01
35.57 Campton United SC
35.33 Tucson Soccer Academy
35.21 IMG Academy
34.85 Virginia Rush
33.50 ISC Gunners
good stuff. however, just looked and YSR doesn't include all ECNL games such as ones this past weekend at least from NE conference. Other conferences may have been updated or finished before this weekend. so not as accurate as thought to be.
aren't numbers are based on amount of games, too. so if you play more, you get more. which is the case in most USYS leagues.
Kind of GSPish, although takes out the bonus stuff to pad numbers, too.
Not sure if all NPL games are up to date, either.
Let's circle back to this, i guess.
157 the point is that ALL P5 offers are 4 years. Its required. Some mid majors also require 4 year guarantees , some as you said can be negotiated, but ALL P5 offers are guaranteed. They actually have some independence from the NCAA and make some of their own rules like to COA allowance...
mwahhhhh wahhhhhhhh
yeah, we get it, pal
yep and when they tire of you, don't play you and force you out, then the guarantee out the window. heard about those as well. had p-5 offers, turned down. but appreciate it.
6:18 - funny
6:41 - there is a very broad range from the top to the bottom in those conferences like any other conference. point is i would not suggest to go vanity plate shopping unless that is what fits your kid; regardless of the guarantee. Or you could just be collecting hoodies from different schools. but to each his/her own.
Is there a higher transfer rate out of p5 schools for soccer players than mid majors? You make it sound like its common knowledge that it is.
3:45 it will - sometimes it takes a few days and remember these are feeds from multiple data sources. Numbers aren't based on the number of games more the result. for example:
when PLAYERS DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY ECNL [37.66] plays MATCH FIT ACADEMY FC [36.83] they are favorite to win by 0.83 goals. If they win by 2 their score goes up if they lose by 2 their score goes down. The scores are dynamic so every time one score is adjusted all the teams they played is also adjusted.
Actually the USYS teams are hurt with Youth Soccer rankings as most teams are a 35 or 36 so for them to climb up to a 38 or 39 they need to win every game by 3 or 4 goals for them to climb up the charts or they need to play ECNL teams which they can't. If you look at the ECNL scores most of them are 37 and 38 for the good teams so a 1 or 2 goal win won't change much when they play each other.
So when SJEB RUSH ACADEMY [36.60] played BETHESDA SC ECNL [36.99] and won 2-0 their score went up and Bethesda went down. since the game was a push. Same when SJEB played ALBERTSON SC ECNL [36.32] this game was a push also and since they tied 2-2 both teams remained the same.
No bonus points for playing a ton of games. Just ECNL teams with a high weight as top of the pyramid to start the season - now the result speaks for it self.
6:52 why do all the schools put their club or HS team accolades in the player profiles if they mean nothing?
YSR has its minor issues but much better than GS no dooubt
Funny thing though is that these days you never know exactly what team you are joining, since players you think will be there may in fact not be.
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9:30 - that would be some good info to learn. i heard some stories too and those schools definitely ruled out without a look as a result.
Hey 8:17 don't start a bad thing...let's keep it anonymous
Mia's dad
Region 1 TOP 10 ECNL teams
37.40 BETHESDA SC ECNL (MD) [30]
Region 1 TOP 10 Non-ECNLteams
Anything under 0.50 is a push.
#1 ECNL favorite by 1.39 vs #5 ECNL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.08 vs #1 Non-ECNL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.43 vs #10 ECNL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.55 vs #5 Non-ECNL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.97 vs #10 Non-ECNL
#5 ECNL favorite by 0.69 vs #1 Non-ECNL
#5 ECNL favorite by 1.04 vs #10 ECNL
#5 ECNL favorite by 1.16 vs #5 Non-ECNL
#10 ECNL underdog by 0.35 vs #1 Non-ECNL
#10 ECNL favorite by 0.12 vs #5 Non-ECNL
#10 ECNL favorite by 0.54 vs #10 Non-ECNL
National League
Under 0.50 is a push
#1 ECNL favorite by 1.49 vs #1 NL
#5 ECNL favorite by 0.43 vs #1 NL
#10 ECNL underdog by 0.15 vs #1 NL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.41 vs #5 NL
#5 ECNL favorite by 1.55 vs #5 NL
#10 ECNL underdog by 0.77 vs #5 NL
#1 ECNL favorite by 2.83 vs #10 NL
#5 ECNL favorite by 1.97 vs #10 NL
#10 ECNL underdog by 1.19 vs #10 NL
#1 NL favorite by 0.92 vs #5 NL
#1 NL favorite by 1.34 vs #10 NL
#5 NL favorite by 0.42 vs #10 NL
Hey rainman - may want to take your probability assessments to vegas or closer to atlantic city. put me down for some $$$
Yeah, gotsoccer put me in the poor house - youth soccer rankings has made me win it back to break even :)
Seriously, the reason I showed this was to show that there really isn't much of a difference once you remove the top say 10 teams in the country @ 18 players per team x 10 = 180 current freshman/sophmores. The ECNL events are nice because you have all those teams in one place but by no means do those players have an advantage on any Non-ECNL player. There is quality all over the states - it just comes down to being good and showing well when the spotlight is on you
agreed. however, the advantage in the ECNL is that is where the coaches go. like it or not. and, that is the ultimate goal.
Next season the might ECNL will be second to the DA.
And therein lies the problem " the ultimate goal". When my daughter first laced up her cleats at 7 I told her this was to get her to play in college, not to have fun and be active etc. Much like when I sent her off to kindergarten. The ultimate goal was not the education and the experience but getting her accepted into Harvard.
mine too. see you there.
why is that term "ultimate goal" a problem?
aren't most kids playing at this age in particular in high competitive soccer trying to play in college as well? very, very few are playing just for fun at this level anymore. even multi-sport kids had to pick one by now, sadly.
My daughter plans to play in college but she is enjoying the ride and each game. She is happy and nervous at the big events where there are coaches but she truly loves to play. So it's not exactly her " ultimate goal" so much as a nice opportunity that she has, given the high level she has worked hard and been fortunate to play at.
And this is exactly what colleges coaches struggle with. They want the players that love to play and compete... not the ones whose entire goal was to use soccer to get into/pay for college. Those kids that don't truly love it hurt their college programs.
3:55 - i doubt there are many of those out there. this game is too physical on the body to think that is what a large majority of kids are doing, in particular at the higher levels. there is still a love for the game, too.
most coaches in my kid's recruiting process as far as college didn't just make a one a done evaulation, either, to get a real feel of the kid's desire and heart.
now, with the rigors and demands of college being what it is as far as academics and athletics (it's like having two jobs at once; having had older college scholar athletes), that can test a kid's love for the game and that college as well. so the love of the sport may still be there, but the inability to juggle all of the high pressure demands can become too crushing.
understood. and welcome to the reality of coaches that aren't coaching multiple teams to pay their bills. this is it, one team, one goal, to win. their job depends on it. and if you don't perform, your playing time or longevity with the team depends on it.
and professors who don't give a rat's butt that you are an athlete, too as far as assignments and tests.
real life 101.
PDA parents must be on vacation without wifi or cell connection...
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