Monday, January 14, 2019

U17 Girls Youth Soccer

U17 girls soccer takes no prisoners--they are well trained and fiercely competitive. 

Looking for stars in the making? 

Look no further.


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Anonymous said...

Actually true about Moyer, but not Dorwart. She came to Penn Fusion as a 12 year old- before Dorrance was committing 12 year olds...
Sure she went to a camp or two, but didn't commit until she was a couple years into PF. Moyer yes, but as above could be argued as the poorest fit with her college although I hope she gets more time this year. Point was that people like to poke and say kids aren't going to play. Truth is some will and some won't. No one can tell until they get there.

Anonymous said...

7:20 Fake news? I happen to know for a fact that many of their commits have received 0-20% from those Big D1’s. I would give specific examples but I won’t call out players on here so you’ll have to do without specifics. I just can’t stand the obnoxious bragging PF does on here. Yes they get their players seen and committed but if the school doesn’t want them bad enough to offer them a good scholarship then who cares? They will likely sit most of the season. Truth hurts, sorry to ruffle your feathers.

Anonymous said...

8:09 You used the right term when you classified soccer as a business. As with any business, the consumer has the right to decide whether or not to purchase what it is offering. When you are thinking about a new place to eat, do you ask friends and relatives or look up reviews? If you heard that a service station was constantly not fixing cars correctly or overcharging for work not done, would you continue to go there?
You mention honesty in advertising and consumer fraud being possible issues, yet deep did you yourself actually check into the coach's resume' before making your decision? How many former parents did you talk to regarding that same decision? Did you watch the coach's teams play any games the previous year? Going into a situation 'Eyes wide shut", does not allow us to blame everyone on the other side of the isle.

Anonymous said...

526 you are nuts. All the kids mentioned in 128 more than likely got more than 50% and their playtime verifies it. You are very arrogant to think you know from om rumor how much money another family got in athletic scholarships. There are rumors and there is the truth. Unless you saw or will see a kid's letter of intent, you cannot actually "know" what their value was to the teams.

The best evidence of their value to the coach is their freshman play time. Freshmen starters and major contributors are not there as recruited roster fillers. The only exception about which I am familiar is Penn State. They will often coerce in state kids to come with little or no money with the reasoning that the in state tuition costs about the same as paying 50% (receiving a 50% scholarship) for most other P5s. So its possible that Moyer and the other PS commits are not getting much, but I actually don't know for sure. DO you?... really?...

Anonymous said...

5:22 My mistake on Dorwart, as I thought she arrived as a freshmen and had already gained National attention. Moyer did get some play time with Penn State, albeit it was limited and two knee surgeries are most likely not helping her cause. The simple truth is that very few players ever stay with their original clubs and many change two or three times. There are some that have been with four different clubs in five years.
Funny how it always starts out the same. The coach is great and really understands my daughter and what she does well, to the coach is an idiot and plays favorites and plays to lose.

Anonymous said...

My kids' model was to play locally with a good coach for little kids. However the teams were relatively lower level. We augmented that primary local experience with training and secondary play on boys teams (worked because Delco was saturday and PAGS Sunday) or age up more competitive teams. Then at middle school we moved them to a mega club super league teams. In the old ECNL model they could still play with the boys and they did. One of them still trains with the local boys when she can. 2 clubs for all of my kids. Worked for us.

Anonymous said...

9:39 Congrats on not jumping from ship to ship every times something didn't work out with your kid club. So many parents have changed clubs so many times, their kids closet looks like a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

7:01, why shouldn't you jump ship if you or your kid is unhappy? We are paying for this, not the other way around. College coaches do not care who jumped around from club to club in the youth days.

Anonymous said...

7:01 so now the kids are to blame for being cut from teams and having to move to another team? or maybe they improved and needed to be pushed by better players to improve more or maybe they hit the road because they were not happy and instead of being a cancer they moved on. What's wrong with changing teams? I see it as a plus, the kids have different voices teaching them instead of the same voice and maybe the different voices see the kid at different positions.

There are plenty of models to follow, depends on the options and the size of the wallet at the end of the day all that matters is that it's good for the player and the family.

People on teams that need results to enter events get upset when good players leave because the team entering high level events might take a hit with poor results. The same people are calling for girls to be cut and better players brought in. This is why I've been called a shill so many times. A strong club with a strong brand will never have to worry about being accepted to an event. There will always be a place for players to play if they have thick skin (huge rosters). That's where the ID clinics come into play. I also like what 9:39 did, not everyone can pull that off, but if you can why not it's another option.

So for rising Juniors am I correct in saying that D2 schools can reach out after 6/15 and D1 schools can reach out in Sept? I'm not talking about kids calling schools or schools calling club coaches.

Anonymous said...

9:18 you kind of missed the point or didn't read the earlier post regarding players unhappy with teammates. Of course it's a parents right to jump ship and play on any club their kid can make and they can afford. Just don't cry about lack of continuity, players and parents being mean, coaches coaching to lose when you choose that route.
11:11 God forbid the poor kid get cut from a team they shouldn't be playing on in the first place!! Should they at least get a participation trophy for showing up to the tryouts? First of all I would give props to the kid for at least trying out for a team that might be above their level, as it gives them a goal to work towards. Secondly, I would give greater props to a parent that finds the team that fits his kids level of play and his kid actually PLAYS MAJORITY MINUTES IN THE GAME AND FEELS LIKE SHE IS A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO THE SUCCESS OF THE TEAM!!
But no no no, lets bring a player to team above the ability level and when they don't play, lets blame everyone but common denominator that has moved their kid from team to team to team. The parent.

Anonymous said...

6/5 - 5:26 well, not sure who you mean, but my friend's kid plays for PF. She got VERY big $$$. Can't speak for everyone, but there are those out there that have.

Anonymous said...

6/5 @3:52 first, it's aisle not isle (unless you mean island..maybe you did). secondly, just because you do or don't do investigation regarding the club does not relieve the club of it's duties as a business. it's not your job to investigate. it's their duty to advertise truthfully. the burden is on the business not the consumer.

Anonymous said...

june 5 7:39 - are you saying that coaches are not accountable? Do you not see some that play to loose? I see some that absolutely play to win and some that play to loose. College will be different, the expectations are much higher. Jobs depend on team records. Winning is expected. And, playing time depends on productivity not favoritism.
Some may be in for a rude awakening.

Anonymous said...

11:49 Of course the coaches are accountable. They are accountable to the decisions made by their employers on whether to retain them as coaches or fire them. If the coach requirements is just putting 18 girls on the field at 2000 bucks each and bringing in $36,000 dollars for two or three teams each year, then why would they fire him? If the club want accountability the 18 players along with the money, plus the ability to be a great practice and game coach, and be able to be a liaison with all college coaches, then the clubs search may be more exhausting and extensive.
As our kids grew with the game, our job as parents has always been to watch these coaches and literally scout them before we decide to invest our dollars, (five to twelve thousand) and our time, a year of our daughters life and all the other sacrifices that go along with it. If a person is considering bringing his daughter to a new club under a new coach and knowing the investment of time and money going in. Why wouldn't they spend the time watching three for four games to see how he or she coached? Why wouldn't they ask existing parents about practice or college liaison contacts the coach may have? Only a fool would throw their money and their kids blindly into a situation that openly showed no reward. Or a person with more money than brains and simply wanted the pride in saying my daughter plays for this club, see the letters on the shirt.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the time to put that into checking out a coach. if the club is promoting him/her, then it's the club's job. you hire a bad employee; that employee performs poorly for other clients/; you don't say to the customer/client well you should have stopped by our offices and watched; you should have check him/her out. No. They relied on you, the employer to make a good decision and hire the proper employee. they don't look to the employee; your employee to recover their losses; they look to you the business owner. that's the way it works.
and what about the club heads that shouldn't be coaching. they already think they are good. so their vision of good coaching is already not correct. but how do you know that? how do you know they only coach one part of the field?
I'm listening to parents on the sidelines. That's where you get your information. And not just from the parents who have the bubble kids; but those that have the kids that are saving the coaches arses. when they are saying what is he/she doing? who does ice hockey line up changes in tight games; in important games; at all? then you know, it's coaching, not the kids. and I don't mean in meaningless games. then everyone should get in. I'm talking about games that matter for post season; for other titles that everyone on that roster can put on their soccer resume for college coaches.
just my two actually three (inflation) cents.

Anonymous said...

speaking of coaching, see the USYNT U17 team boasting about beating up Bermuda. multiple posts about beating a high school level team, Bermuda. didn't hear anything about the older team and their "corpses" several months ago.
saw this almost two years ago, USYNT multiple bragging posts about their U17 team before WCups. How did that work out?
this is a hype sport anymore it seems.

Anonymous said...

To answer an early question on ID camps and committing, my daughter ended up committing to a school she didn't do an ID camp at but which she knew the coach from elsewhere, and she was scouted a number of times at showcases. Bit of an unusual situation but just offering it to show it can happen.

On SATs, she was told that as a sophomore, she didn't need to take it yet but since she was already signed up, she was told a score they were looking for at that age, which was about 70 point less than what they ultimately wanted. Also told that if she made the minimum score expected of a junior/senior, she didn't really need to worry about taking it again.

On ID clinics and cattle calls, I'll echo the comments about Villanova. They have a huge number of camps and don't do a particularly good job of following up with players. Of course, when you're taking around 13 kids a class, I guess you need cattle calls to get enough players. Penn was a solid ID clinic but you should expect to do more than one clinic to get their attention. Duke ID clinics give a very good feel for how conceited the program is.

On feedback/responses, before the new rules came into play, the way feedback / expressions of interests have been handled has run the gamut. My DD had clinics where the coaches pulled her aside and told her they really liked and would be watching her, to clinics where she really stood out and there was no feedback but then one day an assistant coach shows up to her club practice, to instead of getting the standard "good job" as the players go through the line at the end, the head coach says "great job, [name], we'll be in touch". But for the most part, it's an email to the club coach a week or two later. I will say that even when she has gotten positive reactions from an ID clinic, it has not always translated to the school showing up to watch her play.

On the effect of the new rule, she did several camps right after the rule came out and the coaches were very "conservative" with the players as they were still learning how the rules will play out. At one camp, rather than talk about the school's recruiting process and what they look for, they talked instead about what the new rule means. The after clinic one-on-one talks with coach were also avoided.

We are not planning to do any more ID clinics since she committed, one, because we're very happy with her choice but two, why pay money when there's little in the way of training, and when her club offers plenty of training opportunities already. But, if we found a clinic that was nearby and that also taught (instead of just evaluating), I'd consider signing her up after checking with her college coach. To be clear, we haven't been told she can't do that.


Anonymous said...

11:33 That's actually good information on this blog. I did have one question for you though. Did you find more coaches asking about ACT scores, rather than SAT's score?
10:12 You don't have time to check into the legitimacy of a coach? And of your investment that going to cost you thousand of dollars, with also the possibility of gaining or losing thousands more depending on the college? Pssst...we got this prime land down in Florida for sale and here's a picture of what it looks like.
If your that lazy you deserve whatever comes your way, unfortunately your daughter does not. Maybe you can walk up and down the sidelines during games and listen to the parents on the opposing teams, see if have some good info for next years stop.

Anonymous said...

When test scores came up, it was mostly in terms of SAT, but then I think that's the general shorthand. I know at least one coach mentioned taking whichever one we thought was the better fit, but I would think that may be school-dependent.

Anonymous said...

Good post 11:33

My daughter committed a few days after the 1st camp she attended at one of her targeted schools.
Same story, the HC and the AC both knew her name as she stood in line to shake hands.
Then the coaches were accompanying the kids that wanted a tour.
The HC was talking to my daughter for much of the time and the AC coach was talking to us, the parents. The next day she called him at a predetermined time and he offered her 1/2 athletic scholarship and the max academic for her major... i don't know how that works - she had to get a 28 on the ACT and needed a 3.4 gpa, which she exceeded.
Everyone that gets a D1 scholarship their own story and in my opinion, there is a good academic money out there for year one, and if the kid walks on or takes little money that situation can change quickly with a few good touches in the summer sessions before the years starts. They can give her money in years 2, 3, and 4.
Talking to the HC at Jeff Cup this year - he said that my daughter expressed how much that school was where she wanted to attend and that's why it went so quickly.

Anonymous said...

good camp/commit info from you both. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 11:33 and 3:38 for sharing.

We let our daughter talk to the coaches at camp or when she called them after they contacted her club coach - she walks with the other girls during a tour.

When did you guys get involved?

I'm guessing once the school knew they wanted your kid?

What class 2019 or 2020, my daughter has been told they are finalizing 2019s by three schools (Is that a standard reply to a 2020 they are on the fence with)?

I know they like her or they wouldn't have reached out to the club coach, I know what the club coach told me and what my kid tells me and stuff I read on here and other sites.

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

11:33 again,

Class of 2020.

On class year, different schools fill up at different times. More "popular" programs (defined by team success, draw of the school, etc) tend to fill up mostly with sophomores (and very talented freshmen). Less popular program (less successful or smaller D1 programs and many D3) will take mostly juniors who didn't get selected for whatever reason by the more popular programs. This is obviously a big generalization but if your child is looking at one of those "less popular" (for lack of a better term) programs, then they are likely finishing up their 2019 class. Also, in our experience, some of the more academically challenging schools wait until junior year before making offers because they want a better idea of how the player is doing academically in order to avoid wasting an offer on someone who can't qualify. Coaching changes can also push back the schedule for when a school fills up its class.

On when I got involved, it was really minimal. I think I only interacted with a coach when we were at an on-campus visit or when an offer was being made. I never even listened her side of a phone call with a coach but I did stay aware of what calls were happening and did see any emails forwarded by her club coach.

Anonymous said...

To add one more point about whether the "just filling up our 2019 class" potentially being a line, check out the commitment list for the school on Top Drawer and search twitter for the school's name along with variations on the word "commit" and see how many 2020 commits you find. If it's more than one or two, then they may well be stringing your daughter along as a fallback, but if there's only one or two (or none), then you're probably fine.

But keep track of how the classes of the schools you're interested in are filling up.

Anonymous said...

Anyone here with IVY experience? Since there are no athletic/academic scholarships how do they attract top athletes compared to colleges that do offer both?

Anonymous said...

3:38 here...

Just like my friend 11:33 - my involvement was minimal... Again just conversing with the coaches during the tour...

My daughter committed as a rising junior at 15 years old.
She handled everything... she didn't negotiate and left $7k (plus books) away from a full ride... I could have easily negotiated that, but she was raised to fight for herself and I had to bite the towel over that money that could have been included.

Her ECNL coach did nothing for her, as was generally the case with most of the committed players. The coaches were not fans of his, and the HC did not speak to him at all.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a good read about ID Camps. Is this true? ID Camps better than showcases? My daughter is an 03 entering 9th grade this year. Besides the name calling and ego boosting, this board offers some good actual information.

Anonymous said...

even though my DD accepted her offer from a school she didn't camp out, I would agree that ID camps are the best way to get a college's attention. To sate the obvious, if you paying the money and driving to go there, then it's a good sign that you're at least a certain level of interest in the school. Compare that to a showcase, where players will send out emails to loads of schools regardless of how real their interest is (and from the player's perspective, why not, it's free and you might get lucky). Also, as the article notes, it gives the coach a lot more time to evaluate players than the 30 minutes to a half that coaches will typically watch a player at a game. The coach can also give instructions to a player and see how she responds, or can shift around her position to check her flexibility, neither of which is possible just watching a game.

Having said all that, I think very few schools would offer a player based solely on her camp performance (and that's based on personal experience and having heard it directly from coaches at ID clinics). And that's why you still have to do the showcases as coaches want to see a player in real game situations (you might get lucky and have a nearby school come to your league game, but generally, it's the showcases where coaches come out).

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a way to edit posts. Three typos just in the first two lines.

Anonymous said...

My daughter handled just about everything by herself. She 1st emailed schools that were on both her radar for athletics and academics. She emailed them her schedule for the events they were scheduled for. Then she would go to the ID camps for those schools and would ask for feedback after the camps. She was able to get campus visits from there and was lucky enough to get a D1 offer from the school she really loved. The process took about 6 months. I must say we were extremely lucky everything worked out well because of the timing. Although it’s not a full ride it’s a very good combo of both academic and athletic money. The lesson I learned is to be persistent and let them know your very interested no matter what their interest is because it tells them your serious about their program.

Anonymous said...

love those parents in the know. PDA isn't paying the money to go to playoffs, right? wonder if they are reporters.

Anonymous said...

1:36 That's something the Grammar Nazi would have complained about.

Anonymous said...

3:15 - I unofficially retired in 2017, and today I am making it official.
You can take over... it's all yours.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Butt Im' not sure if I can meet your high standards of puncuation and grammer.

Anonymous said...

6/9 9:47 - no way PDA kids would bail out. Their DOC wouldn't have it. Even their seniors last year went directly from graduation to ECNL playoffs in Chicago. Some even returned from playing in college spring ball to head out as well.

There are certain clubs where you don't dial it in or you can't play for yourself. PDA is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to go back so far, haven't been on here in a bit

6/5 - 5:22 - isn't there a kid from that club that went to UVA that hardly plays too? She was on multiple YNT teams in high school.
I guess the morale of the story is that college is different from youth teams. It's common for kids to disappear into the college landscape. It's one thing to know your local competition, but when you are in a team of kids from all around the country and internationally, it's a lot different.

Anonymous said...

It's not just soccer, the same can be said for all college sports. It's easy to be notice the sharks swimming with the minnows, but when its a whole pool of sharks as big time college ball is, then it's a different story.

Anonymous said...

I know PDA has made the decision to go back to the ECNL, but looking at it now and beginning to wonder what teams will actually give PDA a good game? At least in the DA there was solid competition when playing the other top three teams in their league. In addition the DA does a great job setting up their showcases and playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Why even bother going to the showcase in Seattle when all of the college coaches are in San Diego at GDA AGAIN. What a rip-off. Just as GDA needs to re-think their HS/Substitution rules, ECNL has to re-think their idiotic $4000 trips for showcases in front of second tier schools.

(although this has Boys teams too)

Anonymous said...

10:45 Why does everyone insist its about a good game?

Anonymous said...

So two players at each DA game won't play? No big deal as it's a long week and they'll get major minutes in the next couple games. What sucks is the week long stay at $300.00 a day, that's with Wifi and parking included so it's a special deal. Almost forgot the $12.00 entry fee to get into the games to see your kid play, unless of course they are not playing that day. But hey, the weather will be awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Your assumptions are a bit off (if you are discussing games)
- most teams select players that will play to travel
- unlike ECNL or National League - no hotel stay is needed because it’s just one game a weekend
- obviously PDA messed this up and had the usual 24 kids per team

If you are talking about the showcases - entire team travels and everyone plays ( I was some teams travel with a minimum squad, though)
If you are talking about playoffs - some people will stay behind
- in playoffs the group format guarantees minimum number of games
- in playoffs once you get to knockout stage GDA covers hotel and transport costs
- in playoffs top college coaches watch the games, not assistant coaches from D3 community colleges

Anonymous said...

Good to see Tino on the blog today doing some top notch defending, although some of it not true at all.

Anonymous said...

5:50 (Tino) If your going to explain what you said, be clear. All parents are arriving and paying for rooms and transport up to the 29th. Only if the team makes the quarters finals, will the 30th be paid for. Any teams that advance from there will play in Missouri in July and that tab the GDA will pick up in full. Definitely a good deal for any teams and players that make it past the quarters, but Tino's english so often comes off as arrogance. I'm sure he did not mean to sound arrogant when he wrote "in playoffs, top college coaches watch the games, not assistant coaches from D3 community colleges". He simply meant that D3's know these players are beyond their reach and do not attend.
Tino, warum musst du ein arroganter Schawanz sein?

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry but I am not your Tino folks. Not even the right area. I am unaware of PF politics and I apologize if I hit a nerve.

Anonymous said...

No nerves touched. PF parents are widely known for their nerves of steel, charming to the last, high moral fiber, commitment to the team above the individual, and believing in what their coach is doing is right for their daughter.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a college coach list for Seattle? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Check the post by 11:04 for college list

Anonymous said...

9:49 - commitment to the team above the individual? I nearly vomited in my mouth. individual play is their club motto.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 11:20 - and 11:04

Not a bad college list at all for ECNL Seattle - and as was stated - quite a few that will be attending yet not listed.

Anonymous said...

6/5 - 5:22 - isn't there a kid from that club that went to UVA that hardly plays too? She was on multiple YNT teams in high school.
I guess the morale of the story is that college is different from youth teams. It's common for kids to disappear into the college landscape. It's one thing to know your local competition, but when you are in a team of kids from all around the country and internationally, it's a lot different.

Look back another couple of posts. That PF '98 player is mentioned in a couple post earlier summary. She did actually play a fair amount. One of the first subs. As stated about 40 minutes a game. Played as an attacking wingback in their back 3 defense which truly featured Phoebe McClernon as the center centerback in the formation. As a result despite never being invited to a YNT camp prior, she is now a regular with the U23s. Swanson's sitting next to JE on the full team's bench may have had something to do with her moving into the fore.

Anonymous said...

aren't there 3 from that club on that team? do all 3 get a fair amount of playing time? I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Well two were discussed above that do get a lot of time. The third was at a bunch of national camps as well as a youth player. Will be a junior this year, She played a fair amount her first year and didn't play as much last year.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to SJEB Academy and Berna Legacy at EDP play today. PDA Fusion not so much as they gave up one to many goals.

Anonymous said...

How did they do?

Anonymous said...

Fusion gave up 8 goals in three games, which doesn't lead to many wins. They did beat Philly Coppa 4-3 though. I think with the the DA girls returning to ECNL play, you'll see a solid trickle down of talent that'll impact the teams.

Anonymous said...

SJEB joining the women's DA program. Congrats to that club for stepping up to the plate. PDA players that wanted to still play at a high level in the DA, will not have that opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Cedar Stars Bergen West seems to be one of the improved teams at U17 this year. Recent wins over a couple of teams above them in NJ. Not a great league showing, but yes - improved.

Anonymous said...

congrats to the SJEB Academy. Will the high level PDA kids move to their academy? Or are they going to Cedar Stars or NYFSC? They still have options so that good.

Anonymous said...

SJEB used to bleed players to PF and PDA South. That trend will probably stop.

Anonymous said...

7:20 makes a good point about other options that are available. Those kind of options could make make for a couple rough years for SJEB. Similar to the problem Penn Fusion creates for PA Classics.

Anonymous said...

DOC of PF came to SJEB to talk about GDA last week.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what TM charged for that conversation and what the advice was?
Gib mir 30 Euro und eine schachtel pralinen fur meine freundschaft!!

Anonymous said...

What’s the distance from say PF to SJEB or from PF to Classics? Are they really in competition from same player pool?

In northern NJ PDA will still be the big fish at older age groups because they have most of the key players on board? Other than kids leaving PDA at U14 - I have not heard of anyone switching teams. It probably would not be publicized anyways.

Anonymous said...

PF gets players from the Harrisburg area, families that not only live much closer to PAC, but would save a lot of money while their daughters are getting the same great training. The travel distance to PAC for these families is 30 minutes or less, while it's an hour to and hour and a half one way in order to get to PF fields. That's also including a fifty dollar a week PA turnpike cost, but who can argue with the cost when you see the success of PF and their ability to find players places to play?

Anonymous said...

50 minutes to classics from the harrisburg west neighborhoods. 1.5 hours or less to west Chester. Your time is correct from the east shore for classics but subtract 15-20 minutes from your west chester time. Same great training? Not yet proven. If that were the case then I do think there would be a transition. To succeed long term, PAC needs to get more kids from Harrisburg at the younger ages.

Harrisburg is even more fragmented now than it was. Penn FC equals LDC. Not a bad club but if the rush name and programming can help reinvent it might take to a more competitive level. If the bigger clubs can agree to funnel their best kids to it and leave egos behind Harrisburg could be very successful in its own. If that happens and USYA gains ground over us club or penn FC gets an ECNL (likely if they try) then PAC is in serious trouble. HMMS on the decline with a shift to keystone, but kids are more likely to concentrate at penn FC if they get the ecnl. Super nova has some talent in the younger which more than likely will funnel to PAC due to the connection. Probably will be 4 or 5 years before PAC has a hope of consistently competes with PF and that only happens if penn FC doesn’t get ecnl or usysa doesn’t gain ground on ecnl.

Anonymous said...

DA making some changes - but only for boys now:

The new schedule also provides flexibility for clubs to schedule other competitions and events. There are four open weekends (Oct,. Feb., Mar./Apr., May) on the reorganized calendar in addition to the normal winter break (Dec.-Jan.), providing the opportunity to schedule friendlies, take part in outside events with similar Academy standards, play international competition and host/participate in festivals.

Anonymous said...

9:01 I was under impression Penn FC and PAC were collaborating.

Anonymous said...

Yeah see how long that lasts if they decide to go ecnl. Those deals are very ephemeral

Anonymous said...

Penn FC is owned by Altris, same guy as Cedar Stars.

So if ECNL would switch to Capelli gear I’m sure they would have a great relationship.

Anonymous said...

9:01 Good information and your right about PAC's need to get the younger talent from Harrisburg are involved in the program, I would include the Reading Berks area as well. PAC can succeed at this as there is really no surrounding competition like ECNL to go up against. Other than the local EDP teams and leagues (Penn United, Rage, etc), which are a definite step down in play, and do not have the same showcase ability, PAC could own the area.

Anonymous said...

6/20 - 11:51 am - I heard about a few kids reaching out to other GDA clubs since PDA is leaving league. they aren't going to do anything yet until playoffs are over. they aren't stupid.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Lehigh Valley just become part of the Penn Fusion system?

Anonymous said...

11:41 am - didn't know that. Cedar Stars have great facilities. Coaches are good as well.

Anonymous said...

March 18 2018- Western Lehigh (WLUSC) will be aligning and affiliating with Penn Fusion Soccer Club . In addition, local club will develop and promote players into a new premier club, Penn Fusion Lehigh Valley (PFLV)
The Affilitate Program focuses on several key areas of collaboration: Coach Education, Tournaments, Player Development Curriculum and Programs, and the Elite Player College Pathway.

Anonymous said...

Post PDA landscape is forming at a rapid pace!

Anonymous said...

Northeast ECNL U17 - Seattle - Friday (times PST)

Champions -

FC Boston vs Alabama FC - NOON
FC Bucks vs So Cal Blues FC - 2 PM
FC Stars vs MVLA - 2 PM
Bethesda FC vs Washington Premier - 2 PM
Connecticutt FC vs Florida Elie - 4 PM

North American -

Match Fit vs Sting Austin - NOON
East Meadow vs Crossfoire United - 4:15 PM
FSA vs AHFC - 6:00 PM


Maryland United FC vs Ytah Avalanche - 10:15 AM
World Class vs Defeeters FC - NOON
PDA vs WNY Flash - 6 PM

Anonymous said...

FSA (NA), PDA (NA), World Class (NA) advance in N American and Showcase Cups (knockout format)
Match Fit, East Meadow (NA) and Maryland United (SHO) drop to consolation rounds
(PDA will play World Class today at 4:15 PST)

In Champions play winners were FC Stars and FC Boston
Bethesda FC earned a tie
FC Bucks and Connecticut FC dropped their first games in group play

Anonymous said...

ECNL U17 - Champions League (Region 1 teams)
McLean YS ECNL U17 - 6 pts +9 (advanced to ECNL Finals with 7 other Group winners)
FC Stars ECNL U17FC - 6 pts +8 GD (need win or tie)
Boston Scorpions ECNL U17 - 4 pts +2 GD (Need a win and help)
Connecticut FC ECNL U17 - 3 pts -1 GD (Need a win and help)
Bethesda SC ECNL U17 - 1pt -1 GD (eliminated)
FC Bucks ECNL U17 - 0 pts -9 GD (eliminated)

ECNL U17 - North American Cup
Semi-Finals Gm#13 6/25/2018 4:00 PM
Crossfire United ECNL vs FSA FC ECNL U17

Semi-Finals Gm#14 6/25/2018 6:00 PM
Sting Austin ECNL vs FC Pride ECNL U17

ECNL U17 - Showcase Cup
Semi-Finals Gm#13 6/25/2018 6:00 PM
SLSG - IL ECNL vs San Diego Surf

Semi-Finals Gm#14 6/25/2018 6:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Starts today

Group A - FC Virginia U-16/17
Group A - Oakwood Soccer Club U-16/17
Group B - Boston Breakers Academy U-16/17
Group C - New York City FC U-16/17
Group C - Sky Blue - PDA U-16/17
Group D - Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17
Group E - Washington Spirit Academy - Virginia U-16/17
Group G - FC Fury NY U-16/17

Anonymous said...

Been trying to find an answer somewhere of exactly how usys national championship qualifiers work. I’m sure it’s somewhere, but I just can’t seem to find it. In the ‘01 group premier and BC United have already qualified through national league. So say they both would make it to finals at regional championships, then how does it work as to who goes to nationals? The 3rd place team? There’s no 3rd place game either at regionals (maybe their should be for these instances)

Anonymous said...

7:08 how usys national championship qualifiers work
4 National League Division winners qualify
4 Regional Champions Qualify.

Region1 Championships
Semi-Finalists in the 17and under age groups will receive bronze medals
Round robin points:
Three Points for a win
One Point for a tie
Zero Points for a loss

(1) Winner of head to head competition
(2) Most Wins
(3) Goal differential - (Maximum 4 goals/game for games with a ending score of 4 or higher)
(4) Least goals allowed (three (3) game total)
(5) FIFA Penalty Kicks (immediately following the round robin games)

After 2 games
PTS | GD | Group A
4 | +1 | FC Virginia U-16/17
0 | -3 | Oakwood Soccer Club U-16/17

PTS | GD | Group B
4 | +3 | Boston Breakers Academy U-16/17

PTS | GD | Group C
6 | +4 | Sky Blue - PDA U-16/17
0 | -4 |New York City FC U-16/17

PTS | GD | Group D
6 | +3 | Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17

PTS | GD | Group E
0 | -5 | Washington Spirit Academy - Virginia U-16/17

PTS | GD | Group G
1 | -1 | FC Fury NY U-16/17

D1 ECNL U17 - Champions League advance to Finals
1. So Cal Blues SC ECNL U17
2. Minnesota Thunder Academy ECNL U17
3. Mustang SC ECNL U17
4. Davis Legacy ECNL U17
5. FC Nova ECNL U17
6. FC Stars ECNL U17
7. McLean YS ECNL U17
8. Washington Premier ECNL U17

D2: ECNL U17 - North American Cup Champion
FC Pride ECNL U17

D3: ECNL U17 - Showcase Cup Champion

Anonymous said...

8:40, what happens if the 2 teams in the regional championship finals have already qualified through national league?

Anonymous said...

So basically if you make the semi-finals and Premier and BC United advance to the finals it comes down to the other 2 teams. The 3rd place team goes based on best record and tie breaker formula

Anonymous said...

PDA Splash ECNL champs. All the hard work paid off. Much criticism with this team. A Coach change was made
Big win for MO. DA almost went with a 1-0 loss.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to PFU17.....awesome wins in pool play! Moving on to quarterfinals on Saturday! Hard work wins games!

Anonymous said...

PF 10 GF 3 against. How can you lose. Those are sick stats. Huge game on Saturday.
This is why you play DA.

Anonymous said...

That PF team is as good as they are because of all the Penn Legacy players they picked up . That’s the truth!

Anonymous said...

10:27 - I'm sorry to be negative - but to me PDA Splash is a champions league team. They played in the Showcase Division which means the best 48 ECNL teams in the country didn't. A championship was accepted regardless of the coach. We are talking PDA and they finished as #49 out of 80- teams. Hard work you say? So in your opinion they should have finished lower? Just trying to understand the post. Yes congrats for the D3 title, but we are talking PDA and that's not the norm or maybe it is.

11:41 beat San Jose and you have all the props you need.

June 30th, 2018
Nationals U-16/17 vs FC Virginia U-16/17
San Jose Earthquakes U-16/17 vs Penn Fusion Soccer Academy U-16/17
FC Dallas U-16/17 vs Real Colorado U-16/17
LAFC Slammers U-16/17 vs Solar Soccer Club U-16/17

4:32 Penn Legacy? That's so 2014 - come on man leave the past alone.

PFSA'01G DA - 17 college commitments
PFSA'01G PreAcademy - 3 college commitments
PFSA'99G DA - 2 college commitments (2020s)

Yup all 22 of them are from Penn Legacy

Anonymous said...

Looks like Tinos been back on this blog again haha
Typical obnoxious PF !

Anonymous said...

Are you saying I'm Tino (3:03) or does the fact that PF has 22 verbals hurt that much?

Anonymous said...

PDA shore set up well at USYS. I think any team that wins championships are really good.
Unless Mosa cup. Good for pda ECNL u17. They won. If they lost different story.

Anonymous said...

22 verbals with more then half likely riding the bench . Big deal .

Anonymous said...

4:32 The former Penn Legacy players are good players, but only one plays 90 minutes of every important game. The player committed to Northwestern is the heart and soul of that team, with a couple great players in front of her too.

Anonymous said...

2 of the former Penn Legacy players sit more than they play.

Anonymous said...

wow 5:54 22 verbals from one age at one club is a negative?

388k - Girls playing HS soccer 2016-17
38k or 9.6% - Girls playing College soccer of this # 3.6% are Foreign
2.3% playing D1

1,676 Schools
18,436 starting spots or 4% of all girls playing HS start in college.

You say Big deal? yes, it's a big deal for any kid that can land on a college team and it's even a bigger deal if they get money regardless of the amount to play for the school.

The one thing I learned is to make sure your kid is at a high-level club with many teams per age. You play for PDA all you need to do is have your PDA t-shirt at a clinic and all eyes are on you. What you do is then on the player if you have the goods you are in - if you don't then they will move on to the next players. A Penn Legacy player can never make that claim, but a Penn Fusion t-shirt will get them a look what they do with it it's up to them and them sitting on the bench during a club game has nothing to do with it. The kids need to understand the game and the schools will determine if they are a fit and where.

Anonymous said...

The northwestern kid was a Pa Classics player before PF and she is really good. They aren't the same without her.

Anonymous said...

And she would not have been the same at Pa classics.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, is this a pissing match again about commits? bottom line despite some bashers, coaches like the GDA style of play. enough said. the amount of coaches even at the U18/U19 games is a testament to the league. PA classics while good isn't there yet. And in all the leagues, the cali teams have a huge advantage being able to practice all year around.
if you are not committed, yet, good luck in your id camps.

Anonymous said...

7:30 I agree if you are a 2019 time is almost up. There will be a few schools scrambling after players change their minds (I still can't believe people do that - what happened to giving your word means something).

This fall the focus moves on to the 2020s and the top 2021s. Good luck to any 2019 still trying to land a spot and some money.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:31. Not because the quality of coaching is better at PF, but because the quality of players she's going up against four times a week. The speed of play at practice is so much quicker than that of PAC. PF's bottom five players would play major minutes at PAC. You can teach a player foot skills, great one touch passing, defending and attacking technique. Unfortunately you can't coach speed and quickness and if a player can't get to the ball, the technique is for naught. PAC has an abundance of skill and heart, but that still doesn't win balls that they can't get to.

Anonymous said...

What was the score of the last PF/PAC game? Seems to me that PAC is making faster progress in development

Anonymous said...

Your separation from reality is getting worse. Get help.

Anonymous said...

The score is 64 to 15. The ECNL teams are also doing a better job with development. Progress? Lower Merion has 5 fewer players from just 1 team vs the entire club.

Penn Fusion (USSDA – club website)
2020: 11 Players
2019: 21 Players
2018: 32 Players
64 Total Players

Continental FC (ECNL – club website)
2020: 2 Players
2019: 10 Players
2018: 19 Players
31 Total Players

FC Bucks (ECNL – club website)
2019: 7 Players
2018: 19 Players
26 Total Players

PA Classics (USSDA – Club website)
2019: 2 players
2018: 13 players
15 Total Players

Lower Merion SC (USYS – 1 team)
2019: 5 Players
2018: 5 Players
10 Players

1776 United (USYS – Region 1 website - 6 teams)
2020: 2 players
2019: 2 Players
2018: 2 Players
6 Players

Anonymous said...

Fixed the typo - 2 teams not 6

1776 United (USYS – Region 1 website - 2 teams)
2020: 2 players
2019: 2 Players
2018: 2 Players
6 Players

Anonymous said...

USYS Region 1 Championships Commitments

2002 teams (3 committed players)
North United Rush (PA-W) – 1 player
Century V United 2002 Gold (PA-W) – 2 players

2001 Teams (42 committed players)
SJEB Rush Academy (NJ) - 17 players
FC Stars 01 (MA) - 5 players
Loudoun 01 Red (VA) - 5 players
Premier Navy 2001 (MD) – 4 players
BC United 01 (NY-W) - 3 players
Century V 01 Gold (PA-W) - 3 players
Fury Athletica (WV) – 3 players
1776 United FC 01 Xtreme (PA-E) - 2 players
PDA Shore Fusion (NJ) - 0 players
South Central Premier Spirit (CT) - 0 players
Blaze (NY-E) Expand/Collapse - 0 players
DE Rush 01 (DE) - 0 players

2000 Teams (80 committed players)
Pipeline 2000 Pre-Academy (MD) – 17 players
Princeton SA (NJ) – 13 players
SAC Showcase Premier (MD) – 12 players
LMSC Storm (PA-E) – 10 players
NVSC Jr. Majestics 00 (VA) – 8 players
WVFC Black (WV) – 6 players
1776 United FC 00 (PA-E) – 4 players
Plattsburgh FC Lakers (NY-E) – 4 players
Syracuse Development Academy (NY-W) – 3 players
Simmons Golden Eagles (CT) – 2 players
Century V Gold (PA-W) – 1 player

Anonymous said...

ECNL NorthEast

FC Stars East
FC Stars West
Boston Scorpions

Connecticut FC

East Meadow SC
World Class FC

MatchFit Academy
PDA Blue
PDA White

Continental FC
Fc Bucks

Bethesda SC
Maryland United

Anonymous said...

Hey genius at 1:00ish. You realize that at pf/pda/gda kids are on several rosters if they played up or down. You dont look at the entire roster you look at the players who played most games and time.

Anonymous said...

If a kid plays one/couple of games do you call that kid on the team or just a player?

Anonymous said...

I love how PF claims kids who committed to a school long before they ever put on a PF uniform.

Anonymous said...

11:40 I can appreciate that you feel the PF/PAC score symbolizes that PAC is closing the gap, but in truth, the game wasn't even close. PF was in PAC's end all game and that was with them giving the players that usually receive less minutes, more time or allowed to play the whole game.

Anonymous said...

Not true at all. Yes PF had the better of the possession in their match ups but play was on both halves throughout the 3 games they played and PF played all their usual top players in all 3 so please stop. Its in the game reports so its silly to lie about.

Anonymous said...

many of the stronger U16/U17 PAC players were used in the U18/U19 games vs PF. So the U16/U17 PF team didn't really see an on-age, fully loaded U16/U17 PAC team. For what it's worth...

sport said...

I think it would be a good service if people Most profitable football tipsters.

Anonymous said...

11:58 The PAC team that just went to San Diego had their "fully loaded" team and lost two out of three, and lets not forget that a number of those of those "fully loaded" players are not coming back in the fall. Meanwhile, PF played tougher opponents and won three before losing on Saturday. So lets just leave those comparisons alone and enjoy the fact that with PDA being gone, PAC's goal differential will be a lot better next season (that's at least a plus 12-14). When an elite level DA team only has two commits from their 2019 group and none from their 2020's, there's an issue. Low level EDP teams carry those types of numbers and some are better. Is it the club or the coach, or the talent level?

Paul Digristina said...

For any U18 players in the Burlington/Mercer County Area, looking for a quality team at an affordable price, with NO DRAMA, email me at

Anonymous said...

Drama does not exist on any of the NJ teams. Team spirit and harmony is taught for the early U8 stages, not just to the players, but also among the parents. Its why you only hear cheering from the NJ parents and not complaining.

Anonymous said...

Nice try 10:48. Pf drew a weak bracket. They were supposed to win easily and nearly lost 1st game 3-2. They were lucky nycfc and oda

Anonymous said...

They/pf were lucky that Nycfc and pda were not in their bracket.

Anonymous said...

11:17 not sure you are aware but when nj parents wave one finger at you, it doesn't mean they think you are #1.

Anonymous said...

@10:48. are you saying that pac went to san diego with players who are already on another team's roster? Why bring players who arent oaet of club any longer? That doesnt make for good chemistry.

Anonymous said...

2:13 It's funny how the teams that win consistently are always so damn "lucky". They were lucky the ball took a bad bounce, they were lucky the ref didn't see the offsides, they were lucky they had the wind in the first half. Anything else you would like to add?
Yet teams that consistently lose always are unlucky, all with the opposite of what was just mentioned (and many more). I guess PF drew the weak bracket during their fall and spring league play too, because those bottom five teams were pretty bad.
2:31 Yes and Yes. PAC had to or they wouldn't have had the numbers to make the trip. Got to give some credit to the PAC players though, they couldn't have folded up the tents after losing their first to games, but they hung together and won the last one. PAC has very skilled players and especially in the center of the field, just not enough surrounding them.

Anonymous said...

11:17 Why is that parents from South Jersey are so much more laid back that those from North Jersey? North Jersey parents are on high crisis alert the moment the game starts, while South Jersey parents are still picking out where's the best place to sit and watch the game.

Anonymous said...

12:41 - what are you saying? PF U16/17 lost to PDA and NYCFC in their friendly. so, is that unlucky or lucky they didn't draw them in their bracket. enjoy your delusion.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the Region 1 teams at the 2018 NPL Finals - 2001 Girls (17U)
Flight A
Discoveries Socer Club 01 Lady NPL
Sunrise Sting 2001 Black
Sockers FC Chicago 01G

Flight B
South Shore Select U17 AP
Downey FC. G01 Premier
FC Virginia United Elite 01

Flight C
Lonestar 01 G Red
NJ Wildcats Fury-NPL
Sporting Omaha FC Elite 2001
Syracuse Development Academy 01 Girls

Flight D
Marin FC 01G Blue
FC Stars O1
SLSC Cosmos 01G Elite
Central Washington Sounders

Anonymous said...

ECNL National Finals U17

So Cal Blues SC ECNL U17

Davis Legacy ECNL U17

Minnesota Thunder ECNL U17

Mustang SC ECNL U17

Anonymous said...


LAFC Slammers U-16/17
Real Colorado U-16/17

Nationals U-16/17
San Jose Earthquakes U-16/17

Anonymous said...

2:03 Psssst. Lucky or unlucky, it was a friendly so no one cared (except you). Here are some definitions to help you better understand your frame of mind.

Delusion: An impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality (such as losses are unlucky).

Reality: The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to and idealistic idea of them.

Now stop being a hater and try to have a lucky day!! Who knows, maybe the ball will bounce your way today.

Anonymous said...

Serious question...
My daughter has some D3 offers which suits her and her intended major just fine...she suffered a torn ACL at the end of spring. there was 1 more school and one of her top choices that she was not able to attend the ID camp. Coach did see her play in a showcase but was really looking forward to seeing her at the ID camp.
As senior year starts most girls will be committed by end of HS season with NLI right around the corner in February (?)
If my daughter cant play until Spring, should she take one of the D3's already offered? Has anyone ever heard of someone committing spring of senior year?

Anonymous said...

12:16 why are you not playing; it is penn fusion delusion. Try to keep up. No hate. And it was more than just a friendly. As was the pda loss. Enjoy your day; fairytales are good afternoon reading.

Anonymous said...

Personally I would encourage my daughter to take one of the D3 offers. Hopefully her knee is fine but could take a year or more to get back to her old form. The other schools are not going to wait for her to get better and hold a spot for her. They always want to look at you at one more camp$$$$. At this point it's about her education not about soccer.

Anonymous said...

237 if she can get into the school on her own merits and you can pay for it, then there is no need to worry about committing late. That is you are being realistic in your/her assessment that she's a good soccer fit for the team.
There might be additional grant or even merit money that she won't see the first year, but that's the only problem. The top D3 generally only give FA based on need, but the ratio of grant to loan can be changed by the relative desirability of the student to the school. Some D3 still give merit money and she might not get as much as she would have if the soccer coach was pushing for her.

Anonymous said...

2:37 First I hope it works out for your kid!!

Did she talk to the coaches?Don't let her guess - have her call the schools and find out. She might get the same amount of grant/academic money as the D3 schools and like 4:43 said there might be some athletic money when she's 100%. Like 4:40 said it's about the education not the soccer - don't let the ACL cloud her choices. Call nothing to lose.

Anonymous said...

And yes, there are plenty of commits spring senior season

Anonymous said...

2:37 This will sound strange, but it could be a blessing in disguise. It'll bring even more attention (both coaches and your daughter's) to academic money that is available. Your daughter's skill level didn't change because of the injury, and through rehab she'll come back even stronger. With some timely research of (which she now has time), she'll find a ton of easy to obtain stackable grants, from $500 to $3000 dollar each. Best thing is, she'll be able to apply them to any school she attends. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

7/4 10:38

Its the club/coaching. They are terrible and dont give a shit! Ask any PAC parent except for a few blind fools and youll get confimation all around.

Anonymous said...

@7/7 12:41 That talented center of the field can not connect a pass for anything. Its that teams biggest problem anytime Ive seen a game. They are pros at passing to the other team. I get you're likely the parent of one of those center mids but come on, that statement made me spit my water out.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:32 you are getting your wish aren't you? aren't those kids going elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

So what's the "new" PAC roster look like? Did they get any new notable Central PA kids? I hope their kid with the ACL is back 100% by August. She was their best player.

Anonymous said...

3:08 and 3:22 Those are horrible things to say! First of all, I was talking about the midfield as a group and not a singular player. As for the coach, a race care can only go as fast as the engine that powers it, and this teams is lacking some horsepower upfront and outside. All the coaching in the world will not make players faster than they are.

Anonymous said...

Rutgers grabbing up those great PDA players!! Seven 2021 commits already and check out how many are from PDA!! Couple more PF and CFC girls finding homes too, so congrats to all the girls. Haven't heard anything from the Misfits, but I'm sure their getting their looks too. Sept 1st should be a big day for all those talented PAC sophomores becoming juniors, phones to start ringing. To much talent for Mid-Majors not to inquire about.

Anonymous said...

2:47 who the hell cares about 2021???? Worry about your kid and when you have something interesting to post let us know

Anonymous said...

Camps, camps and more camps. I feel like my kid is playing soccer all year long. Does dead period mean she can't play during that time?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how many of these "Camp" emails we get everyday? What a money maker these camps have become for coaches and staff.

Anonymous said...

5:32 I disagree with your money maker comment to a degree. Yes they are making money for holding the clinics, the money usually goes to the assistant coaches from what I have been told.

The way I see it - the school is going to send a mass email to try and attract soccer players to their school. If the players don't go then it's not a money maker. The point is for them to get players interested in their school to come to an environment that they control. They need to find 8 players per graduation year, maybe players they went to see didn't play that much when they went or maybe didn't play at all, maybe they had a bad game. This is a way for the players to show the coaches what they really have since they can't control the minutes on the field to showcase themselves.

keep in mind these schools have something like 200 kids at their camps to find 8 or less players. So yes it looks like it's a money grab when 192 players don't make the cut and spend $$.

Anonymous said...

The National Titles with YSR score

Real Colorado U-16/17 (CO - 37.26

So Cal Blues SC ECNL U17 (CA) - 39.34


US Club National Cup

NPL Champion
South Shore Select ’01 (MA) - 37.45

USYS President's Cup
Chicago Rush Select (IL) - 34.89

Anonymous said...

3 camps * 150 kids * 500 = 225k

I bet you that’s 100k for the coach, 125k to cover everything else.
And that’s just summer camps.

Anonymous said...

Last summer Liberty had 90 kids at 250 bucks each (9 keepers included). That is a good chunk of change and YES, initially it did look like a money grab. Except that it was a very well run camp and as the day went on, the coaches started moving some of the higher level players onto a separate field so they could get a good look. In the end they pulled about 30 or more aside and spoke with them individually about what they did well and what they can do to improve. I don't mind paying for the camp as long as it's well run and the player to coach ratio is good. Any camp that's three hours or less, you may as well set your money on fire and at least you'll be warm for a few seconds.

Anonymous said...

7/12 10:25

Horrible to say? Try honest. Maybe watch the PF or the FCV center midfield. That should help you see clearer.

On another note Sept 1 is approaching fast. Im sure there will be a deluge of commitments in Sept/Oct for 2020 especially.Good luck to all these girls in finding their perfect fit. My best advice with camps. Its a waste if the player hasnt been seen prior and/or at least spoken to the coach on the phone.

Anonymous said...

I did see clearer. The California midfielders are very good and are in camp for the U17 World Cup. PDA is as well. Shame they are going back to ECNL (Slammers and PDA).

Anonymous said...

7/19 @ 12:31 Have seen those midfields and PACs would look just as good if they were surrounded by the same talent on the outside and strikers. FCV, PF and PDA always offer their mids multiple options and know how to work the back to go forward. They don't just wave their arms demanding the ball and then don't come to it when it's passed.

Anonymous said...

ouch. Isn't that always the argument. The forwards' parents rant at the midfielders saying the midfielders hold the ball too long and are always dispossessed. How can their little Mia's look good, score and rack the stats when they get no service. midfielder's parents say, of course they lost the ball, there are no options. Or that pass was perfectly timed, directed and weighted, but the forwards "don't come to it". Little discord in PAC. Truth is PAC have no special attacking/midfield players. Without special players scoring and/or creating goals, teams are at best mediocre at the highest levels. They may have some special younger players. Time will tell how this mess levels out in 5 or so years.

Anonymous said...

7:56 Not having any "special players" kind of nails the real issue at PAC, and why they have had so few commits compared to other DA teams. They have good players with good skills and decent speed. It's why they do okay when facing teams that are similar in skillset and ability, but struggle when the level of play picks up. They need that one special age group that acts as a vanguard and draws others to the club. Like you said, it may take a few years.

Anonymous said...

Too attract the special players and keep them from driving east to Penn Fusion (often past Lancaster) it would help if they hired a really charismatic coach who could "sell" a currently under performing program and the DA itself. Henning and Klein (if he even cares about the girls) aren't it.

Anonymous said...

That would certainly help if they had that kind of coach. I think there best bet is to build a really strong core at the younger ages (U12-14) and then offer incentives to keep them there when they are DA eligible. PAC get good numbers at their tryouts and more so now with all the mergers, so building at the lower age groups shouldn't be that tough as long as they put the right coaches in place. At this point though, I'm not sure if MH or SK care enough to rectify problem. It seems like they care more about having three teams at each age group.

Anonymous said...

Three teams equals $$$
Agree they need their best coaches with some marketing ability with the u10-13s in my opinion. else their best will continue to help make Penn Fusion successful at PAC expense.

Anonymous said...

When I see the list of college transfers, it reminds me that all of these players were the best or one of the top players on their team at some point, and most likely played every minute of most games. Reality hits hard when swimming in the deep end of the talent pool. Hopefully they will all find a school that fits their needs.
One thing you notice is that wherever new coaches have landed, transfers are headed there.

Anonymous said...

WOW that's a bunch - below is by position.

19 GK
34 D
47 M
41 F

Anonymous said...

me again 141 looks like a bunch. but when we look at the big picture it's ~0.59% not even 1% of all the players playing in college

~956 schools with womens soccer
~25 roster size
~23,900 players on a roster

1,700,000 registered girls playing soccer
of those 1.41% play college soccer.

Anonymous said...

Reality check time for those that love to play the comparison game. Except for your big D1’s like your UNC, Duke, Penn State most mid D1’s are just now starting to commit 2020’s. Sept- Dec will be huge. Those PF/FCV/PDA players that committed to Big 10’s may not even play til Junior year. Many took roster spots with little scholarship offered. The ones who got major money early are playing on the GNT’s. There’s a pressure to commit early in those top team environments. The girls that will commit after 9/1 have plenty of opportunity at the Division 1 level and be in position for nice scholarships. Not every DA player wants that Big 10 school. If walked through the process the right way they will go where they will mostly likely see time on the field all 4 years and with a hefty scholarship. It’s a shame to see the rush to commit at this age. Junior year of high school hasn’t even started.

Anonymous said...

Hey - July 31, 2018 at 5:05 PM - it's why these girls should not be second guessed when they pick the schools they pick but should be congratulated. It's hard work.
Also, like the stats. Good work. Thanks RainMan.
Also, not all the transfers are listed in the TopDrawer article. I know of others not listed.
Finally, isn't there a rule in Big 10 or P-5 about transferring after Junior year; that you can't? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

10:22 There are a lot more transfers than listed on the Top Drawer site, but I'm not bright enough to find it. I was told that it is missing the more than half the players shown. There was big D1 rule change in June regarding transfers, also a severe Level 2 breach of conduct penalty for coaches trying to block them from transferring. They should have called it the Nick Saban rule, as he was the major culprit.

Anonymous said...

Based upon the above statistics, there are 23,900 college soccer players of which 141 transferred to a new school. That is a very low transfer rate. I would think that the number of players dropping out of soccer altogether is much higher than the transfer rate.

Anonymous said...

TDS reports 141 transfers for D1. The number of 23,900 is incorrect. There are 333 D1 programs, average 28 on a roster? or 9324 players. If the transfers are rising sophomores or juniors in most cases, it's half, or 4662. So 141 of 4662.

Anonymous said...

3% of D1 college soccer players transfer each year. 37% of college students transfer at least once within 6 years which is about 6% per year. So D1 college soccer players transfer at half the rate of all students.

Anonymous said...

NCAA reports 2016 4-4 transfer for women’s soccer at 7.3%

Anonymous said...

When you go to big time schools, there is a very good chance your going to sit that first year. The two girls that transferred out of Rutgers played in a total of two games combined. Similar time played for others top ranked schools, but many were others where the head coached moved on to a new school.

Anonymous said...

Kids need to understand the full picture. Don't pick a school just for a cool sweatshirt.

Anonymous said...

Or to please a parent. Lots of backslapping at PF last year when these players were committing to schools. Schools where they were the 7th or 8th player joining in that age group and most likely looking at very little or no time on the field. But a life lesson in any form is not necessarily a bad thing, so they may come away better for it.

Anonymous said...

Why are you hating on pf. The stats show whether you are 1st or 8th commit for that yr, still good.

Anonymous said...

Playing time isn't dictated by when you commit. Wise up, folks.

Anonymous said...

10:50 Because if your 7th or 8th 2020 commit list, number one there is no money left in the kitty and they already have already have 6 or 7 2021's. Which means if your already behind the to four of those players. It's great that you managed to be a part of a big time school program, but can you take being a practice player for basically two years? The transfer list is basically the cumulative effect of just that. To be fair though, there was also a lot of coaching moves this past year and that has had a big effect as well. No hating on PF as they are simply doing their job, getting players looks from great schools. It's the pride of the parents directing players instead of the players deciding what is their best fit. Some of our parents were really smart letting their kids think it out, other's needed the pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

Rutgers is a joke. I think they are already on their 5th commit for 2023.

Anonymous said...

5:55 the assumption is that those 2020 verbals actually get a LOI to sign.
Nothing is final until they sign.

In regards to the Transfer list, I saw plenty of non D1 one players transferring to D1 schools also, how is that a negative? You guys talk like transferring is taboo.

The thing I don't understand, is why would a player accept a verbal if they are still looking for a better offer? This is what's wrong with the system, these players always change direction opening up spots. What happened to your word meaning something? I think the entire verbal thing should go away and only real offers should be made. You'll see the schools stop recruiting young 100% because they would be on the hook.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a grand total of TWO decommits in the last year on the girls side.

Doesnt happen too often.

Anonymous said...

11:23 you have seen two where? at your club? a website? people you know? the country?

Anonymous said...

2:31 While I do agree with you about the announcing of verbals commits should be scraped. I'm not sure if I am willing to throw all of the blame on the family or player. With a total of 35 D1 coaches changing teams last year, either because of poor performance or simply better job (bigger school, better recruits, bigger budget), there's plenty of blame to go around.
2:31 So your thought process is: My daughter didn't play at this D1 school, we'll just move her to another D1 and she'll play there? So if she doesn't play at that one, should she move on to another D1 and be a practice player there as well? Or would it have been better to accept reality in the first place and have her play at a school where she would have been a player of impact, possibly right from the beginning? In addition, doing so while she is earning a degree, which is the main reason for going to college.

Anonymous said...

If you are doing this properly there should be a couple of D3s at least that yiou know she can study her desired major and PLAY - this making it easy if the D1 road doesnt prove to be enjoyable, right fit, etc.

A D3 coach that missed out on your daughter since she committed D1 would very likely be happy to have her a year or 2 later

And the beauty is - as far as I remember - you dont need to sit out when transferring down.

Anonymous said...

Hi 3:32 - 3:31 here. I guess the big question is why is she playing soccer? If she is playing soccer to advance to the NWSL or some other European League, then yes transfer. But if she picked the school she wanted and playing pro is not what she wants so what if she doesn't play. She's at the school she wants to be and she is getting into all the big parties while she moving towards her degree. Play club is you love the game and you are at your school is my point or if it's being on the first team is what drives her then transfer.

First choice should be her school of choice regardless if there is a roster spot waiting for her or not unless she wants to go pro.

I agree with you 9:24 D1, D2, D3 or what ever shouldn't matter if it's the school of choice. FOR ME not my kid, I would love for her to pick a strong Academic D1 school that gives a bunch of money and a roster spot. That resumes looks nice when she comes out of school with her degree and a D1 athlete on it. Don't get me wrong D2 and D3 will look nice as well. But the Bowl games and march madness is all about D1 so if she had D1 on her resume I think that would have a little more pull.

PS. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer by the way it's what ever floats your boat

Anonymous said...

As far as the cash goes - at a D1 - quite often you can pay less - or the same - by not getting athletic money - but by just going off need-based aid.

Many schools offer greater than 50% depending on your level of income - and tghat would actually be better than getting a 50% athletic ride at a competing school.

You have to do the legwork, see where the $$$ are being given outside athletics.

Anonymous said...

11:23 can you combine athletic and need? for example school cost is 60,000 per year to dorm at the school. You get 50% need money or 30,000 can you also get an athletic or academic scholarship? How does this work? for those that have accepted verbals or those that have older kids that went through the process.

Anonymous said...

there's an old saying...the best part of going D1 is when the player and/or parent gets to say, I have committed to a D1 school.
All downhill after that.(unless you're Mal Pugh, what's that one out of the rest of the nation)?
Odds are not good.

Anonymous said...

9:45 i don't get your post.

Are you saying that if you are not part of the USWNT roster of ~25 it is all downhill for ever girl playing soccer?

If dream is to play for NT then you are correct.

For players playing 10+ years of soccer with travel all over the place money or no money if the school is a fit and they get a D! offer, WOW 330 schools and to be part of the 9,000 soccer players or ~2,250 player per graduation class in a country with over a million registered female players all I can say is I LOVE that saying and congrats to all those D1 players, A school at the top of the NCAA pyramid wanted you and in some cases gave you money to go to their school. WELL DONE GIRLS!!

9:45 question for you - how many first team NT players are from the NWSL? How many are from College? How many of them didn't play D1?

Anonymous said...

I'm not even talking about top 25 roster of the talking about the top XI of the D1 program they have committed to.
Life after wearing the school hat and signing the LoI for the local newspaper is not all it's cracked up to be.
Picture this..(btw, I unfortunately know from experience )
Your Mia has been a complete monsters at every level she has competed at. Plays for a prestigious club team (not talking academy at the moment), has won every trophy and honor there is to win, has been invited to numerous "national ID camps" and gets an incredible D1 ride to an unbelievable school(uh hem..partial ride), they likes of which everyone knows their name by other big time sports programs at the school.
Yes, it is a great gateway to a great university. She plans for school and life someday without soccer...majoring in whatever...let's say Physical therapy.
Juggling a full course load and D1 training schedule IS NOT EASY.
Season 1 is in the books. All the early morning training sessions, the two a days. The time commitment on and off the pitch...the travels and at the end of the year she has logged in 8 mins as a frosh. This was the girl who was the cornerstone for her high school and club team...its mentally tough for anyone(parents included).
2nd year, same training schedule, maybe harder school work load with some labs, would your Mia rethink her commitment to the program? I'm not even talking about if you have to fight back from an injury or if she is 3 or 4 down the depth chart at her position.
Would she commit to another two years or at this point concentrate on her life/career after college?
This is the reality of D1 sports (not just soccer)after announcing you've committed to D1.
I know you're saying...not my Mia..she's special...she's obviously more dedicated than this keyboard clown's daughter...this is all she wanted to do all her life.
OK..I hope so. Hope it all works out and she does see the field regularly.

On the other hand tho, there is Miss lil Janie Next Door. She too has always dreamed like your Mia, played for a great club, but has won some and lost some. She on the otherhand plays for a D2 or D3. Not as well know but still gets a great education, has the opportunity to do semester abroad, join other club sports, join a sorority, oh yea and and STILL GETS TO PLAY.
But lil Janie didn't get to brag about signing her college life away to play D1.
Everyone wants the best for their kid. Just don't be blinded by ego. D1 is not end all be all.
That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

9:50 You paint such a negative picture of D1 athletics. I'll play along.
As you said Mia signed a D1 LoI for the local newspaper, and has been a complete monsters at every level she has competed at. Plays for a prestigious club team, has won every trophy and honor there is to win, has been invited to numerous "national ID camps" and gets an incredible D1 ride to an unbelievable school. .

You say she doesn't play or plays very little but she also gets a great education, has the opportunity to do semester abroad, join other club sports, join a sorority and more importantly

who gets the nod at a job interview? Kids are great and don't tank their interview

Resume 1 kid played D1 athletics and did every thing the same as the D3 player. Who gets the nod in the real world no ego involved.

Of course it's the one who can handle the bigger workload. just because you would hate it doesn't mean the kid does. What if she has a great bond with her team, they cheer for each other and go to all the social events.

There is no right answer or no wrong answer.

But having a school want you and is willing to pay money for your soccer skill is something a D3 school can never say. Both schools give academics and the stronger schools also give need money.

Anonymous said...

Good post and counter post by 9:50 and 11:12. Only thing is 11:12 is assuming that a player will stay D1, even after not playing the first or second year. Your also assuming that the D1 name on the resume' is going to blow away the interviewer and win the job. Maybe if its an Ivy League school, but they also look at it as a D3 student devoted to learning, and not necessarily a sport. Also not sure that D1 (say Rutgers or Penn State) resume' carries more weight than say a D3 Bryn Mawr College or a D2 Franklin and Marshall (or similar NY, NJ, D2's and D3's). Obviously schools like Carnegie Melon, MIT or RPI carry their own weight at any interview.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with the last poster. if you have a D1 soccer player...maybe not even talking Duke, Penn State or Rutgers..Maybe Fairfield, Siena or Robert Morris, but plays D1 soccer, they will get the nod over a Carnegie Melon or Wash U student that had the opportunity to be in an active academic sorority, traveled abroad for a semester and played a D3 s0ccer paint the D1 with rose colored glasses.

Anonymous said...

4:02 okay same major - Physical therapy as the previous poster used.

person A was part of a active academic sorority, traveled abroad for a semester and played a D1 soccer schedule at Fairfield, Siena or Robert Morris


person B was part of a active academic sorority, traveled abroad for a semester and played a D3 soccer schedule at Carnegie Melon or Wash U

To me they took the same major participated in the same activities - you can not compare a D3 soccer schedule to a D1 soccer schedule - so i would take the D1 player.

Maybe it's rose colored glasses.

just trying to have a little fun - since there is no wrong answer.

Anonymous said...

I give the Carnegie Melon applicant the nod, simply because she is probably carrying a 4.0 HS GPA (along with a 1400 or better SAT score). D1 athletics are far more forgiving when it comes to grades (Unless it's Ivy).

Anonymous said...

4:48 You are correct there is no right answer, but let's be realistic about expectations and a time management.
I think for a D1 commit regardless of what the name of the school is, there is huge time burden on and off the field as required by the NCAA and D1 player would not have time for pledging a sorority, and definitely not playing other sports (even club) or traveling abroad since D1's play in both the Fall and Spring.
So D3 with those above extra curricular activities or D1 student athlete.

btw, my daughter was told straight up by a MACC conf school that they are no longer recruiting players with PT major due to class/lab workload.

Anonymous said...

9:09 My daughter is a 2019 MAAC PT commit, and we heard that too... She is going to a different MAAC school who welcomed her as a PT major/soccer player.
If your daughter is a top player and a top student, the school should know that these students can handle the workload...

Anonymous said...

9:09 I just used PT because that's the example given. My point was it all was equal but the athletic component. The player able to handle the tougher work load would get the nod and since I think we all can agree the workload at a D1 school is a lot different that that at a D3 school. PS. Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins both took their soccer teams over seas.

I can't speak for anybody but myself - but If I had to guess I would say my daughter would be involved in a bunch - scares me that she might bite into more than she can handle - but at the end of the day I believe in my kid and will never stand in her way.

For me

Girl playing 12+ years of soccer to get a D1 offer and to play for a D1 school is a great accomplishment.

I also believe that because of the workload - if the student gets her degree and shows she can handle a D1 athletic program and academics + her Graduate School pedigree is what matters the most. Don't forget we are talking undergrad and most of these kids will go on to graduate school.

Anonymous said...

picking up the conversation from last week...
being in a position where I hire a lot of fresh out of college students or part time grad students, I will say the athletic part doesn't count as much as you think and the division of sport means even less. In the non-athletic business world, its academics, what can that individual bring and a host of other qualities and extra curricular. Would I take a D3 student that was an active part of a academic club over a just a D1 athlete, obviously depends, but probably.
College is filled with time management and juggling multiple workloads challenges, regardless of what it is...
I've never sat with a candidate and marveled at their D1 preseason work out routine or how did they handle the importance of the big rival game.
Everyone is expected to juggle and manage what they's not special because its a sport...some companies, the lack of well roundedness can be strike one.

Anonymous said...

Bahahahaha. Are you the only one hiring?

Anonymous said...

Nope, but I"M THE MAIN GUY!!!
So be Nice!

Anonymous said...

8:55 SO YOUR THAT GUY!!! That guy that always makes the employees at WAWA put to much lettuce on the sandwiches. How about a slice or two more meat and less lettuce?? By the way, try to find an employee that cleans up around the slushie machine more often. It's like one of those sticky mouse traps.

Anonymous said...

12.49 LOL...

What in tarnation are you talking about?
Btw, no Wawa by me, only Quickchek and 7-11's.
I hope your daughter knows better than you the difference between "your" and "You're".
I wreckin' D1 sports don't matter none, if you don't know that there good English.

Yea I'm that guy.
Wow, can tell all club teams or off season or what? LOL
Enjoy the day everyone.

Anonymous said...

Well dadburn it, she would know fur sure yer not the Maine guy. Of coarse you could be a poor mans vursion of the Grammar Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh come on, I'm making coffee here at the Quickcheck. Stinking lottery machine is down again. Hey THAT guy, your bathrooms need tp, again. Stay off the blogs and clean out your restroom clogs.

Anonymous said...

are you guys lacking social interaction so much that we need to continue this useless banter? Get a dog and stay off the blog.

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